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Show YoungstersWork to Secure Baseball Positions Nearly 200 boys selected for final tryouts for positions on four Pony and six Little League baseball base-ball teams In Cedar City are working hard to win positions before final cuts are made on May 18, and In preparation for the opening of league play on May 23. League officials and team managers are devoting many hours of effort to make the program pro-gram a success and to provide wholesome jecreetion for the youngsters during the summer months. However, additional support sup-port Is needed. Both leagues need the help of a number of people to assist with scoring and keeping records of teams and players. Also needed badly are additional umpires. Help from anyone interested in the program on either of these two phases would be greatly appreciated. Almost anyone can handle the score keeping with just a little training, and league officials would appreciate receiving volunteers, vol-unteers, either men or women, before league play opens. Anyone Any-one interested in helping as a scorekeeper should contact Clyde HIgbee, or Sam Gentry. Little League and Pony League presidents, presi-dents, respectivelv. Any man with baseball knowl-edge knowl-edge that would be interested In helping officiate games should also get in touch with one or the other of these men. |