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Show i- - Fall classes expanding to Advanced l, by Sept. 1), and kindergarten (must be registered in May). Meeting May T 7th, 7 pm lor previewing materials and explanation curriculum, (will school Rlso be available during CENT-IRouTHE LEARNING Main, Kaysville. BUSINESS SERVICE Co on someonp who' knows howl It? LEVOIOR WINDOW HINDS Guaranteed Lowest Prices. by phone. Somples sh?P, moiled or delivered. Installation available. Free Delivery Measure your window! and call anytime for pricoi room addition, garage conversions, basements, free estimates. No job too small. 776-566- 2. remodeling, new construction, residential, small commorical. All carpentry work, basements finished, ' addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum siding. ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates 1 KIRKMAN CONST. CO. Custom framing, remodeling, wooden decks, wood sidings, 11 yean experience, licensed contractor. Free Estimate! Mobile heme and flat roof specialist in Mobile roofing. Call repair, Home 782-225- FRAMING CONTRACTOR. 7 years iocal lervice remodeling, additions, new homes, roofing. Cement fiatwork, patios, driveways porches. Steve 73-300- Garden and Tilling Custom tilling, 8 h.p. Tiller, no job to smaC 2 1 ff. call Marv 1 Custom Tilling and Tractor 6 YOUR ROOF LEAK? General contractor build or remodel. Guaranteed specialty building 4 or 5x12 pitch over flat or low pitch gravel roofs, sidina soffit facer. 1 Sewing B Alterations WEDDING DRESSES FORMAL WEAR 0 Annette, tor driven small acreage. Dependable service. Reasonable rates. Sprinkling Systems S and CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Roto tilling, leveling, mowim and plowing. Large or smal areas S Sprinkler Systame. Free estimates, reasonable rates, we do repairs, guaran1 teed work CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK, ling, leveling, loading, hole drilling, also top hauled and delivered. til- post soil Call George PLOWING, ROTOTILLING AND WEEDCUTTING, on any size farm or Tot 5 Hauling . Spring cleaning, need things hauled away? Call us, we haul Reasonable rates. anything. Call anytime Jon or Don 2 Horseshoeing horseshoeing Experienced and trimming, corrective work Call Bob or Randy 731-12- Landscaping LEmLAPEL edging, retaining trimming, walls, railroad ties, fence flower beds, shrubs, new sod. raking leaves, gravel, mowing, anything you want. Weekly or monthly care. Residential or commercial. Free estimates Tree-Shru- SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Cutting, topping, digging up roots, trimming, shaping, prun-ninsmall or big frees. Haul filling up away, leveling and 295-8r9dirt. Free estimates TREE Waterproofing Weddings FUN WEDDING MUSIC-Orgapiano, $8.00 hourly. rental available. Coll Mobile Home Repairs ALUMA-SHIEL- STOPS LEAKS. ROOFING INSULATES Organ Window and Screen MR. RAG'S WINDOW CLEAN. ING. One time basis, weekly, monthly. Residential and commercial. Call for estimate, Frank or Marty. Yard Care Jefco Chimney Sweeps PAINTING No waiting 544-37or Wanted house painting, terior and exterior. For Free Estimate Piano Tuning including more. Phone Power 773-538- Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Take core of your life time invest- 2 jobs. cleanup. Most before 9 am or after 5 pm AND FERTILIZING 773-404- specialist OBS Levely 4 rambler. 2 Restaurant: New operation ie seeking high caliber, service oriented people. Cooks, waitresses and banquet service. Send resume or previous experience information to: P.O. Box 2105 Ogden, Utah 84404. I CONSULTANTS NEEDED ambitious people for Looking who would like to earn from month part-tim- e 0 training and leads provided. Call Av. Johnson 3 or Herbalifa 6 FARM HOME We have Lots and Will Build Glauser Construction North bavis County Area. Will Meet or Beat Any Price I Glauser Construction Wasatch Yard Serviced Spring cleanups, Tilling, Trimming, Power Raking, weekly Lawn Service 9 cent per Garden tilling. or $10.00 