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Show 2C Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 7mdi ZvSqqV The Cmley, Despite being friends outside the track, Conley and Cooper are competitive when they are running. Out there, its every man for himself, said Cooper. I know hes trying to beat me, and Im trying to beat him. I always know in our races hell be right there with me at the end. By BARRY KAWA Review Staff Off the track KAYSVILLE on they're the best of friends the track its all business and each man for himself. Clearfield Highs Bubba Conley and Layton's Myron Cooper met again Saturday in the Davis High Track and Field Invitational, and as usual, all eyes were focused on their race. Cooper narrowly edged Con- i ' As expected, defending champion Hillcrest took both run with a the mens and womens team ley in the time of 49.59 to Conleys 50.53, titles. In the mens division, giving him a 2 edge in their Hillcrest had 92 points, followed t, much talked about rivalry. by Clearfield with 83; I thought I ran it hard, but he 57; Layton, 38 and Davis, outpowered me in the end, said 36. A surprising Davis High Conley. But I get two more girls team took second with 55 tries. Im looking forward to points behind Hillcrests 57, Rain washed out Fridays Fridays race against him. The two will meet in the Region schedule and the entire meet was held last Saturday. The in One meet Friday. 4-- A 400-met- er 3-- View-mon- I wanted to get the state placed second in the 3200 merecord today, said VonColln. ters, Dave Chowen took second But I tried to overpower it and in the high hurdles hurdles, and got no height on my throw. But and Ill get another chance next Scott Hubbard placed second in week. Ill get the record then. the javelin. The Falcons placed in 10 of, Along with winning the 400 17 meets the events, including meters, Laytons Cooper comsix second-plac- e finishes. View-mo- bined with teammates Phil Coach Lynn Dubois said Johnson, Chuck Hanor and his team lost 40 points by not Dave Kirkham in beating Clearhaving sprinter Jon Warner and field in the medley relay. Layquarter miler Tom McDonough tons time of 3:27 is the fastest medley time recorded in the competing. Warner is sidelined with a state this year. Layton Coach Russ Jones said pulled muscle and McDonough finish is out with a pulled hamstring. his teams fourth-plac- e Warner is considered one of the was what he expected. We took top 100 and sprinters fourth the other week in the in the state. Dubois says both BYU meet and thats what we should be ready for Fridays expected to take today. If we region meet although admitted had more depth, wed be right in both might not be in top form. there, said Jones. Davis High Girls Track Viewmonts Brian Fuller vitational is an annual qualifystate ing tournament for the 4-- A meet. 110-met- er A pleased Clearfield Coach John Flint said his teams finish was the best it had done this, year. We felt like we wanted to have a good meet to give us momentum going into region and state. Our kids did a good job but Hillcrest just us. It should be a great region meet Friday and were hoping we can rise to the occasion, said Flint. Clearfields J. C. VonColln won the shot-pwith a throw of 551 and the discus with a throw of 1647. VonColln was unhappy about his discus distance, and said he breaks the state record of 180 10 set in 1971 by Orems Orrin Olson in practice, consistently. 300-met- ut 200-met- er When he times entered the coaching profession 13 years ago, Wayne Baker knew it wasnt something he hind glass? wanted to do until his retireIts the same man as the one ment dinner. who began coaching 13 years The Woods Cross High ago, but perhaps a different Schools Boys basketball coach coach, Baker When I didnt want to spend all of his got into it 13explains. ago there years winters (and summers, springs were things I wanted to accomand falls for that matter) in plish, and as long as I was havgymnasiums, thinking about ing fun, enjoying it, I was going Fridays game or if he could to stay with it. Last year we won contend for a region title next a state championship and I . year. now was a good time, thought So Wayne Baker called it while feelings were good, to quits last week as the Wildcats take the step. basketball coach to assume the schools athletic directorship, Simple inductive reasoning as well as continuing to teach would bring a person to the conhis regular load of drivers edu- clusion