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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 uKOPQ.Ci WITH EVERY 10 00 PURCHASE REDEEM 1 TRIPLE COUPON WITH EVERY 38 QDPraS 20 PURCHASE REDEEM 2 TRIPLE COUPONS WITH EVERY 30 PURCHASE REDEEM S TRIPLE COUPONS Cl AV AllABllTY Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised once in each Smith s store, except as specifically noted in this ad TRIPLE present this coupon along with one manufacturers cents Off coupon and get Triple the savings at Smith s Not to include coupons or manufacturers mail in coupons or exceed the value of the item, limit 1 manufacturers coupon. WITH 10 PURCHASE REDEEM 1 TRIPLE COUPONS COUPON EFFECTIVE MAY 1983 TRIPLE retailer-free-cigarett- strive to have on hand sufficient stock of advertised merchandise if for any reason we are put of stock a rain check will be issued enabling you to buv the item at available"'560 Dnce 35 on as it becomes RAIN CHECK We .WITH 20 C3 CZ PURCHASE YOU 2 MAY REDEEM COUPON EFFECTIVE 11-1- CM .T p Present this coupon along with one manufac- turers Cents Off coupon and get Triple the PI savings at smith s Not to include retailer-free-1 cigarette coupons or manufacturers mail in 1 1 coupons or exceed the value of the item. limit 1 manufacturers coupon IJ Pj TL n 1 1 1 1 U COUPON Present this coupon along with one manufac turers cents Off coupon and get Triple the savings at Smith s Not to include retailer free cigaiette coupons or manufacturers mail in coupons or exceed the value of the item limit TRIPLE COUPONS WITH C1 kSflVE manufacturers coupon REDEEM S TRIPLE COUPONS 17, 1983, MAY COUPON EFFECTIVE 1983, 11-1- 1 PURCHASE SO00 o YOU (rf t, .SAVE wk- jlAi'ilm - F- BEE- V ecimiec'r 3TGACI LBS. OR MOREfi? GCSOOJirJB y A iil (LARGE UUICYSUNKISTj iK" rJAVGIL RAWGGS FRVGR BRGASTS BGGF LB. GRADE O LB. pO' LBS. O FOR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE ROUND DONE ROAST T-DO- STEAK BEEF LOIN CANTALOUPE BEEF CHUCK NEW EVERYDAY LOW PRICE BEEF LOIN PORTERHOUSE STEAK LOIN BEEF WHOLE Or RIB RANCH STEAK IB NEW YORK LB STEAK SMITH S FOOD BXTRA-LBA- N KING BONELESS WHOLK HAMS R59 LB BEEF LB CHUCK ROAST 1 LB TENDERLOIN STEAK CHICKEN-FRLB OLD FRESH RED RIPE WATERMELONS CAROLINA IB Y BEEP PATTIES WHOLE LARGE FRYER CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS LEGS LB TENOER ITALIAN SOUASH SLICED DACON LB FOSTER FARMS LOIN 1 FRESH BEEF BONELESS LOIN 1 SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER LB RUMP ROAST BEEF HALF u s BONELESS BEEF CHUCK U S LB MUSHROOMS RIB BEEF ROUND BONELESS FRESH DOLE LB CLUB STEAK LB 8 OZ CUP 65 CROUND BEEP BEEF TOP SIRLOIN STEAK PORK LOINS 269 LB EVERYDAY LOW PRICE EXTRA LEAN CROP LB TASTY YOU .SAVE DC disf ONC CAlOfMC SAVE .04 ffiss pepsi ibOmE PORK DROlVrjJ dears ,?GPSDf EDDGVr SUGAR 16 02. VAN CAMPS -- uuj n 4 Vi 02. HEIN2 CT. GLAD SHEER STRENGTH TOrJV.'G O PIZZA ASSORTED STRAINED 6, 02. 2 5 02 DADY FOOD TRASH OACS ...:' nnrarJ TOl'JGLS TIDE DETERGEHT. 8402. 15 KINGSTON 1 LB CUPO WATER Or OIL E CHUNK TUNA NOODLES Porcelain . DOZEN S 18 CUT 8 PIECES With 4 XLONOIKE CRISPY FRIED CHICKEN SOUR DOUGH ROLLS ,79 I . PILLET OP AMERICAN SINGLES 12 OZ SMITH S FOOD DUTTERPISII KING 6 09 ASSORTED BACLCS 1 02 LAND 0 FROST 209 A SLICED MEATS 12 02 ARMOUR CSGP A MEAT HOT TOCS PISS FRESH FILLET OF SOLI TURBOT FILLETS EA POTATO MACARONI Or SLAW ALEX SALADS lb BAKERY SPECIALS LB LB AVAILABLE 3" AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION 5585 S. 1900 Wait, Roy 70 So. Fairfield Road, Layton 2135 So. Orchard, Bountiful ' 375 So. State, Clearfield BBOPORK SANDWICH SERVICE DELI 5585 SPECIALS ea AVAILABLE AT .89 I29 THESE LOCATIONS So. 1900 West, Roy -- 2" LB PECAN 2 China ROLLS VALUABLE COUPON- S- AVE $4.00 DINNER BELL COUPON VALID MAY MAY I7tf1 1981 itth thru r Regular Discount Savings Price COuDOn BLUE DISPFBNSACHIA PLANTS EA. 590 PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 11th thru MAY 17th, 1983. t. BUTTER DISH 70 So. Fairfield Road, Layton 20 99 400 ntnrnru Price With Coupon $1$ $9 llm iq with each 53 OQ purchase iHDuiin 6 POT SPAlMQ SAVE $4.00. BASKETS ASSORTED 0 GARLAND fOMVf HANGING 590 9 99 4 00 Price with Coupon $15 M with each $3 00 purchase la rce6Tpo?goloe n potmos marble oueen EA FOftfVCP SMlWO CUE J |