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Show J J t I 'i 3 Tube rlalcao Hooo Ultra-Fle- a Sprinkler Soaker jr i weather, extra flexible hose Stays flexible even in temperatures All g 100 vinyl composition green with white Hi-glo- ss stripe Ideal for sprinkling 58 narrow places 50 in length Reg. 14.95 23-5- x 50 8509-5- 0 0 9J5Q 58 x 75 8509-7- 5 Reg. 19.95 !i r ' 1 f f mvtf "I if atria tsgr J?illJi!9M1iip'IPlSL t ;n ISt?'' Jfl a 4.8 p Vfipnmr M j rpr- - - WT 4 ' csHIaiiao . , w t flf Oprinlxlo; Clciicacrr; CprrlahEor r afl ipf" 59 watering positions Rugged Cycolac housing 16 precision punched water openings 1010 uMjj f pn iff it 0:dlhdng Cprinblorr Water saver dial for any desired coverage Rugged Cycolac housing fe brass jet nozzles 1045 Reg. 2oSW jbI Jiu-- saciirK-a- JrfL 2. at 'Ij bubj W as: Reg. 19.99 9.99 !fenp aSow . Bctta Rain Sprinkler Water saver arm stops Impulse Head Sprinkler side splash Covers all or any part of 86 ft. circle 1160 Solid brass and stainless steel head Full or part circle Up to 85 diameter spray Diffuser screw controls distance and spray Turret Sprinkler sprinkler Multi-patter- n SK-12- 5 2150TC Reg. 9.99 Ea. Reg. 19.99 trislRlNTsEr lElKlxsrlsrr I Q D D I ' The hose repair kit from Nelson mends damaged hose, regardless of size Easy to use; no tools needed 3500C Sprey control , 1.55 E!S WITH THIS COUPON Cadi vatu Plastic Shat Off Hose Repair Klf Pistol Nozzle BD m ol 1 Eupktt Moy 14, 1983 J WITH THIS COUPON mjWr.i May 14, 1963 durable Cycolac Controls water flow from full to positive shut-of- f Hon IP ft,t22S9 120 M 1.27 WITH THIS "sss: Limit 2 Reg. 2.09 COUPON Cih vdu. 120 clIC C npOii Mi) M. TTTTrrr'' JLjLeLjLlLh Zone 1 HP 5083 Page 3T |