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Show CLUB AND PARTY HILITES Mrs. Frank Milne was hostess to the meeting of the Lohoaobey Club at her lovely home Thursday Thurs-day evening. She asked Mrs. Carlos Car-los Taylor to be a special guest and she presented her dramatic rendition of the play, "Sorry, Wrong Number." Following this entertaining feature, a light luncheon was served to the mem-bers mem-bers present: Mrs. Ren Taylor, Mrs. Forrest Anderson, Mrs. John I Crabtree, Mrs. -Nelson Bulloch, Mrs. Bladen Leigh, Mrs. Grant Tucker, Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mrs. Leo Cahoon, Mrs. Walter Hansink, and Mrs. Alden Heap. Mrs. Lee Milne entertained Tuesday afternoon at a birthday party for her young son Larry, on the occasion of his fourth birthday. Many little friends and neighbors were Invited to be present and share the happy occasion oc-casion with him. Officers and teachers of the Sixth Ward M I A entertained at' a farewell party Thursday night at the stake house in honor of Mrs. William Condie who has retired re-tired from working in the MIA after many years. Light refresh- to be published, includes: Myrtle Heywood, Beth Leigh, Ber-nella Ber-nella Jones, Nalda Gardner, Sarah Sar-ah Goddard, Pauline Hunter, Salome Sa-lome Hunter,' Juanita Naegle, Mayme Bulloch, Jennie Greaves, Lois Rail, Vera Nelson, Ann Perkins Per-kins and Jennie Winterrose. ment were served and games played under the direction of Elaine Averett, sports director. A good crowd was in attendance, and a wonderful time was reported re-ported by all. Mrs. Melvin Baldwin entertained enter-tained the members of her club at her home on Thursday night. Pinochle was played with prizes going home with Mrs. Garth Nelson, Nel-son, Mrs. Carlos Black and Mrs. Charles Blackburn. Special guests were Mrs. Scott Batt and Mrs. Agnes Turner. Others present were Mrs. Keith Cripps, Mrs. La-Var La-Var Hlrschl, Mrs. Gam Hirschi, Mrs. Bud Chamberlain, Mrs. Hal Stout, Mrs. Jack Thuet and Mrs. Miles Waters. |