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Show HAPPENINGS IN PMRGONRH (Mrs, Nora Lund) Mother's Day was fittingly observed ob-served On Sunday. The program in Sunday School wis under the direction of Amasa Stones and Miss Helen Stones. The Junior Sunday School joined with the adults in paying tributes to Mother, in verse, song and story. Little potted plants were presented present-ed to every mother as a token of love and appreciation. These were provided by the Sunday School Superlntendency and ward bishopric. bish-opric. The program in Sacrament Sacra-ment meeting also carried out the Mother's Day theme, with fine talks and music. Mrs. Emma H. Edwards andi Gladys were happy to have most of her family with them at Intervals In-tervals during the past week and; for Mother's day. Mr. and Mrs.j Thomas C. Hemstreet ( Marie) and grandchild of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Fay Duke (Leola) of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bagley (Lorraine) (Lor-raine) of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dlx (Helen) Cedar City, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Edwards, Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Har-old Edwards and children of Milford. Our congratulations go to Ward S. Robb of Cedar Cltv, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter Robb, for at-talnlne at-talnlne the honor of valedictorian valedictor-ian of the praduatine senior class at C S U the last of May. Ward received his elementary education educa-tion here, and attended the P H S and the B A C beforp going into the service. He and his wife and children have made a home in Cedar Citv for the psat several years where he has had employ ment at C S U. Mr. and Mrs. Cvril Partner were both recovered sufficiently 'to be brought home from Salt Lake City on Wednesday. Their daughter, Mrs. Arlene Warren of Parowan, has been here looking after her brothers in their parent's par-ent's absence. Mr. and Mrs. James Robb and children returned to their Salt Lake home on Sunday evening after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robb and children .were also here for the day. Mrs. Ida Adams of Cedar City spent a day or two here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Renford Talbot, while her husband, Steve Adams, was in Logan on business pertaining to his job as president of the C S U student body. Mrs. Clara Robb was happy to have Harold, Grace and family spend Sunday here with her from Cedar City. The regional music festival at Parowan provided delightful entertainment en-tertainment for music lovers on Saturday. Paragonah students who participated in the P R S chorus were Annette Dalton, Tess Robb, Rose Ann, Kathleen and Vesta Rae Barton, and Joan Lam- oreaux. Joan and Rose Ann were in the band and participated in the marchine and nlavlnr? events. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Edwards and children of Salt Lake City were here over the week end to see his mother, Mrs. Olive Edwards Ed-wards and his brother Ralph, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Robinson were delighted to have all their children with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Matheson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Walker Walk-er and children, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Robinson and Miss Ivy Robinson, Rob-inson, all of Cedar City, were here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harris and sons of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Lcta Evans and sons of Parowan, made Mother's Day more pleasant for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robinson and Ada. Mrs. Robinson accompanied the Harrises Har-rises back to the capital city for a check up with her physician. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Engle-stead Engle-stead came up from St. George to visit Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones over Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Topham came home from Cedar City on Saturday, Satur-day, where she has spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Berry on her arrival home from the Iron County hosp-pital hosp-pital where she put in her appearance ap-pearance April 29. On May 3 Bertha Ber-tha once again earned the title of grandma when Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Topham of Delta once again kept an appointment with the stork at the Iron County hospital. hos-pital. Their bundle was also pink. , Bertha now boasts of nine grandchildren. grand-children. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunt and Kay Klrkham of the Genealogical Genealogi-cal General Board, of Salt Lake City, were visitors at the Terry Lund home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Stones en-Joyed en-Joyed having their married children chil-dren spend Mother's Day with them. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Stones and Mr. and Mrs. Mario Stones and their children, chil-dren, all from Crdar City. Mr. and Mrs A. R. Humphrey and baby of Kanab were visitors last week with her sister, Mrs. Dorothea Barton, and sons. Mrs. Tearl MrConnell, Mrs. Dnra Wade and children and Mrs. Mlda Osborne, Mrs. Donna Jolley, and Janlne Manzlone. all of Cedar Ce-dar City, were here Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Revere Robinson. The Bee Hive Swarms present ed a very fine program in Mutual Mu-tual Tuesday night. Adorned in colorful costumes, they took part in a skit, "The Spirit of the Hive." Mrs. Lola Robb, president made a presentation of a beautiful Bee Hive birthday quilt to Mrs. Leona J. Stones for her years of out- standing service In the ward, especially es-pecially In the M I A. Stake Bee Keeper, Mary de Winter of Parowan, Paro-wan, was In attendance and talked talk-ed briefly. Other stake board members present were Mrs. Idel-la Idel-la Robinson, Mrs. Lula Bastian, Mrs. Emma Dalton, Mrs. Leah Jean Boardman Mrs. Carmen Topham and J. Leonard Topham, high council representative to the M I A. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williamson and children Janette and Glen-na Glen-na of Las Vegas, Nev., were here for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Williamson. The Frank Whitney family of Parowan also vlsltd! with them. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lamor-eaux Lamor-eaux and three children of Henderson, Hen-derson, Nev., called briefly on his sister, Mrs. Irene Robinson on Wednesday. They .were on their way north on business. Quite a few of our men have employment on the new road being be-ing built on the Buckhorn Flat north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bradshaw and children of Beaver came over to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Topham. The students of Miss Helen Stones' first, second and third grades performed splendidly for their parents and friends at a program pro-gram on Friday evening in the school auditorium. |