square foot, Call minimum. HOME, Mutt tee, 4 bedroom, 2 bath fomily home, wood stove, china cabinet, priced 50's. Call laraine 451- - LANCERS Good pay for good work. Need people with skills in one or more of following areas: 0 Warm, comfortable and cozy. 3 bedroom brick rambler in Kaysville. Fireplace and fully landscaped large yard. Zonec for four-ple$50,900. Cal 2 or Manor Anette Lettering, Illustration, Cartooning, design. Please call only if NOW qualified. House Realtors WELL KEPT HOME 3 bedroom, 14k baths, 2 car garage, full basement, new arapes and carpet, quiet off street location, priced fo sell at $79,900. Call New Homes RC WANTED Need reliable responsible and wno has transportation and ability to work flexible day or evening shifts to tend active 8 month old girl Would prefer warm friendly home with young playmates. Needed immediately in Woods Cross or surrounding areas. Colt Troy ot loving person 2 WEST POINT DELUXE See 4 bedroom, 2 story on acre with 12 acres available sheds, corrals, etc. Call Jackie, CENTURY 21 100 -- CHILD CARE area- and some Hourly and daily rates W. FARMINGTON immaculate n earthtones, Levolors, super decor. Ca bedrooms, 3 Glenna Care, experienced 21 and inmother, educational tersting activity. Limited openings. care, state license in Roy. Valley View, and North Park areas. care today.' anytime. 200 -- BOX ELDER Wanted: children years old for Developmental Day 6-- 8 COUNTY summer activity Be With this 3 bedroom, remod. tied home on 2 acres, in Collin, ston. Solar heat 2 wood stove fruit trees. Mary Curtis 1 1 Key Realty 753-5- 1 day, $5.35 half $7.50 day. $2week activity fee. Day for chif- care and dren 6 also available. Call Layton 546- Ojjden mWS'Gold 220 -- FARMS FREEDOM-BEAUT- your singing. Barbara Jenkins 544-214Rich background in vocal technique and musical theater Rerformance. Affiliated with of Teachers of Singing. UPHOLSTERING CLASSES Redo your own furniture and save. Limited enrollment. Call now. Rulon Smith 6, 6 rn SIDE LOTS East shore subdivision 1 mi. of beach, marina slips, tennis. LAKE-LAK- E or interest Low 360 -- OFFICE 480 -- MUSICAL A BUSINESS 260 -- MOBILE HOMES (ovvfllo, 2 bedroom, 14x64 like new, many extras, price adults, negotiable, 6, RETAIL Electric Hammond House Organ, Double Keyboard antique 1 organ. After 6 p.m. 390 -- WANTED TO RENT iluilding in Farmington, need Coun- 5teve. WANTED: Small Rouse to rent. $200.00 a month range. Farmington, Centerville area. 8 8 2 bedrooms, storm windows, air, 8x16 porch, 10x20 awning, lords corner lot in RicbewaocT Estates in Layton. $1X500. 773-529- 6 Must Sell, 1977 tamarack, 14x56, 2 bedrooms, big awning and deck, In Karol Estates Possible Contract, Desperate 7 NEWLYWEDS, Looking (or your first home? Why pay rent when you can own this cute, 2 bedroom, 1 2x64 mobile home. Swamp cooler, shed and storm windows included. Layton. Close to HAFB. $8,000. Call 4 after 1 pm '76 14X70 Champion Manatee 3 bedrooms, Vi baths, storm windows, appliances, air, skirting, storoge $9,500. Quick Sale Necessary 0 Owner-ladie- MATERIALS ilailroad ties for sale, ail siies, all grades, all shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. ASK Railroad or WANTED TO BUY Cash paid for gold rings, til- ver coins, sterling, etc... WILD reay to wear. s 500 -- BUILDING 510 FOR SALE Books, tools, appliances. Many other items. Friday May 13 Sat, May 14, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. 12T8 No. Nola Dr. (400 East) Centerville, Bear lake vacation, 7 day and nights ot Sweetwater resort, o person furnished con- dominium, May 24th thru May 31st. Make offer. BEES'WANTEDI If you know where a swarm is. give us a buzz, for reward. Extractor wanted. Large swamp cooler for sale. 6 or 277-75- CAT COINS & BULLION, buy-jn- g and seNm Monday thru Washington, Saturday, , Blvd., Ogden Phone 621 8012. 