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Show I THE MORGAN POST John Stahle Jr., Editor MORGAN - & LORIMER IS ROW ON Proprietor UTAH A UTAH STATE NEWS STRIKINGLY STRONG BY COL. HARVEY. ARTICLE VETERAN8 MAY BE UNITED. TRIM. Committee Investigating Charges That Election of Illinois 8enator Was Tainted With Bribery. Flan to Bring Veterans of North and South Together. Atlantic City, N. J. The veterans of the north and those of the south may become members of the same organization, according to plana now beaning worked out the forty-fourtnual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. Commander Vant Sant and Hilary A. Herbert, former secretary of the navy and a general in the confederate army, were the principal speakers at a large gathering of veterans en the steeple chase pier here Sunday General . Herbert euloafternoon. gized the members of the Grand He told how the wearers of Army. the blue and the wearers of the gray were, welded together in the cause of h During an electrical storm at No phi, lightning struck the barn ol George E. Howard, burning It to the (round- Charles Shmall, under arrest In (Salt Lake City, has confessed to fourteen burglaries in the capital city during the past four months. Incendiaries are causing considerable damage in the vicinity of Santa-quin- , several haystacks having been destroyed by fire the past week. The Bamberger road will be double-trackein the immediate future, trom Farmington to Kaysvllle, and also for live miles out of Salt Lake and d Og-de- Clarence Morgan, a miner employ- ed at the Silver King Coalition mine, at Park City, fell down a chute fifty feet in length and escaped serious Injuries. With the largest representation in the history of the union on hand, the atate convention of the. W. C. T. U. opened in Provo on the 14th for a three days' session. The license to retail and wholesale liquor dealers of Park City was increased at a meeting of the city council Thursday night, Mayor Frank Daly casting the deciding ballot Joe Nehalephi, 29 years ot age, was killed at the Columbus Consolidated mine in Alta district, Tuesday afternoon, by the caving in of a seven-foo- t winze in which he was shoveling. At the fourth annual convention of the Utah State Federation of Labor, held in Salt Lake City, a resolution was adopted opposing any change iq the present liquor laws of the state. Losing his balance and falling from the wagon in which he was riding, as the team took a sharp turn, Jouu x. of Hooper, Dhlson, pioneer farmer Weber county, broke his neck, dying Instantly. W. J. Burns, a farmer of Beaver county, has raised probably'the largest squash ever seen in the state. The squash, it is said, will weigh 250 sounds. It will be placed on exhibition at the state fair. At a meeting of the members of the Utah Press association at Tremonton, on September 13, a resolution was adopted placing the members on record as being against the creation of a railroad commission. Clement Strong, aged 9, was seriously injured at Alpine when a cartridge which he had found was exploded, the thumb and forefinger being torn from the left hand and the right hand badly lacerated. While hunting doves in a canyon about a mile south of Kaysville, C. W. Whitman of Salt Lake was accidentally shot in the leg by a friend. About 200 small shot entered bis right leg just above the knee. A most important move In the direction of good roads has been started in Sevier county. Next week the county road commissioner win commence work at Salina on a section of the state road leading south. There will be a matter of $3,000 spent on this work. Another mysterious fire occurred at Tooele when the big bam belonging to Henry Dorimus, secretary or the Tooele waterworks, was burned. The bam contained a large quantity of farming machinery, which was de stroyed. A horse valued at $250 was also burned. The recruiting station of the marine corps, established In Salt Lake City on June 25, has made an excellent showing in enlistments for the service during that time. Seventy- three men have been enlisted, over SO per cent of these being residents of Utah. The digging of beets has com menced in Cache valley. The crop Is abort as compared with that of last year. In some of the big producing districts like Lewiston the estimato is that there will be at least a 30 per cent reduction in the crop. Parasites which look like cantaloupe seeds are believed to be the cause of the death of the wild fowl in Utah, according to Dr. J. W. Treman, city veternarian of Salt Lake, who has forwarded specimens of the parasites to the government health bureau at Washington. The Socialists met in Salt Lake City and nominated a complete state and county ticket. The platform reaffirms the principles embodied in the national platform of 1908, declaring in favor of a complete overthrow of existing economic and political conditions. Nine of Salt Lakes greatest retail establishments have decided to return to the late closing Saturday nights and, beginning September 17 the old hours will be resumed. The big merchants claim they have lost $150,000 this summer as a result of the early closing movement. A company which is composed largely of Salt