Show knew she was an ali auction wai 0 of f the library and alid effects of f a man inan 10 1 lo I 0 o had hal once inn in n a lavish wity atty and burnong tilt ilu persons iier sons who went to the salo wore many maly who t biad ali enjoyed tile the fallen fan illys hospitality when a sot set of capa was put ui ill ono one wonia i said there nrc are anny five of fici not aix IK the ll Ineer il his catalogue and replied thank 1 volt mi are right an anil ati ohp ne then the woman willip ered to 0 I 1 he one n next 0 at to hot her 1 I 1 1 new nev I 1 wa because my y hiis hit hantl dro one arit or of thit that set the last time we 1 eliere 11 I 1 ook ID out nut itra 4 d iriny aunio i u ill thy gas nian to n fellow em employee whose duty it la Is to go round and d turn or the gas and inspect the tha rooter meter for f rallies that hava hav 1 1 r d in or have had bad thu g RIS I 1 s V I 1 1 I t of for nonpayment non payment of 0 u lillas 11 Is tie he explained that the man who la Is sen sant tto to a house to shut oft off the gas gaa because tho the hll bill been dexa paid r rarely arely tells the housewife what he Is 13 about to do sho she let him in instead tie lie make a I 1 pretense of trying to in find a 1 leak once in the celair cel lir he ha snaps a I 1 aillo cir on in alit valve anil and the ho trick talc ts is lone done then lie ho leaves quickly when lun the burnon man inan cornea conics around after a settlement has been made hu Is likely to get at least it good tongue lash ing ine but ho he jerks his shoulders and rolita to lo his ears pretending to b lie 0 deaf I in either case sald the gaa ga man lh re la Is no use in abusing him and that la is why we put each 0 other L her wize when to lo act tile llie duin dummy tar |