540 -- GOOD THINGS TO EAT Honey, local unprocessed 70 o lb. in 12 lb. gallon jars. 155 E. 300 N., RON RENTALS 290 -- UNFURNISHED t DUPLEXES APTS A new 3 bedroom townhouse in Clearfield. Applionces, hookups, air, no pets, deposit month 773 required. $350 all sizes, seme Apartments with utilities paid, Ogden area, 4 6. and Clean and Quiet, 1 bedroom apts. tree heat, water, washing facilities, refrigerator and stove, No Children or Pets 8 $210. 556 23rd St. Clean 1 bedroom, heat, re- frigerator ond stave furnished. No children or pets. $200. 556 23rd St. 394-685- 8 Clearfield, New 3 bedroom, carpet, drapes, refrigerator, disposal, $335mo. CLOVER $32.00. 120 -- BUSINESS RANCHES Private scenic 6.89 acre Ron chette, borders Mt. Creek, Utah. Charming 2300 sq. ft. country ranch home with full basement, also separate entrance 10x70 veranda. Tranquility plusl Large new 2 car garage, hot house, back work shop, separate food storage cellar, fenced garden, good irrigation rights, Zoned, 2 parcels could be sold mobile home hook-i- p in private area. This Ranchetfe is but 2 miles to highway 89 and 2 miles to the mountains. This super property offered for only $129,000.00, write to owner Box 38, Marysvale, Utah 84750, 240 -- ACREAGE OPPORTUNITIES Business Property m South $97,000.00. Invest Central, Utah, Purchase; on Highway 89 (scenic route to the Canyonlands and Arizona). Nice motel with lovely 2 bedroom living quarters. Ideal small enterprise to keep happy and interested those active RETIRED parents! Spacious lawn, trees with patio (fenced) for accommodating grandchildren and guests ana outdoor entertainment. New LDS ward blue printed for near construction-withi- n walking distance in the friendly scenic Mt. Vale of Marysvale. Write L. Bay, Box 232' 4U Motel or call 140 -- REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS CASH FOR ' & LOTS CALL US ONLY IF: You want to make some money on a good land investment. You want a 5 acre or larger ideal for animals. You want some reasonable space tor you and yours, as people continue to crowd the Wasatch Front. You want flexible financing with $5000 down, $27,500 for 5 acres. Dean 295-500- 3 or 7 Jeff Cook Realtors Nearly South OGDEN'S FINEST Now renting 2 bedroom apts. Get away from the ordinary. Natural gardens, fireplace, de- cor, full kitchens, swimming pool, laundry, covered parking, central air, HBO Cable Tv, the largest highly insulated apts. in Ogden. Each apt. like a home. Join us today! located at 4380 Vi Harri- son Blvd. Large 2 bedroom apt. in Syra' cuse, large storage area washerdnrer hookups and disposal. $150 deposit, $230 month, no pets, smoking or drinking. Nice Area, clean 2 bedroom apt. laundry facilities, cable Tv, disposal, $300mo. plus 9 utilities. Call or see Manager at 4380 Harrison 1 . Blvd. Apt. located at 4564 Brentwood Apts. Harrison, 1 bedroom apt refrigerator, Sharp stove, 12 blocks from bus. Near town. No children or parking. 479' pets. 6410 2 bedroom, Cable, carpet, air, close to town, $280. By appointment 621-10A DUPLEXES acre, excellent Weber location. Beauti- ful home and view. Only $19,500. Jeff Cook 295-433- 7 Cook Realtors Shop Want Ads . For Autos all sizes, some Apartments with utilities paid, Ogden area, and Apartments Studio, 1 and -4 bedroom S)30-$24Many with ail utilities paid. Ogden area. 392-759- 4 310-HOU- 7 SES After a place? Check with Rental Information Service. Fee $35. Ogden's Personalized referral, we escort and negotiate for you 394-969- 1 Clearfield, 4 years old, 3 1 bam, basement, dou ble garage, central air, wood fence. cedar Garden stove, dispatch, refrigerator, hwasher, like brand new. $200 $485 month. 544 deposit, 5408, no singles. For lease, large 3 bedroom condominium with garage, in eludes amenities, near HAFB $495 month. For Rent 3 Bedroom with fireplace, fenced haute back yard, carport and storage. 740 621-76$425. Boughton, days Layton, nights. 7 4 double bedroom, garage, family room, 2 baths, fireplace, Lovely 4 bedroom, all the ex tras. Great location, 675-14t- h $450. June 1. Rent or Rent with Option to $600mo. rent. Nearly Buy, 3 bednew rooms, basement, many other nice features. Call C.E. But. 3 tors, OwnerAgent Sharp 4 bedroom, 2 n For dinette and hutch $100, rocking chair $5, stereo phonograph 50, Oster food slicer $70825-289- 7 For Sale Baby Quilts Ironrite ironer Call Far Sale: Fowley Saw Shor- 1321 N. ening equipment. 