that Baker didnt have a cation and health courses. He good time last year, so he rewill be replaced by his assistant signed, but thats not the case. No, we really had a good coach, Clyde Jackson. The resignation was unex- time, he said. But it wasnt pected to those who didnt know always easy and enjoyable for Baker well. After all, wasnt Baker during the season, practthis the man whose team looked icing every day. It was harder to get up every invincible this year in the state tournament? Wasnt it the Wild night at practice. There were has been named the head basketball coach at Woods Cross High School. He replaces Wayne Baker (background), who resigned last week. SOUTH WEBER The city recreation department gas announced its summer schedule for recreation and sporting activities. For more information, call Gary Schenck at HAG C P Slow-Pitc- 66-72- S. Ogdon Girl Softball PROGRAMS PLACE Craft S.WS Arts A Dance Dance Dance & Drill A Drill A Drill C P C P C P 67-71- 2 67-71- 2 I May 31 -- June 1,2 June 8 June 14 June 23 June 25 ' June 28 July 13 4-- 6 pm 10 am 10 am 4 TBA TBA 1:00 pm 10 am 5 2 will will - The rifle and also on Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. After May 31, the range will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, depending upon the volunteer range officers available. The Wahsatch Shooters Association invites new memberships and members to assist in becoming range officers. The association has a training program to train officers. The Educational Director, 2,700 Pistol Match. The public is Gary Hill, announces the begininvited to take part in these two ning of a womens class in matches. teaching care and safety of The range will be open to the home firearms. The public is public from 9 a.m. to noon, and invited to attend. The class will from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tues- be held in Clearfield. Call 2 for more information. day and Thursday of the week, range at Fruit Heights will be closed to the public May 14 and May 28, for repair work and maintenance, Jerrold Dalton, president of Wahsatch Shooters Association, reports. The range will be open for only in two participants matches on May 28. There will be no other guns fired that day except those participating in the Pistol Silhouette Match and the Trophies will be awarded to those fishermen who catch the biggest catfish in weight, the smallest catfish, the largest C P C P C P Free Free Free Free Free Free Free TBA C P C P C P . - top 5:00-8.0- has won Utah Area haiiTLrnjfmonf for two asket' years straight, with Roy the LDS Ogden RECEIVE $30 WHEN 42 400-mete- rs and Maren Hansen of Woods Cross was second in the long jump. level. The fish was caught on a 6 pound stren line, and a Ray Johnson minnow crankbait lure. is a trophy fisherman. He won the Wyoming Brown Trout Best of Species Award in 1981, which was also sponsored by Sports Afield. Jensen also won first place in the Infisherman 1982-8- 3 Magazine Lake Trout Division Awards program that especially honors trophy fishermen who release trophy trout. wins and no - Coaching the winning team are Calvin Porter and Robert . Dawson. HANGING YOU REACH GOAL WEIGHTI I 621-282- lsss- Defending State javelin Champion Niki Nye finished third. Clearfields Stephanie Clements was second in the Jensen biology teacher at tificate commemorating the Clearfield School and a High achievement. time long Flaming Gorge Jensen won the award for the state of Wyoming by catchat ing a 26 pound, 4 ounce lake trout, the largest taken in the state during 1982. Jensen caught his prize in Anvil Draw area of Flaming Gorge last April. walleye and crappie, and fishSports Afields state fishing ing hats will be given to all awards program involves all 50 winners. states. The purpose is to encourFish must be weighed by the catching of fish on sportage LaMont Jensen, advisor, at the and to give recogni tackle, ing South Marina. Only Clearfield High students are eligible to participate and there is a $1 entry fee. Ward Wins Second Title The 3rd Ward 200-met- er Sports tion to meritorious catches on a state rather than a national Afield Magazine has awarded its Best in Species angling citation to LaMont Jensen, a fisherman who lives in Sunset. The award consists of a silver insignia and a parchment cer- Contest Sounds 'Fishy' CLEARFIELD Clearfield High School will hold its first Catfish Derby at Willard Bay this Saturday. secon- wished I was