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Show 2B Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 Smith's Fitch mg Leads Vikings Over Ming ham By BARRY KAWA . After a shaky first inning, Viewmont High pitcher Kevin Smith hurled a the rest of the way to lead the Vikwin over Bingham ings to a tourney Monday in state one-hitt- 2-- scored on a passed ball which put the Vikings ahead for good. The game was played under the lights at Ken Price Park in Salt Lake. A crowd evenly mixed with Viewmont and Bingham fans braved the chilly 30 degree temperatures to cheer their middle for the Miners only hit the game. It feels great, said a happy Smith after the game. The first inning was shaky, because my curve wasnt working. I really didnt warm up like I should've and I was nervous. But after that, I settled down and the guys really got behind me. One of Viewmonts runs came .in the first when shortstop Danny Hansen singled, stole second and took third on a throwing error by the catcher. Centerfiel-de- r Doug Lees sacrifice fly tied In the fifth, the score at Doug Scovel was hit by a pitch. Scovel took third on a single by of Review Staff er 1 4-- A play. Smith walked four hitters in the first inning, allowing the Miners only run of the game. With the bases loaded and two outs in the inning, Smith struck out Binghams Steve Forman to end the threat. Smith allowed only one other walk while striking out nine. His bid for a ended in r the fifth inning when Bob Murdock singled up the no-hitt- er center-fielde- ation when he was a sophomore when he lost to American Fork teams on. The Miners threatened in the sixth after an error and stolen base put the tying run in scoring position with one out. Smith struck out catcher Phil McCoy for the second out, then Scovel in right field made the play of the game, a lunging e that would grab of a have tied the score. Smith said when the ball was hit, he thought of a similar situ one-hande- d line-driv- 1. catcher Lane Rozema and Smiths fastball and tantaliz- ing curve handcuffed the previously Bingham team. He struck out three in a row at one point and allowed only two balls to be hit out of the infield, one a shallow fly ball to the rightfielder. He (Smith) did a great job, said Viewmont Coach John Edwards. It was a total team effort. We played good defense and we scratched and scrapped to get those runs. Were the underdogs here but weve been in the same situation before. Bingham was the Region Two champion and Viewmont took second in. Region Four. Bingfavoham was the rite and Viewmonts victory hard-hittin- It was the last Inning and the score was 0 with a guy on second and two out. Their batter e to our hit a who missed that one. It was exactly like that and I thought back to that game, said Smith. Binghams Jay Applegate allowed only two Viking hits and struck out nine in a losing cause. The win extends Smiths record to 1 for the season. 0-- line-driv- right-field- er 6-- Applegates sharp-breakin- g curve ball seemed to baffle the Viewmont hitters, who continually fell behind in the count. Only five balls were hit out of the infield by Viking hitters. g pre-tourn- Monday surprised a lot of people. The Vikings will face Highland today at 5 p.m. at the Magna Copper Park in the second round of the double elimination tourney. The winner will go on to face the winner of the Olym-pus-Hillcre- st game Thursday at Price Park. The loser of the Viewmont-Highlan- d game will play the 7:30 p.m. at Ken winner of the Kearns-Eas- 5 the defending champion. Viewmont Team Hobbles Into Third titles. In the mens division, Hillcrest had 92 points, followed Off the track by Clearfield with 83; ViewKAYSVILLE on mont, 57; Layton, 38 and Davis, of friends the best theyre the track its all business and 36. A surprising Davis High each man for himself. girls team took second with 55 Clearfield Highs Bubba Con- points behind Hillcrests 57. Rain washed out Fridays ley and Laytons Myron Cooper met again Saturday in the Davis schedule and the entire meet High Track and Field Invita- was held last Saturday. The intional, and as usual, all eyes vitational is an annual qualifywere focused on their race. state ing tournament for the Conmeet. edged Cooper narrowly A pleased Clearfield Coach run with a ley in the time of 49.59 to Conleys 50.53, John Flint said his teams finish giving him a 2 edge in their was the best it had done this much talked about rivalry. year. We felt like we wanted to I thought I ran it hard, but he have a good meet to give us outpowerfd me in the end, said momentum going into region Conley. But I get two more and state. Our kids did a good tries. Im looking forward to job but Hillcrest just us. It should be a great Fridays race against him. The two will meet in the Region region meet Friday and were One meet Friday. hoping we can rise to the occaAs expected, defending sion, said Flint. The Falcons placed in 10 of champion Hillcrest took both the mens and womens team the meets 17 events, including six second-plac- e finishes. Viewmont Coach Lynn Dubois said his team lost 40 points by not having sprinter Jon Warner and quarter miler Tom McDonough competing. Warner is sidelined with a pulled muscle and McDonough is out with a pulled hamstring. Warner is considered one of the top 100 and sprinters in the state. Dubois says both should be ready for Fridays region meet although admitted both might not be in top form. By BARRY KAWA Review Staff 200-met- er 4-- A 400-met- er Viewmonts Brian Fuller 3-- placed second in the 3200 meters, Dave Chowen took second in the high hurdles 110-met- er and hurdles, and 300-met- er Scott Hubbard placed second in the javelin. Layton Coach Russ Jones said his teams fourth-plac- e finish was what he expected. We took fourth the other week in the BYU meet