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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 For a Succulent Green Dish , Use Asparagus on the Table By SHARON STEEL! Review Correspondent drained Va straddles a early spring, her nimble fingers searching deep into the matted undergrowth, as she bends from the waist to fill the hefty mesh bag that dangles from her shoulders. An unlikely harbinger of good weather, she is, with other members of her family, asparagus hunting participating in a springtime ritual that has become as much a part of Utah tradition as the pioneers who started it. ul 9Te?r'old ji? ditchbank in brush-choke- d Limp stalks sometimes rejuvenate, when freshly trimmed ends stand in cold water for a short time. teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons salad oil 1 small onion, minced Vz teaspoon salt V cup cream Wash asparagus and slice diagonally into pieces. Put oil and water in large skillet and bring to boil. Add asparagus, onion, mushrooms, salt, and pepper. Cook covered, for 8 to 10 minutes, shaking skillet occasionally. Add cream. Reheat slightly, but do not boil. Makes four servings. IVz-in- ch Aiporagus Ham Rolls asparagus stalks, cooked cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese Toast points 4 thin slices boiled ham 1 cup medium white sauce (2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, salt and 16 7A three servings. Salt 1 head romaine, broken in pieces Ch 1 green onion, chopped Broll.d Asparagus Va Put cooked asparagus spears in shallow baking teaspoon cracked pepper 2 tablespoons each of lemon juice and salad oil dish or pie pan. Sprinkle generously with grated Cook, drain and chill asparagus. Add to next Romano cheese. Put under broiler until heated. three ingredients. Mix sesame seed, pepper, herb Asparagus Polenaisa seasoning, lemon juice and oil. Add to first mixVa cup butter ture; toss. Add salt. Serves four to six. 1 Asparagus with Htrb Buttar Cook one package (10 oz.) frozen asparagus spears until tender. Cream 13 cup soft butter, dash each of cayenne and paprika, and a pinch of rosemary and thyme. Blend in juice of 12 lemon. egg, finely chopped cup fresh bread crumbs 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Heat butter and brown bread crumbs in it. Add egg and heat through. Sprinkle with hard-cooke- d Vz hard-cooke- d parsley. Spoon over hot cooked drained Serve on drained hot asparagus. Makes two or asparagus. Vz At preparation time, the vegetable should be rinsed well, but not soaked, in cold running water to remove sand and grit. Because the white ends are often tough, they are usually cut or broken off as far down as they will snap easily. Heavy scales can be sheared off with a potato peeler or paring knife. Stalks may be left whole, sliced diagonally, or cut in pieces. Asparagus tastes best steamed, boiled, or U6-inc- h and when cooked until almost tender. To freeze, choose crisp young stems with compact tips. Wash, clean, snap, and scale. Scald whole stalks three to four minutes, using one gallon boiling water to each pint of asparagus. Scald cut pieces for two to three minutes. Drain and immerse in ice water. When chilled, drain again and place in freezer containers allowing 12 inch headspace. stir-frie- d Asparagus Hollandaise cup butter, softened Va teaspoon salt 4 egg yolks, slightly beaten Va cup hot water Vs teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice Combine butter, hot water, salt, and pepper in top part of double boiler. Blend small amount of butter mixture, about 2 teaspoons, into beaten egg yolks. Gradually beat in remaining butter. Place over hot, not boiling, water. Beat' with rotary beater or wire whip until thick and smooth. Blend in lemon juice. If sauce curdles, add 1 teaspoon hot water and blend well. Makes about one cup. Vz II GARDEN CENTER pepper) Put four asparagus stalks on each ham slice; roll up. Fasten with toothpick. Broil for five minutes on each side. Add cheese to heated white sauce. Stir until cheese melts; pour over ham rolls. Broil to golden brown. Garnish with toast. Makes four servings. 