5 00 W. Phone size mattress and box, $40, twin bed set with headboard $100. 7 piece dinette set, good condition, $100. Full Sale-36S. 50 W., 0 Kaysville, May 14,9am-3pm- . Linoleum pieces $2.00 each, miscellaneous Barbies' clothes and toys, games, Levis, sizes 5-ladies 5.00 each. Clothes and misc. items. Cash Only. Garage Sale-Ma- baths, 2 story, N.E. Bench Extras $500. 1620 Vic 621-21Dr. tory 2 BEDROOM HOUSES $275. Sunset $290, Ogden 8 Phone large Ma iny 340 -- MOBILE HOMES Nice 3 bedroom mobile heme 1 y 3 and 1 4, Friday 12 pm to 9 pm, Saturday 4 pm to 9 pm. Furniture, appliances and clothes. Near VaeView Elementary. 1892 W. 1920 N., Layton. Garage sale, couch, boys bike, desIT miscellaneous. 3665 W. 5850 S. Roy after 3 pm and all day Saturday. Large garage tale, antiques. furniture, Dunk beds, tires, and T.V. and misc. conditioner, Sat. May 14th 10 am to 5 pm. Clinton 1731 N. 2700 W Neighborhood garage sale, Village Way, Fruit Heights, WEST f Hwy. 89. May 14, 9 am to 3 pm. Furniture, books, if directions 4 etc. readiness to about your start school? Make that decision A Work, requires at least 7 (t. to get tractor through, Plus free load $10. Manure you load. call between 9 and 3 773-60- 580 -- HAY, GRAIN & FEED SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden PINE AND PINION Now taking orders for summer delivery, any amount. Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 600 -P- ETS & SUPPLIES AKC Mini long haired. ONLY ONE LEFT-BER DEFAULTED. Beautiful Pup Dachshund, or 2 9 DOG TRAINING CLASSES OFFERED: "Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behavior Problems IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Ave. Excellent litter of German Shorthair Pointers. 2 males, 3 females. Great bloodlines AKC registered. FREE KITTENS Long part Siamese Call 2 Medium Sized Mixed Breed pups FREE after 6. 3 AKC Registered German Shorthairea pups, $75. Phone firm. SEWING MACHINE. Mutt sell. g New Home portable with carrying case. Excellent ' condition. $89.00 and rims, all sizes. Furni ture, drapes, sliding glass Tires 6 cute puppies for sale, Dingo Border Collie, $15. Call 546 4791 after 4 pm. & POULTRY Equestrian FAMILY MOVING SALE: May 13, 14, 10-- TWO mattress, springs, ?ueen girls bedroom, snow WHITE SCREEN DOOR 9 32" wide, $25.00, before noon or after five. 3 wheel-thre- e speed Schw nn bike, used 6 times. $160 or best offer. Phone -- APPLIANCES, TV. STEREO Frost Queen 12 cu. ft. re used 7 month, frigerator, $265. Will sell $100. 776- 5676 Sears 17 cubic feet frostfree refrigerator. Hookup for White textured door. Hereford calves, steer and heifers ready for pasture 22X24 in. tops. Just right for trailers, campers $75. ea. 394-63- 470 or cabins, - SHOES 2 Ma mouth Jacks at Stud, Shop Classified Section For That Classy Farm Kaysville DD 0 670 -- BOATS AMARINE BOATS FOR RENT 2 - 680 SPORTING GOODS lifting,, machine, Weight bench high pul- press 200bs, 20 ley 120 lbs., low pulley 0 lbs. $500. Ogden or Jane. SLC 18 in., solid fill tires, Excellent condition $100. 6 710 -T- RAVEL TRAILERS Starcraft tent trailer, 1981 6 Call Trocy at or 392 0929 after 5:30. 15V4 ft. Trophy, sleeps 7 $1 800. days, even ings 1. or 0 TERRAIN 1977 1 1974 Mercury Capri AUTOS FOR SALE CKS 1955 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup with shell, completely rebuilt mechanically, $900 firm. V6, top condition, stereo. $1295. Call 546-0141982 Plymouth Champ custom 2 door, twin stick, air, stereo, fully loaded. Fawn metallic, 12,000 miles, 'im- maculate. 71 International, automatic ton with 79 engine, dual leaf springs, needs paint. after 5. Call $950. Must Sell. 79 Mercury Capri 2.8 litre, power Ghio, steering, brakes, air. AMFM stereo cassette. Excellent condition. Lincoln Mark V,- - excel lent condition, loaded, $7200. Call 6 ask for Anna ATC RENTALS Honda, Yamaha, 200. 