some- CLEARFIELD ACES be formed. be on July 20 at city hall Registration For information coll Gary Schenck, Rifle Range Scheduled For Temporary Closure FRUIT HEIGHTS p Fall Soccer New teams 6 2 67-71- 0 Adult Classes available when enrollment exceeds 6. Other classes will be made available with sufficient enrollment. Day, times, places, etc. of classes are subject to change. Teams will consist of no more than 13 on a team. No new will be mode offer May 4th. SI lata fee charges for late Registration. DATES 67-72- 7-- Aduit Sotting Clinic Homerun Derby Baseball throw Bike Race Adult Tennis Tour. Frisbee Golf Game Day 6 CP h d Sunset Angler Receives Award Magazine's - p PROGRAMS DATES 440-yar- -1 South Weber Releases Summer Schedule Tennis Tennis Tennis Golf Golf Swimming second-plac- e finish will help her teams confidence. This is one of our best meets this year, said a pleased Avondet. Our girls have really done well today. Itll give us a lift going into region this week. relay, Davis took the the medley relay and finished second in the mile relay. The Darts Suzy Orton had two d-place finishes in the 100 and sprints. Roys Susan Sexton took second in the high jump, Jill Barlow of Viewmont was second in the javelin. year-roun- - CLYDE JACKSON (foreground) Coach Ann Avondet said her teams surprise stead of coaching someone glsgs kids where else besides practice. It wasnt an easy decision to not Baker the Its game make. Hes the only basketball grew tired of, it was what the Woods Cross has ever had coach The him. from demanded game a success, finishbeen and hes d effort and the preand fifth in the third to first, from ing himself, ssure, mostly produce a winner also counted state tournament. Despite all of the reasons for heavily in his decision to resign. the job, it took Baker a leaving That has a lot to do with it, to come to the decision month Baker said. Im not one that once he started thinking about likes to carry it all year round. it. But you do it in the summer After the tournament, I let because everybody else does it. sink in and let things Youre at it all the time, and I things and I approached down settle think thats, what is wearing the (Richard Allen) principal turcoaches out, and why the told him I was thinking aband nover rate in coaching is very out it (resigning). I told him I regular. There is a lot of pre- would like to stay if possible, ssure. Youve got to produce a and asked if I could be given winner or youre moved out or some extra duties. fired. just And now Wayne Baker will But Baker adds that most of put his masters degree in eduthe pressure at Woods Cross cation administration to work came from himself, not the ad- as athletic director. He will not ministration, the parents or the have the pressure of worrying fans. Im just burned out, but about next year or next Friday or how to handle a trap. Im not tired of basketball. And maybe hell even get Baker simply wants to spend more time with his family, home by 4 p.m. in the winter watching his kids play ball, in next year. - cats who treated their opponents in the state tournament like Beaver Cleavers, shoving them out of the way to put a state championship trophy be- By KINT SOMERS Raviaw Sport Editor WOODS CROSS er nt Mter burned uiV ttaindls in His WOO HAMS v. FOLDERS LOST 116 LBS. Unltod Chair SECRETARIAL Uland Brand. Latter Siza. $11. M box Pooturo No. Black only. G50b.x WITH $138.40. Sin Reg. $13.4$ box Logoi NUTRISYSTEM Lilt , oy Gfefl She moon of Reading, Co. I, highly recommend Its the only program that really worked NUTRISYSTEM. United Chair EXECUTIVE SWIVEL for me. no diet pills professional supervision no constant calorie counting no hunger, wide choice of delicious meals The North Davis Chamber of Commerce proudly sponsors The 2nd Annual North Davis or rod. Rag. $1.19ooch. SPECIAL , . Black only. $181.30. SALE Umitrt Gmatffiotl COr.lPUTGR FUQMITUtlG SATURDAY, MAY 14, 9:00 A.M. office supplies and FURNITURE Race Classic with 12 different Men's & Women's Divisions 1st Stcsk ity JL & Certificates Available Gift Certificates Awarded to Division First & Second Place Leaders Free Beverages Course Safe, If m? 1 $-- 1 Lilt 99,. CLASSIC 3-C- No. says Greg Shamoon of Reedley, CA. 10,000 METER A ( $3.50 ADVANCE ENTRY FEE ($1.00 LATE FEE ADDED AS OF MAY IS) ! - j 116 South O 2Ci MON BWCAIMIW ONTO 950 25th St. 621-IB- 990 Ctnttn iima Wejwtloi tfi a North Amen Fort Loot ChnrmliMi Contor Fort Lex Leyton 544-435- 5 |