Lake people, proposes to build a big amusement resort at Millville, Cache county, and construct and operate an electric line through Logan between Millville and Hyde Park. Desperate to the point of suicide because his cravings for "hop could not be satisfied, John Bell, a "dope fiend, attempted to take his own life by hanging himself from the ceiling of his cell in the city jail at Ogden, but Was discovered before life was Chicago. Senator Julius C. Burrows THE WRITER SEES HO CLOUD of Michigan, chairman of the senate committee that was chosen to investigate the election of Senator William MA Pisa for the Conservation ol Lorlmer of Illinois, arrived here on Monday, with others of the committee, Common 8ense That Is Masting for the purpose of investigating the With Cordial Approval. charges that the election of Lorimer was tainted with bribery. A strikingly strong article by Colo Among other things which will be nel Oeorge Harvey in the North determined is what evidence will be is American Review, for September, asked for by the committee. The genwritten in a view of such hopefulness for the American future that it eral impression is that much testiThe mony will.be declared admissible behas attracted wide attention. article is entitled, "A Plea for the fore the committee which in a crimiConservation of Common Sense and nal trial would be held incompetent. it is meeting with the cordial ap- Is The investigating committee, which a of the senate on proval of business men of all shades of political opinion throughout the en- privileges and elections, is composed tire country. In part Colonel Harvey of the following senators: Chairman, Julius C. Burrows, Michigan, Repubsays: lican; Welden B. Heyburn, Idaho, Reunrest of a "Unquestionably spirit dominates the land. But, if It be publican; Robert J. Gamble, South true that fundamentally the condition Dakota, Republican; William B. Dilof the country is sound, must we lingham, Vermont, Republican, whose necessarily succumb to despondency, place Is to be taken by Morgan G. Connecticut, abandon effort looking to retrieval Bulkley, Republican; and cringe like cravens before clouds James B. Frazier, Tennessee, Demothat only threaten? Rather ought crat; Thomas H. Paynter, Kentucky, F. Johnston. we not to analyze conditions, search Democrat, and Joseph for causes, find the root of the dis- Alabama, Democrat. tress, which even now exists only in To Help the Unemployed. mens minds, and then, after the Paris. Former Premier Bourgeois American fashion, apply such remedies as seems most likely to produce In opening, on AJonday, the first interbeneficent results? national conference on unemployment Capital and Labor Not Antagonists. announced that the purpose of the con"The Link that connects labor with gress was to investigate the scientific capital is not broken but we may not cause of unemployment with the obdeny that it is less cohesive than it ject of organizing methods for conshould be or than conditions war- serving human resources. Besides rant. Financially, the country is discussing means of combating unemstronger than ever before in its his- ployment the delegates will attempt tory. Recovery from a panic so to establish a basis for a labor exsevere as that of three years ago was change between the city and country never before so prompt and compara- districts and between different counThe masses are tries. tively complete. practically free from debt. Money is Eight Months for Heike. field by the banks in abundance and New York. Charles R. Heike, forrates are low. "Why, then, does capital pause mer secretary and treasurer of the upon the threshold of Investment? American Sugar Refining company The answer, we believe, to be plain. who has been called the man highei It awaits adjustment of the relations up in the sugar trust, was sentenced The on Monday by Judge Martin in the of government to business. sole problem consists of determining United States circuit court to serve how government can maintain an eight months in the New York penieven balance between aggregations tentiary on Blackwells Island and pay of interests, on the one hand, and the a fine of $5,000 on conviction of conwhole people, on the other, protect- spiring to defraud the United State! ing the latter against extortion and government by the underweighing of saving the former from mad assaults. sugar. The solution is not easy to find Fear Yellow Fever in Texas. for the simple reason that the situation is without precedent. But is Beumont, Texas. That a sailor renot progress being made along sane moved from the steamer D. R. Land and cautious lines? which arrived Sunday at Sabine, Conserve Common 8enee. Texas, from Tampico, Mexico, has "Is qot the present, as we have shown symptoms of yellow fever, is What, asserted by State Health Officer seen, exceptionally zecuje? then, of preparations for the future? Brumby, who returned to Beaumont Patriotism is the basis of our instiMonday night, after conducting an intutions. And patriotism in the minds at Sabine. Five days must vestigation of our youth is no longer linked solely before a definite diagnosis can elapse with fireworks and deeds of daring. It be possible and in the