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Show Cedar Lattice 6 Ccdm Foot Give your house a refreshing new look with these panels V Use for fencing or other outdoor construction 2 or better grade 4 x4 x6 ,30 x 96 Reg. 12.99 km 48 x 96 Reg. 19.99 or 2 Choose from hexagonal mesh in 25 1 rolls 24 i- 48 36 6.99 0.99 1U.99 3.99 4.99 6.99 - 2" Sturdy plant support eliminates bother of tying 48 x 30 Reg. 14.99 ILo'fllDC ieirinisit! Q P WITH THIS COUPON 36 x 50 Reg. 36.99 21 S7 1.312) 1.52) 1.82) 2.22) 4 Reg. 1.99 Set into dirt as a permanent decorative addition to any yard Assorted shapes Reg. 2.29 5 Reg. 2.49 6 Reg. 2.99 1ST Q Nails sm I Limit Lb. Rs Cash valu N' Plastic VJ Mulch Film D.. 8d or 16d sizes Use for interior construction projects - .39. v 120 of 1C Expires May 14, 1983. WITH yy THIS COUPON SO lbs. ,S9 lb. Caah value ?9 Patio Blocks And Stepping Stones 3 Reg. 1.59 For use with plasterboard All purpose - ready to use 1 gallon size 2.99 peel Available in lawn green Drlght Dob Compound D R!i Thick vinyl coating will not rust, chip or Rustproofed 14 ga. rugged steel Promotes growth with less work fJoint Match your own fencing inexpensively Lightweight gate kit includes: 3A" O.D. galvanized tubing, latch, 2 hinges and mounting screws For 36 fence Steel Fence Foots Tomato Gard 11 Yard Gard Garden Gate Kit Poultry Netting 120 of U Expires May 14. 1983. K1TTTT -- Black plastic mulch film for your garden IV2 mil. x 3 x 50 P351B ri .99.., mT-TlTirWITH THIS yy COUPON Cash value 120 of 1 Expires May 14. 1983. : Zone 2 5083 Page 5 |