950-TRU- tion. Call 544-- 1 1 27 or 546- 1 1 27 ask for Glode. Save oyer $2,000.00 from original cost ; 7 $5,495. For 1979 will 17' Dolphin Toyota 28,000 miles, like new; 1 Dodge Pol-arexcellent motor, good body, paint and tires Transmission work needed. $400 4 Call MUST SELL!! 1981 Toyota, Cassette, New tires, $4,460. negotiate-196- 2 Ready to Move. Into 10 DOWN On this beautiful slightly used 1982 Nova. This home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, garden tub, and cluding a dishwasher. All of this for only features family room, garden tub and shower stall in master bath,, two coolers, large awnipg, kitchen appliances and storage building for ortly' $15,995 with less than kitchen appliances in- $24,995 Payments less than $220 $2,700 down.' ' : per month 320 Mobile Homes 1039 W. Riverdale Valley Rd. Mobile Homes' 1 "Over 25 years integrity, per ninth- - Weber Valley 394-944- 1039 W. Riverdale Rd. of service, 394-944- and dependability!" "Over integrity, 2S 1 years of service, and dependability!" IOOn:tfMj com c) LAYTON 544-420- 7 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Spacious 4 bedroom, garden area, fruit trees, double garage, large family kitchen. Carol N. FORT LANE, LAYTON VERY SPECIAL 3 bedrooms, baths, extra large fomily roam, smartly decorated thru 'out basement has room for expansion. Assumable 6 mortgage Owner transferring. Don't wait. Duke 1983 7065 in Ogden, Vi basement, e Appraised at negotiate. Cali after 5 large-familfull bosement, room off kitchen, plus formal dining room, and much more. Cali New Homes R.C. Mazda B2000 Sundowner: More features, more value than Datsun, Toyota, Ford Ranger or Chevy S-1- 0! SILLER SAYS MUST SELL Price $5,000 under market value. 4 bedroom, 2 baths 1790 sq. ft. addition. Duke $42,900. T radials overdrive bench seat Swing-ou- t Tinted glass side vent windows And more. 38 27 rt hwy f"PK ffWHtvHnmMMMWtrfmfn us foe out deal 'Sales tax and nvnprftr this f PA pMtmjfr to the 'Wtrrwfnl mp ofitthcrlrtnks Tisumjvprt dtHfffrtt mtk 4KP ileprndiny sn how f you drive swathrr iwxlitions iVl trip leeqtth Your Actual highway milrw will ptohhly he Irw ihAtt he rMim4ttd highw4y mileattf ACRE FLUS HOME $3S,000 A little love and some wisely invested dollars will moke this cottage on one acre flourish into a house you'd be proud to call home. Contract Cathie R1510 546-108- jt suwtF'h'd r4il pint and truV Vr license not included. FDGGUJAV W.llvWtl9M ' payments are less than Weber lets far rent, only 6 left, $5.50 daily, $38,50 weekly, $165 monthly with utilities. $120 month, pay own electricity, swimming pool, laundromat and gorgeous view. Call Connie or Jan . Beautiful 3 bedroom double wide set up in family, park in Layton. This Home or call 190 -- DAVIS COUNTY BEAUTIFUL TWO STORY HOME. V.A. appraised af $1 11,500, located in East Lay-to4 bedrooms, Vi baths, J Phone 1 6 room brick home Nothing. 770 -- ALL 2281 So. Ogden, 1S36 sq. It. split, 3 bedrooms, vaulted living room, 14k baths,, fireplace, large $45,900 3 $8,750. Chevrolet Monte Carle, loaded, excellent condition, 2 low mileage, $4950. '69 Camare, 6 cylinder, just rebuilt, new paint, very riice. 79 Nearly 3 acres over 800 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home, family room, fenced, irrigated, outbuildings, many fruit trees. Let Bert show you today 6 happens MAKES Riviera Turbo charged 6 cylinder engine, top of the line built-i- n Co, all the extras, 40,000 mi. Excellent condition 9 RV Terrace. will 990 -- ALL 1979 ONLY $40,900 Excellent location in Ogden. A low down payment will let you into this charming 3 bedroom home. Rhea Must Selll No. Ogden location. 1200 sq. It., $60,000. Phone included. 394-850- 1095 N. MAIN COUNTY 860 sq. ft. finith- ed, quality constructed, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, woodburning stove, large fenced yard, extras and So. storage galore, refrigerator-stov- very nice, Larry 3 1 car garage, carpets drapes, A 82 Kawasaki 440LTD, Belt drive, good condition, $1000. Coll Tim at 544-409- 7 0 180 -- WEBER 1 hatchback, 4 speed, good mileage, dealing. Call 8121 tor oppointment. , 1982 Honda Accord LX, 5 speed, air, AMFM stereo casMPG, excellent sette, 35-4- 0 condition. $6895. 