7 Scalloped Asparagus bunch asparagus (2Vz lbs.) cup soft bread crumbs Vz teaspoon salt Vz teaspoon Worcestershire 2 cups milk Va cup sliced stuffed olives 6 tablespoons butter Va cup flour Vz teaspoon paprika Va teaspoon pepper Vz cup grated Cheddar cheese Wash asparagus and cut into pieces. Cook in boiling salted water until barely tender. Drain and put in shallow baking dish. Melt butter in top part of double boiler. Mix 2 tablespoons melted butter with crumbs. Blend flour and seasonings into remaining butter. Gradually stir in milk and cook over boiling water until thickened, stirring constantly. Add cheese and olives, stirring until cheese is melted. Pour over asparagus. Top with crumbs. Bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes. Serves four. 1 NIAGRA (RIVER) BIRCH Attractive shade tree is borer-resista- nt bark, cream-color- d grows to thirty feet. Sesame Asparagus Salad Asparagus and Mushrooms in Cream package (10 oz.) frozen cut asparagus 2 diced pimientos Va cup toasted sesame seed Va teaspoon herb seasoning 1 lb. fresh asparagus Va cup water Vz cup (one can) sliced mushrooms, 1 z. Carob Brownies Nutritious Clump PAPER BIRCH I natural or health food stores peanut flour and rye or wholeand in many grocery stores and wheat flour in a bowl. In a smalbrownies. Carob is a food that looks re- is slightly lower in price than ler bowl beat eggs, then add oil, markably like cocoa, but is cocoa. and vanilla. Stir wet inFor the peanut flour in this honey composed largely of natural gredients into dry ones, add sugars and a generous supply of recipe just grind peanuts in walnuts and pour batter into your blender. B vitamins and minerals. Combuttered square pan (9x9 inch); Carob Brownies to has carob apcocoa, pared 1 sifted carob one-hacup powder, the Bake in preheated 325 oven for proximately 1 cup or flour (raw peanut 25 to 30 minutes or until surface the calories, amount of fat, and two and one roasted peanuts ground in firm to touch; cut into half times the amount of cal- blender) and cool in pan on rack. squares 5 tablespoons rye or wholecium. Carob tastes good with a taste wheat flour 4 eggs all of its own. It grows in the Va called is cup oil (If using raw also Middle East and cup) St. Johns Bread, because it is peanuts increase oil to Vz cup honey thought to be one of the foods 2 teaspoons vanilla which nourished John the Bap1 cup chopped walnuts (optist while he wandered in the tional) desert. Combine carob powder, Carob may be purchased in For a healthy treat try carob Reg. $20.00 IRedbark of young tree turns white with age. with Grows to spread. 40-fe- et Single, 5 gallon (o)9 lf th 25-fo- ot Reg. $20 MAPLE QUAKEN ASPEN JAPANESE LACELEAF 3)901 Lovely red delicate leaves; grows to 4 feet. S gal. Reg. 4.00 gal. Reg. 15.00 7 gal. Reg. 20.00 i r8 98 15 Reg. 40.00 5 gallon FORSYTHIA The KUTV Northern Utah Bureau SPRING GLORY Bright Yellow blooms; grows rapidly. !3!49 (5)98 10) 7 5 2 gal. Reg. EUONYMUS ALATUS Brilliant, scarlet in fall; sun or shade; neat pest-resista- 11.00 gal. Reg. 15. CO COMPACTA(l8 IX .j shrub. Adapts to nt vase-shap- e. . . Reg. Reg. of events that shape our lives. $15.00 4.00 I. provides timely coverage of Northern Utah events that affect you. These reports, by KUTV Northern Utah Reporter Michelle Cheney from the KUTV Northern Utah Bureau at the KUTV (iDgbrn gtanimrb-iExamm- BEDDING PLANTS Hundreds of flower varieties to choose from! cr help you understand how local events affect you, your family, your future. Flat of 72 plants ck I. PERENNIALS, GROUND COVERS, VEGETABLES Jj ),. I. H GAE10EN CENTER The All Season Gift and Garden Center Another reason for Northern Utah to choose MeW5Ui3tcf2 6:00 and 10:00pm. fflmEEr TOGETHER Cumt id uwl hnmit nml then In kv nf our liiw rohuh' trurnm (H&HDBDIEIT) 1 |