and thats what we 4-- A expected to take today. If we had more depth, wed be right in there, said Jones. Davis High Girls Track Coach Ann Avondet said her teams surprise second-plac- e finish will help her teams confidence. This is one of our best meets this year, said a pleased Avondet. Our girls have really done well today. d Davis took the relay, the medley relay and finished second in the mile relay. The Darts Suzy Orton had two second-place finishes in the 100 and 440-yar- 200-met- er sprints. Roys Susan Sexton took second in the high jump, Jill Barlow of Viewmont was second in the javelin. Defending State-javeli- Champion Niki Nye finished third. Clearfields Stephanie Clements was second in the and Maren H$nsen of Woods Cross was second in the long jump. 400-mete- rs Baker 'Burned Out'; Gives Resignation By KENT SOMERS Review Sports Editor WOODS CROSS When he entered the coaching profession 13 years ago, Wayne Baker knew it wasnt something he wanted to do until his retirement dinner. The Woods Cross High Schools Boys basketball coach didnt want to spend all of his winters (and summers, springs and falls for that matter) in gymnasiums, thinking about Fridays game or if he could contend for a region title next year. So Wayne Baker called it quits last week as the Wildcats basketball coach to assume the schools athletic directorship, as well as continuing to teach his regular load of drivers education and health courses. He will be replaced by his assistant coach, Clyde Jackson. The resignation was unexpected to those who didnt know Baker well. After all, wasnt this the man whose team looked invincible this year in the state tournament? Wasnt it the Wildcats who treated their oppo- - nents in the state tournament like Beaver Cleavers, shoving them out of the way to put a state championship trophy behind glass? Its the same man as the one who began coaching 13 years ago, but perhaps a different coach, Baker explains. When I got into it 13 years ago there were things I wanted to accomplish; and as long as I was having fun, enjoying it, I was going to stay with it. Last year we won a state championship and I thought now was a good time, while feelings were good, to take the step. Simple inductive reasoning would bring a person to the conclusion that Baker didnt have a good time last year, so he resigned, but thats not the case. No, we really had a good time, he said. But it wasnt always easy and enjoyable for Baker during the season, practicing every day. It was harder to get up every night at practice. There were times I wished I was somewhere else besides practice. Its not the game Baker schedules with participants who are also involved with baseball and soccer. Workouts will be held Monday through Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at Viewmont High School. Team members need to attend two workouts each week to participate in the track meets. Track meets will be held each Saturday beginning June 4. The team will compete in the State TAC Finals, and in the State Hershey Track Meet. Competition in all track and field events is included in the program. Each participant will be required to turn in a copy of his birth or blessing certificate, show proof of health insurance (including account number) and turn in a copy of a recent phys- ical examination. The Jaycees will have a physician at signups available to give physicals. Head for the Hills. state tournament. After the tournament, I let things sink in and let things . . The Great Outdoors, Camping and Sports Show. May 10th thru 16th 5MIE Track Club ery effort to coordinate year-roun- d MW Jaycees Starting The Jaycees BOUNTIFUL are organizing the Bountiful Youth Track Club for boys and girls ages 8 to 18. Signups are scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 19, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., at the Bountiful Jaycee Clubhouse, 295 South 100 West. Registration cost is $25, which includes a team uniform to keep, and a TAC (Track Athletic Congress) card. Viewmont High School Track Coach Lynn Dubois will supervise the clubs volunteer coaching staff. Dubois has coached at Viewmont for 15 years, and has been the track coach the last four years. The Jaycees are making ev- grew tired of, it was what the settle down and I approached game demanded from him. The the principal (Richard Allen) effort and the pre- and told him I was thinking abssure, mostly from himself, to out it (resigning). I told him I produce a winner also counted would like to stay if possible, and asked if I could be given heavily in his decision to resign. That has a lot to do with it, some extra duties. Baker said. Im not one that And now Wayne Baker will likes to carry it all year round. his masters degree in eduput But you do it in the summer because everybody else does it. cation administration to work Youre at it all the time, and I as athletic director. think thats what is wearing coaches out, and why the turnover rate in coaching is very regular. There is a lot of pressure. Youve got to produce a winner or youre moved out or just fired. But Baker adds that most of the pressure at Woods Cross came from himself, not the administration, the parents or the fans. Im just burned out, but Im not tired of basketball. It wasnt an easy decision to make. Hes the only basketball coach Woods Cross has ever had and hes been a success, finishing first, third and fifth in the HANGING Special Purchase! 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The tourney will move to Derks Field Friday and Saturday with the championship game at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. Hillcrest is game at Get ,'S'f a campfire glimpse of jeeps, trailers, canoes and fishing boats. Dont go to the Mountains; instead. Head for the Hills! , 4-- A state |