Show WILL FORTIFY FORTH CANA call PRESIDENT TO RECOMMEND AN appropriation appropriate ON FOR THAT PURPOSE IN MESSAGE will advise appropriation of two million dollar to begin work of fortifying panama canal and favors building of more battleships tle ships deve beverly aly mass before leaving bey bev aly for hoston boston sunday night might lent taft announced that in his message docs rocs to congress in december he will recommend the appropriation or of ae to begin the work or of fortifying the panama canal the president also will recommend to congress that provision be made for two new battleships of the dreadnought type mr raft does not believe that the economy plans should preclude the construction of at least two battleships at a year until such time as the panama canal Is completed lie ile believes bellev eB the canal will have the effect of doll doubling bling the efficiency of the navy and that after it la is in operation the building of new battleships can call be cut down domn to one a year the president will reach washing ton next sunday the cabinet will bo be gin a series of dally daily meetings on the morning of monday the twenty s sixth irth secretary ballinger it Is said aid wi will 11 at tend all tile the ruee meetings tings and so tar fair BE ar beverly Is informed the Ballin ballinger gei case will not he be taken up economy in administration in all departments will be one of the many subjects considered by the cabinet estimates for the coming fiscal yeat also will be considered the supreme sup renic court appointments will be considered W with ith ills his cabinet advisers althou although gl the president has announced that lit he will not make these appointments UD ua til congress meets |