Show BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS i tile the sell schools of tile the parted monday bonday 0 4 mrs mr dinett eart carl was in town yesterday on it business t f irvin Burning hwa I 1 ii building i new house he is ih putting in ill tile the foundation this week covy covey stayner ila lus returned I 1 froia where he w spent alic ile summer lens jens K nelson of this his place was appo appointed anted to succeed ll herbert erbert i il smith as county treasurer ti anfus paige page soil ron of t ill 1111 late lol page who lias been it alio fit sick list it a couple of weeks I 1 is lowly improving I 1 miss annio mcdonald McDon uld of suit stilt lake is spending a couple of weeke in town visiting with fi friends oil ds i robert man mcneil eil who canie down dmn to h his mothers funeral rf re t tur allied ged to his in lauby by ida tuesday bite i a number from differ elit pr parti 0 1 the county attended tended nt tale R religion 1 I g a class convention liero liere sunday 14 irs horace ce tuttle left last 4 hr I 1 I 1 r former home it iu dyrr ay iy 1 l K 1 r I 1 ato I 1 coubry its wile eliere r S sho will spend the ivin hinted ted iler iier husband will Allo follow wlater later at last accounts the condition of J C bennetti two children who have been very sick with typhoid fever t eer wa was more encouraging jolin john Kirk Kirl linni dinin thomas I eNeil wife and son soil alvin anti and air ir and mrs J D bradshaw Brads liaw came down to attend the funeral of the late mrs M J mcneil returned to ID their home in ill kamas thursday morning the last word reee received ived from froin curlew the middle of this week was to the effect that bishop heber A holbrook was over the fever and improving slowly but still very sick ile he has been sick now nearly two months rohn olin hill formerly of tilis place but now of wellington was last sunday made bishop of if tile the wellington ward mr hill runs a store there and is principal pa I 1 of the schools anti and is tile democratic nominee for superintendent of tile the schools of carbon county funeral services over the remains ill ailis of the late mrs mary jane mcneil were held at the alie family residence sunday at 1230 p ill elder frank goodfellow pl presided es i de I 1 mid and elders C it enbey thomas Tho illa howard jaren Toli tolman nali president grant spoke there was it arp attendance and numerous horal floral offerings upwards of fifty vehicles followed the remains to clr ajl yc tery cry there jre quito it 11 number from salt laki and other p I 1 a c es |