76 Toyota Calico, excellent condition, air, stereo, $3,000. 546-070- 8 Must SelllI '79 Dodge Aspen runs on r egulor, good mecnon ical condition $1,800 or besf 8 offer. or 777-295 Must sell. Best offer. ask for Dennis 1982 Honda. 450 Nighthawk 78 Pinto, deluxe interior, sun 27000 miles, sell oy 19th. excellent condition, roof, $1856 firm. 479-581- 4 6 $1350. 250 Kawasaki En- 74 Mustang II, excellent con dures, both like new, less than dition, AMFM cassette stereo, 3100 mi. on either. With hel- new radials. $1700 or offer. and mets $500 72 Pinto $400. 544-310each. 2 after 4 p.m. 4 Ford Mustang H, 4 tpood, 4 '69 SUZUKI 250 cylinder, 61,000 miles, new tires $1 200 or best offer. 546- $300 Make Otter 3946 after 6. 9 '81 Honda 750 Custom, with Good second car for sale, 1970 Ford Falcon, good condibackrest, crashbar and cruise 8 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Without advertising, a terrible thing NlV 980-IMPO- Datsun 1982, 310, 3' door 1978 Yamaha 100 Endure, 690 original miles, extra battery and helmet. Excellent coo dition, $490 firm. 1979 Honda CX 500. Many extras. Great condition. $1300, must see 1979 Suzuki GS750L looks brand new, only 4000 miles, 6 Asking $1900. Call 1981 HONDA CB750 Custom, 3200 mi. Excellent condition. Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton New Sports Car Confidential, Prompt Service Please Call Anytime Collect VAL 479-696- 9 fenced near scl or, $78, W. Roy, SUPPLIES '82 Yamaha 125cc, mint condition, $625otter, 2767 No. 900 E. 1977 Suzuki 550, 4 cylinder rood bike. 1 1 ,000 miles, excellent condition and running. $700. Call Kim or Tag 8 0 or 1979 Jewolt 24 ft. air conditioned, Must 3 see. $6,700 1979 iomad, 27 It. rear baths, twin made up beds, center kitchen, front dinette $5,995. $50,000 to $900,000 Washington 7 or 0 b F77 9 Bnvertl under 20,000 miles, motor, block imron paint, new top, plus extras. $2500. 924 Poreche, 1977, excellent condition, sunroof, $6,200. 57,000 miles, 4258 So. 800 1979 Enterprise, 19 ft. Mint Motorhome, on Toyota Chassis. air. Great Gas 760 -- CYCLES MG Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton Your Larger Contracts Or Trust Deeds By Owner: evenings 0 posi-tra- more, 66,000 owner, mites, 4 $4,150. Dattun 280ZX7I6S00. 0r best offer. 393-37- 7 days, nerator, Harmony Park in Clearfielc $275 plus utilitiesdepoist. Av ailable June much oriflinol 0 1978 Holiday Rambler 25 ft rear twin beds, center bath anc kitchen front dinette, Specia This Week! $5,995 & CLOTHING Sandax sandals, new styles and colors, Guaranteed, wa. work play or dress. 0 PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden 8 WatharsDryere Whirlpool or Kenmore only bought and sold. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers and electric or gas dryers. Everett Olson 731 3389 12 Used Refrigerators, (round shoulder-typ- e $65. ea. 8 gas and electric stoves, 4 burners, each. $190-527- 5 460 $450. Call or 9 tires, ski equipment, ski do thing, childt bike, misc. 1477 East Oakridge (1375 N.) Layton, Utah coupe 350, 300 HP, Delight-Boardin- g indoor stalls, indoor arena outdoor arena, training, Far rier instructors. New Manage' ment, satisfaction guaranteed. doors, much more. 720 N. 4 1000 W., Clearfield. 2 HOMES For rent class A type, sleeps 23 tt. roof air, 1 5 AKC Poodles 4 weeks, $200 $1000 askjor Manr '69 Chevrolet Malibu, sports 185, 10, 70 cc 75, 135, THREE WHEELS Machines. WEST 621-76- 7 y -- SPORTS CARS '81 CAMARO Z28 style $5,000 days, evenings 394-831- 0 CAMPER SHELL insulated, for Iona bed, $300. 3 or offer. Custom Tilling and Tractor 0 970 Mileage! Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton TOP SOIL 30rVl-26,00- '78CJ5iUngod, 730 -- CAMPERS Cabover camper for small sleeps 4, $600. Call AVAILABLE 570 -F- ERTILIZER with oil the facts. Call Diagnostics electronic typewriter, TRAILERS 16 ft. trailers, tandem flatb- ed, 3 ton payload, $1 190-u8 or 544-349- Vogue Motor Home, 1977, 24 ft! 440 Dodge, 18,300 miles. OR 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogden needed. Parents, arechilds you concerned 720 -- MISCELLANEOUS SOD -S- or custom paint. 5 coilent condition. crft top, winch, nw radiali ond r im, very aood all oround condition. 5500 or negotiable. Call 0 after 5. HRUBS REES ... mi. r67 DELIVERED INSTALLATION Far sale-fou- r life jackets, two new ones and two used ones, Call tiOi$6,20&. JEEP 1979 CJ5, 546-070- 8 Full size school bus. Refrigerator, stove, sleeps eight. Needs somw repair, $700. -T- 5 ten Ford Lariat, 4x4, 1978 dual tanks, AMFM cassette, 4 nice truck. 7, 1980TeP-CJ-Renegade, radial tires, excellent condi 79 honey. 48 lb. bucket 1162 N. 6 WHEEL DRIVES Ford 4x4, excellent con- - 544-991- bed. Center kitchen and baths, front dinette. Very clean. Steve Adams R.V. Salts 1464 N. Main, Layton or . 2 dition, $5,300. 1982 Corsair, 23 ft. double door, rear made up double 0 4 960-- 1979 6. 550 -P- LANTS 20 inches, good condition $3000 Flag pales, 28 ft. $40.00, HyDro cycle fiberglass boat, 40 H.P,, Mercuiy with trailer. Foundation kits stop heat loss miles, looks new. 0 or 979 Rockwood Tent Trailer, sleeps 8, stove, sink, icebox, and heater, $2,49$. 740 -- MOTOR LIGHT AMBLER Main Farmington S Garage EASTRIDGE APTS. EY, stereo, camper shell, 17,000 front bath Steve Adorns R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton 1 Materials. 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS 1980 Toyota Deluxe longbed pickup, 5 speed, AMFM 546-870- 8 PIANO FOB BINT $25 month 2 bedroom house, Davit couple. Will fix up. evenings. 33 ft. Fifth double doors, rear front room, center dinette, Wheel, otter, Best , May 11, 1983 7B AUTOS FOR SALE 950 -- TRUCKS 1979 Prowler, Barnes, Mode by H. KamamoTo of Oakland, Appraised at over $1,500 TRAILERS 710-TRA- One of a kind Jan Guitar, custom designed by George Shop Building for Rent Approx. 2000 sq. ft. $200. 538 23rd Rear 394-685- 8 GARAGE SALE heme 14x56 Nashua. Mobile akeside Review South, Wed INSTRUMENTS SPACE Yamaha Building 212 Washington Blvd. $950. for oil or $4v5 for 'a 0 EXCELLENT 5:ugO,9ra,J2U37.230J: PROPERTY BEAR FINANCING 776-535- 1 in 250 -R- ECREATION APTS. With 2 baths, 2 family rooms, and game room, with fireplace, and covered patio, great area only $67,500. Call Martin at 9 or JDS Homestead Realtors 621-51- LOVING Licensed Childcare Home, Clinton, Open 24 hrs. daily 7 days per week $25. RICHNESS choice lot near Causey One 2 acre, one 5 pert, any otter considered. Before 3:30 2 PM or after 7:30PM 0 KAYSVILLE mv Layton home. Fenced in one meal plus snack. Call yard, 546-062- FIND Smoot 10 Would love to tend your 3, 4 or 5 year old. Fenced yard, playroom, learning activities. $5 per day. X? See. classified f 6 CENTURY 9 No down or Low down, new 2 and 3 bedroom homes with Call New Homes basement. 2 RC - 4 BEDROOM RAMBLER 5 a new car? SPECIAL This s full $28. and Hooper, $43,900West 1 acre lots in Hooper and 9 Point. Call Martin at or JDS Homestead Realtors in Acres 6 SPECIAL lot, pantry, double garage, priced mid 60's for quick sale Call Jay 295-584- 6 CENTURY 21 Smoot 292-210- 0 VIEW LOT RAMBLER Clean Centerville home has 3 bedrooms, unfinished base' ment, deep lot. Call Glenna CENTURY 21 Smoot 9 WILL TEND CHILDREN Ages 1 through 4. 