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Show r IrInisIti Sawhorse Bracket x u 71 I masonry Fits portable and stationary saws D IV C l.$2is& WITH THIS COUPON Caah vlu 120 244 of K Exp May 14. 1963 WITH THIS " -- V Homo Tool Qalr Limit 4 R(!s295 COUPON Caah valua 120 of 1 Exp rrnzuE May 14. 1963 rv 25SS WITH THIS Reg. Price Cadi valua COUPON f-n- 120 of 1 Exgfres May 14, -nr Tool Dos Ideal utility box for handyman and housewife Flat top with lift out ; tray and added I capacity Low profile easily fits J in car or truck Rugged no rust poly" 19 TM 1955 Dont miss this sals on our big selection cf handy househot. Ideal for hornet, auto tool boxe r Choose from: Vx Phillips screwd " Mechanics sen 4 and 6 Flex pick up toi Eyelet plyer with1 Choose from our wide assortment of high speed steel and carbide router bits For cutting brick and Makes sturdy sawhorse from 2x4 lumber D Router Bits 7 Cut Off Q Wheel D D IBIRINISIT -- Reg. 15.98 eyelets Keyhold saw with way blade Slip joint 6 plyer And many other handy items Shingle Hatchet Fully polished, milled head with gauge Nylon-vingrip yl Quality balance and finish E3-- S Your Choice run Many other Royal Reg. 25.85 tools now sale priced at 1.19 Tool Pouch - Keeps your tools always at hand Pouch has 3 tool pockets, steel tape pocket, tool snap, tape sling and 2 ope end side pockets Made of rugged Top Grain Leather ODCBTTDQDDD Pry Dor Pick Mattock Hand 5 lb. head with pick point and mattock blade Best tool for digging in hard soil Handle not Inclu . LP-438- M . Reg. 13.65 Pick Mattock Handle Reg. 9.25 Page 083 Zone 1 7J 1963 |