meantime the A new is taught in our schools. vessel is held in quarantine. course in course has been added a Lands Closed to Homesteaders. loyalty. Methodically, our children learn how to vote, how to conduct Washington. Lands, including priprimaries, conventions and elections, vate tracts in the vicinity of the how to discriminate between qualifies, Truckee-Carsoirrigation project in tlons of candidates and, finally, how which have, been opened tc Nevada, to govern as well as serve. They are entry, upon which entry or water taught to despise bribery and all right applications have not yet been forms of corruption and fraud as made, will be closed to homesteaders treason. Their creed, which they are until further notice, In pursuance of made to know by heart, is not com- an order issued Monday. This action is but comprehensimple, plex. It was taken pending the acquirement of sive, no less beautiful In diction than additional water storage facilities. These are the lofty in aspiration. Indians to the Rescue. pledges which are graven upon their memories: B. C. The launch You Vancouver, As it is cowardly for a soldier to and I, with a pleasure party of eight run away from battle, bo it is cowardfour young men and four girls was ly for any citizen not to contribute in a tide rip just outside the caught g of his his share to the narrows of Vancouver harbor and first country. America is my own deal overturned. Three of the party were land; she nourishes me, and I will drowned. An Indian In a canoe reslove her and do my duty to her, three of the girls and a launch whose child, servant and civil soldier cued picked up two of the young men. I am. As the health and happiness ol Careless Druggist Causes Death. my body depend upon each muscle Broken Bow, Neb. When Mrs. Etta and nerve and drop of blood doing Morris, living near here, asked a drug its work In its place, so the health store clerk at Callaway for cream of and happiness of my country depend tartar he sold her my mistake a quanin work his citizen each doing upon of tartarity emetic. She partook tity his place. of the drug and died some hours afThese young citizens are our in agony. The county proseterwards we not Can hostages to fortune. is cutor investigating. safely assume that the principles aniWas Determined to Wed. mating their lives augur well for the permanency of the Republic? When Glenwocd Springs. Colo. That she before have the foundation si ones might marry the 'man of her choice, of continuance been laid with such Miss Olive Thomas, a elopcare and. promise of durability? ing girl of Gunnison county, saddled "The future, then, is bright. And her horse and rode twenty miles over the present? But one thing is need the hills and plains to Crystal, wnere ful. No present movement is more she met and married William McGlo laudable than that which looks tc then. resources of natural conservation But let us never forget that the great Lightning Wrecks Statue of Clay. est inherent resource of the AmerLexington, Ky. Lightning struck ican people Is Common Sense. Let the statue of Henry Clay in the Lex that be conserved and applied with ington cemetery, shattering an arm out cessation, and soon It will be and leg of the figure. The memorial found that all the ills of which we was unveiled in July, and took the complain but know not of are only place of a similar monument which such as attend upon the growing was struck by lightning in July, 1903. pains, of a great and blessed country Assassinated at Airdrome. Los Angeles, Cal. While he was Spiritualization. It enjoying the moving pictures in a Religion should be native. should be concrete and applicable. roofless "airdrome here Monday Religion is the natural expression ol night, Rudolph Gastelum, a visitor living, not a set of actions or of hab- from Calexico, was mortally wounded its, or a posture of the mind added tc by a bullet fired by some unknown. the dally life. The type of religion, Minister Was Too Sporty. therefore, is conditioned on the kind of living, and the kind of living is Louisville, Ky. Because he played conditioned, in its turn, very large baseball and indulged In other sport! ly on the physical and economic ef- distasteful to his. congregation. Rev. The religion ol Arthur Brooks, pastor of the Methofectiveness of llge. the open country should run deep intc dist church of Crestwood, a suburb he indigenous affairs of the. open has been forced to resign. country. n well-bein- . the Union. Diamonds Doan's Kidney Pills Effect Marvelous Recovery. $150 per Mrs. M. A. Jinkins, Quanah. Texas, ays: "I was bloated almost twice natural size, I had the best physicians but they all failed to help me. For five weeks I was as helpless as a baby. My back throbbed as If it would break and the kidney secretions were in terrible condition. The doctors held out no hope and I was resigned to my fate. At this critical time, I began using Doans Kidney Pllla and soon felt relief. I continued and was cured." Remember the name Doans. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a f Van Sant and box. Foster-MllburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. General Daniel E. Sickles both say mN UP AND DOWN ARGUMENT. they would work for the proposition advocated by General Herbert of bringing the grizzled veterans ot the It Is benorth and south together. of lieved that this demonstration friendly feeling will end the agitation against the placing of a statue of General Robert E. Lee' in statuary ball at Washington. Commander-in-Chie- Caral Thi price I tor clear, perfect, absolutely flawlets stones, ranging from one to two carate. Smaller aitea guaranteed perfect at $125 per carat. When these are gone there probably will be no more. Now la the time te invest In a diamond. And remember,' bat It IS an investment. Valuea will oontinue on upward move. SAU LASS n INCUBATOR The American Express 24 1 -- 2 Hours to California train composed exclusively ol Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleepers and Dining Care, effective August 29th, will Leave Sail Lake City daily at p. m. Arrive Los Angeles (next day) 2:30 p. m. BABY SCANDAL. A new electric lighted Three Babies on Exhibition at Kentucky State Fair Are Dead, Louisville. As a result of the death of three babies on exhibition in an Incubator at the state fair here, Dr. Douglas Snyder and his wife of Pittsburg, Pa., has been placed under arrest. Dr. Snyder made a statement that the babies died because he was unable to give them the proper attention while making the trip from The deputy Chicago to Louisville. coroner found as a result of his investigation the babies died of inanition. Modern Enoch Arden. ! San Jose, Cal. Receiving word in the east that from his father-in-lahis wife and child were dead and being implored to send money to defray their funeral expenses, Richard C. Waits twenty-twyears ago gave up hope of ever seeing them again and married In 1901 at Sacramento. He now has a family of eight children. These facts came to light in a suit heard here Saturday in which Mrs. Mary Reece Walts, alleging she is the first wife, claims maintenance. Walts is town marshal and a substantial cib izen of Mountalnview. A o Insane Boy Slew His Father. Chester, Pa. John J. Evans, proprietor of the Edgemont hotel in this city, was murdered Friday night while asleep in his room. His son, Richard, 19 years old, was arrested, charged yylgh the crime. Four years, ago, young Evans was injured about the head while playing football, and for a time was in the Elwyn school for feebleminded children. Recently the boy has been acting strangely, and the police believe the murder was committed while the lad was temporarily Insane. Attempt to Break Out of Prison. Albuquerque, N. M. In a desperate attempt to escape from the New Mexico reform school at Springer on Friday, three youthful desperadoes nearly killed the assistant superintendent, Baron .DeKalb Sampsell. Sampsell was cut and slashed with butcher knives and beaten with a poker, but it Is believed he will recover. The attack was without success, however, as the youths were overpowered by rds. Two other fast through trains for California leave Salt Lake City daily. 50 0 p. nk and 11:50 p. m. return, flfl To Los Angeles and 30, lim-ite- d ipwU.UU daily until September to October 31. 1910. Tickets, literature and information at City Ticket Office. 169 Main Street. Bell Phone Exchange 16. Independent 19S6. dat Ise no common nigger, Ise had a A POSITIVE and PERMANENT CURE FOR Pete Data all right, but ef yo fools wld me, man, yo11 hab a good frowin' Drunkenness and Opium Diseases. good bringln up, I has. down, too. Beware the Tkire is bo pablirity, m aidiMaa. Ladies treated aa privately as ia their awa home. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 334 W. Sooth Teaple Street Sell Lake City. Dog! A family moved from the city to a suburban locality and were told that they should get a watchdog to guard the premises at night. So they bought the largest dog that was for sale In the kennels of a neighboring dog fancier, who was a German. Shortly afterward the house was entered by burglars, who made a good haul, while the big dog slept. The man went to the dog fancier and told him about It. Veil, vat you need now, said the dog merchant, is a leedle dog to vake up the big dog. Everybodys. Perfectly Harmless. of three years, whose father had bought her some firecrackers and skyrockets for the Fourth of July, wanted to know what they were for. On being told fbeir purpose, she anxiously inquired If they woqld hurt anybody. When told they would not,' she seemed relieved, and that night, when saying her prayers, she added: "An, Dod, dont oo be fald of zem poppin1 flngs when zey make a noise tomorrow, tause zey wont hurt oo. A little girl Tribute to Hold-UArtlzt. The train doesnt stop at Crimson Gulch any more. Sam. "No, replied Three-Finge- r Im afraid the town doesnt get much respect from the railroad. Why that railroad is Reapect! clean terrified. Ever since the news got around that Stage Coach Charley had settled here that train jest gives one shriek and jumps out of sight. p PHONOGRAPHS Cat an EDISON PHONOGRAPH on oaay torma $3 cash and 81 par mL The Talking Machine 128 State Street EXPERT ... Co. Sell Lake CRy KODAK FINISHING SEND YOUR WORK TO COMMERCIAL 151 CIIIPI CD PHOIOGRAPHERS KUddcH MAIN ST. Salt LaxeCity olAMrej?Kki line Rubber Type Outfits and suppbee in stock. Mail orders receive prompt attention. SALT LAKE 8TAMP CO., Malt Lake City ' A Distinction. come Dolly Does your husband home late at night often? Sibyl No, dear. When hes late hes always brought home. UTAH IMPLEMENT-VEHICL- E CO. 133 to 139 Slate Street, Salt Lake City The years write their records on mens hearts as they do on trees Teddy Says He Will Do for Himself. inner circles of growth which no eye A FEW SPECIALTIES: New York. Theodore Roosevelt told :an see. Saxe Holm. Iron Age Potato Diggen P. & O. Beet Pullen the members of the New 'York Press P.