5 1 STARTER OF INTEREST TECHNICAL SKILLS School or 8 86 -J- OBS 0 Excellent financing. nance, cations for a Looking for aggros sive person with retail experience. Excellent company be. nefits. If you are fashion-mined apply in person at Stuart's, Newgate Mall VACATION TIME IS NEARING Start earning for that trip. Work in your neighborhood. We assist for part-tim- e career. For interview write Box Examiner Standard CO Ogden Mary 1 NEW HOMES Built, low mainte- Quality accepting store manager, time Child or 8 one of the fastest Jr. Women's Apparel growing now oppli- -' full Acres in, Kanesville. Excellent for buildma a beautiful Alio 6.3 home. Only 1 Rent or Rent with Option to Buy, $600mo. rent. Nearly 3 bednew rooms, basement, many other nice features. Call C.E. Butters, OwnerAgent 782-325- 3 Stuart's, Child NEW HOMES NO DOWN New Homes 2 and 3 bedroom models, with basements, Call New Homes R.C. 2 MANAGER TRAINEE No experience, we train, great with excellent earning ?otential. $1 200451-72-guaranteed salary. Need extra money, sell some-thin- g that sells. Burglar alarms. For appointment call 825-010- 9. flexibTe-day- de- t LOfS 240 -- ACREAGE 0 future hours nights. bath, 1 By Starting at $49,800 on lots. Monthly payments starting as low as $42 f. Call Lynn Glauser Construction OF INTEREST SALES E old, 4 bedroom yearowner. V. formal dining, nicely corated, 120CTsq. ft. Assumloan. $65,900. able 9 670 N. 825 W. Clearfield. 84 -J- OBS Weekly ments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTtR AND SONS Kleed LAYTON In Eastview Subdivision, only 2 with family room, old. yrs. plush carpets, fireplace and Seek. Only! $59, 900 Call Mar-fi- n 9 or JDS Homes-too- d at Realtors 621-51- OF INTEREST GENERAL Beautician booth rental port time or full time In rakingoddfar Spring 2 players. Michael Music Services. Power raking, $15 average for both yard. Hills slightly power-rakin- g PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and restorations, rull service piano technician for all models Mann and Lawn Care. Chimneys cleaned $35. Residen-tia6 lawns $12. g Date & Relate Babysitting-Layto- Regular weekly lawn care. Mow, trim and edge. 546-408- 9 Painting-Texturiiin- 2 Call Annette or Manor House, REaltors MH158-- 3 90 -S- ITUATIONS Cleaning LOCKSMITH services available 7 after 4 pm. hyp-nosi- i. Where are the menwomen? -J- subsidized Layton luxury, 3 bedrooms, big kitchen, ceramic tile entry, wood burning stove, carpets, and much more for only $67,500. Good assumption. 544-891- Lose weight forever, etc. ARTISTS-FRE- Tired of water in your base ment? Call Dayton Construction 392-- 1 112 Finance available Locksmith All Service b 40 -P- ERSONALS Stop with Poet-ib- is payments on this home in Kays-vilh- e. $53,900 custom decor, 3 large bedrooms, extra cabinets ana storoge. Model Home, MH171-- 3 Call Anette 544-89- 1 2 or Manor House, Realtors DIET Work, requires at least 7 ft. to tractor through. Call bet- CALDER SPRINKLER SYSTEM get And Maintenance, ween 9 and 3 Free Est4 imates, Reasonable Rates. Tree CUSTOM 776-065Guaranteed work, 8 tor driven tiller prepares excel ient seed bed for gardens and lawns large or small. ReasonTractor for Hire able, YOUNG TILLING . government Ind out what you've alwaye wanted to know about but ware afraid to ask. 2 New Message Each Week. 80 DOES heavy duty tracunit. Garden lots, Roto-tillin- FHA 235 ASSUMPTION, Elkojwtietjicnie SMITH ROOFING CO. Licensed Contractor All Types of Roofing, Build-u- p and Shingles Contracting & - LOST i FOUND Call 4 3 ,ost, white male Pomeranian', EaHLoyton, area. Phone 544- - iMOKlhO? Roofing Construction Farm Plowing family potio, ivitem, blocks Dennis Falk Construction, 479-303- 7 iumci Ceramic Tile . 30 bedroom brick both, utility room, room, cooler, covered 2 cor goroge, sprinkling fruit trees, fenced, 4 from HAFrf. $61,900. owner-lyhome, 2 Preschool, learn to read. THE LEARNING CENTER 579 So. Main, Kaysville 546-026- 6 Complete heme remodel, : nr PROFESSIONAL AND INTER Movt into sharp don family homo featuring fenced yard, living room, walkout boiement. walk thru both. Call Stan 291176 CENTURY 21 Smoot S: Remodeling DAVIS COUNTY BRAKE SUMMER-CLASSE- Blind ESTATE FOR SALE 190-- N. (4s DIRECTORY Cot o job to do? nikL' 10 -- ANNOUNCEMENTS .. ;,A-:- ' LIVE IN THE COUNTRY WORK IN the city. 20 min. drive from Ogden or Salt Lake. Everything you could ask for in this 6 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 fireplace home. Over 3200 ft. of luxury for those who like to live well. Dixie C VS Blf.MM B |