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Show & f Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 SAVE 50 POTTER'S ART, WHOLE WHEAT PLACE SETTINGS BY MIKASA 40 SAVE TO STAINLESS STEEL HOLLOWARE BY WM. F. FRASER Very special. Choose gravy boat with ladle, reg. 17.00; SALE 9.99. One quart vacuum jug, reg. 22.00; SALE 14.99. Silver 13.75 2 FOR 1 PLACE SETTING SALE! Reg. 27.50 the place setting. Choose Pot Potter's Art in 4 patterns! Buckskin, Country Cabin, Firesong, Cummerbund. Whole Wheat in 3 patterns: Granola, Jardiniere, Whole Wheat. Casual China SANGO 20 PC. DINNERWARE SETS IN TWO STYLES 39.99 COMPARATIVE VALUE 80.00. Choose service for 4 in Sahara Blue or Sahara Brown. Open stock also available. Housewares 24 PC. GLASSWARE BY 3A SET JAVET CRYSTAL 12.99 The set includes 8 each: I6V2 oz. ice tea, 1234 0Z. beverage, IOV2 oz. rocks. Housewares l1 RECEIVE A WOOD CHEST WITH WESTBEND BUTTERMATE POPCORN POPPERS YOUR PURCHASE OF A 75 PC. STAINLESS FLATWARE SERVICE REG. 18.99. Big 4 quart capacity turns out lots of delicious popcorn! Housewares. pc. service for 1 2 in your choice of 3 patterns: Toulon, Oxbridge or Olde Georgetown, and with it receive a handsome woodchest without charge. Housewares a 74 SAVE MARBLE BAKING HELPERS 15.00 10.99 and 24.99 ATLAS PASTA MACHINE surface of genuine marble s, k makes it an invaluable kitchen helper. Choose pastry roller with wood cradle, reg. 15.00; SALE 10.99. Square slab, 18"xl8", reg. 30.00, SALE 24.99. Housewares. The 29.99 14.99 59.99 Buy II machine with adjustable REG. 45.00. Hand-cran- k rollers and 2 cutting heads ALSO AVAILABLE: folding pasta drying rack, reg. 12.00; SALE 9.99. Houseware. non-stic- J 4V 1 uL SAVE $70 MAGNAVOX 19" COLOR TV 49 VINYL FLORAL BRITTANY BEDSPREAD REG. $429. A 100 lined chassis design. Automatic fine tuning. Televisions. 1 guided classic with a luxurious hand made look. Twin, full, queen, king, now 49.99-- 1 09.99. Bedding REG. 70.00-140.0- A hand 0. TERRY TABLECLOTHS PLACEMATS 49.99 twin size ,j solid state portable with clean SUMMER FAVORITES! AND FABRIC 12.99-19.9- 9 .99-3.9- 9 Vinyl and fabric placemats and of colors prints. Tabletop. variety REG. 2.50-4.5- 0. - in BLANKET BY FIELDCREST 1 7.99 twin size Select from now 1 7.99-34.9REG. 25.00-48.0solid colors and sizes at important savings. Blankets. 9. 0, SAVE $22 ACRYLIC FUR THROWS JULIET BATH RUGS 27.99 17.99-33.9- 9 Pretend furs of acrylic, perfect for wall hangings, nap blankets or lap robe. In 60'x80" size. Reg. $50. Blankets. 22.00-38.0- in your ROYAL VELVET CLASSIC TOWELS 1 3.99 bath size REG. Luxuriously soft, deep pile with backing for safety. Our most popular bath rug. In current colors. Bath Shop. REG. 0. 3 REGAL BY 22.00-25.0tablecloth A summer-wis- e choice of two popular prints. Tabletop. REG. '' -- ACCENT THERMAL WEAVE a 0. nt 4.50-16.0- 0. A beautiful, absorbent towel of 00 cotton loop terry. size. Bath Shop. 1 In washcloth, hand and bath 'v wr wjweul '' V ORBJ viHulP 10 DAYS FEATURING GREAT KRUPS APPLIANCES AT SAVINGS! MAY 12 - MAY 22 "BREWMASTER" COFFEEMAKER 59.99 "COFFEE AROMA" COFFEEMAKER or for Reg. 95.00. Electronic programming steal a cup. you FAST TOUCH COFFEE MILL 1 2 79.99 cups, Stop 'N serve lets 9, 99 uniform grind. No heat build up Reg. 25.99. Oval grinding chamber produces choice-cou- rse fine. or and grinds to your with purchase of any Krups item during our Krups spectacular. Plus a recipe flyer for all sorts of coffee drinks. A 4.00 value) 546-246- -- aftastjux 39.99 CERAMIC COFFEE MUG YOUR GIFT Xi' 4(sxic .fettt: ' .mC. u t .iv.-jot-y -- ".xirsw J in i ixsewas i SATURDAY P.M. P.M. P.M. 12-- 5 10-- 9 Y -- 4 i fteOgJAT: sri O' MONDAY-FRIDA- M mas - ; fr sr.n ft: SamtsiSM) SHOP SUNDAY CHARGE IT ON YOUR BON OR AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT, LAYTON TO ORDER, CALL: OGDEN A UNIT OF ALLIED STORES 399-418- iSimi ELECTRIC SLICER " Reg. 65.00. Has powerful Krups motor, Solingen stainless steel blade. Folds for easy storage. Adjustable thickness selector. "SLICE-ALL- selling coffeemaker has fast electric drip brewing, 10 Reg. controlled. is cup capacity and thermostatically 70.00. Our best mm $!! 10-- 6 |