&O. Potato Diggen P. t O. Beet Plows PUZZLED club Friday night how It is that he Jewel Stovei and Ranges Hard Work, Sometimes, to Raise can breakfast, dine and sup on work Buckeye Cider Mills Children. ind then top olfc with more work. He Where the Goods are Good Goods said he liked It. lie liked private life Childrens taste Is ofttlmes more acand he liked public life. He enjoyed curate, In selecting the right kind of he had he had and ever every job food to fit the body, than that of The Hobble Skirt. begged his hearers to be under nc adults. Nature works more accurateThe hobble skirt, the jupe entra-veanxiety as to what should be done ly through the children. is a very pretty and graceful new because he "for this A Brooklyn lady says: "Our little fashion, but it is rather inconveniwould "do for himself. boy had long been troubled with ent, said Miss Ethel Barrymore at weak digestion. We could never pera dinner in of Cholera Bristol, R. I. Epidemic Spreading. suade him to take more than one taste This skirt is exceedingly tight The cholera St. Petersburg epi- jf any kind of cereal food. He was from the knees down, but for that demic which, originally in southern a weak little chap and we were puzit is tight all over. A young matter, claimed of has zled to know what to feed him on. Russia, already upwards woman in one of these hobble skirts One lucky day we tried Grape-Nut100,000 victims Is stretching its way came out of Sherry's on a across Asiatic Russia, and is offcally spring afnever saw a child Well, you declared to threaten the province ot eat with such a relish, and it did me ternoon and proceeded, with some difto enter her motor car. Amur, In southeast Siberia, and sep- good to see him. From that day on ficulty, 'What do you think of that skirt? It seemed as ManAmur arated by the river from though we could almost a man who was Dassine said to his churia. The reports now in posses- see him grow. He would eat Grape-Nut- s for breakfast and supper, and I companion. sion of the sanitary bureau show a 'It reminds me the other antotal for toe season of 1S2.327 cases, think he would have liked the food swered of the bridge trains In the for dinner. with 83,613 deaths. The difference In his appearance is rush hours. Stand. ng room only, and very little of that" Suicide of Man on Trial for Murder. something wonderful. My husband had never fancied ceDonophan, Mo Thomas N. Ken-noA Queer Case. who was on trial on the charge real foods of any kind, but he beWhen are came they to be married? very fond of Grape-Nut- s of murder, left the court room Saturand has She doesnt know. She is worried been much in health improved In killed himself his room in and since 'icf.qnse day sjje jg not qUjte gure jjer a hotel. He left a note which read: using it. self. We are now a healthy lies has Goodme. ruined and family, Swearing Thats a new one on me. I thought Kennon was naturally believe in Grape-Nutbye to all my friends. A friend has two children who were a girl worried when she wasnt quite M. F. with a killing charged Hughes, Louisville Courier-Journa- l. formerly afflicted with rickets. I was sure of the man. neighbor. He pleaded satisfied that the disease was caused Englishmen Want American Apples. by lack of proper nourishment. They Clean, Indeed. showed it. So I urged her to use American Mr. Finiek Washington. apples Grape-Nut- s I tell you, Blanche, as an tempt the English buyer. In proof of result was almost experiment and the baseball is the cleanest sport in all magical. this statement Albert W. Swalm, Amthe world. They continued the food and today erican consul at Southampton, reports both Mrs. Finiek "Youre children are well and strong as Why crazy! that a shipment of apples from the didnt you just see that fellow children In any this city, of and, Wenatchee section of Washington course, friend is a firm believer In they're cheering roll in the dirt at commanded a higher price than any Grape-Nut- s my for she has the evidence every base? other American apple ever offered in before her eyes every day. He Was From Missouri, the open market, much of the shipRead "The Road to Wellville, found 8 at 12 sold Tou're from to cents ment being the tramp that took my In pkgs. Theres a Reason. cake from the window a pound and eagerly taken at that Evev read tk above letter t this mu.umg. price. The secret of success, fie says, are appear from time to time. Thro Didn't you know better than that? Pennine, and full of trie, hamaa Not !s for the American shipper to send Internal. then, mum. That was before I ate it. good fruit, well packed - e, s. n, . i |