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Show tff) Q5EC9 IfTfonre pm &DSQ5Q?5G rSOStebm FicTTtocn qROOTcn 0 KiBs flying chemicals 1 insects without . Effective: powerful black light lures mosquitoes and other flying' insects Electronic grid knocks Use indoors or outdoors U.L. approved Economical, safe and convenient 15 watt, Vi acre PM-111- insects without the use of chemicals or sprays to damage the environment This top of the line Flowtron! has a Kills all flying them out Economical: covers up to 3 of an acre for pennies a day 25 watt, 3A acre 5 BK-212- 5 Reg. 109.95 "r y r e ft w ?& EccT Jrt ' ,1 ; drTi,f f T Jcioo Fcrl rilllcr jUSr tes CiiEtidinNttKtlvQWlon Fenilaer Spikes C3.5.C3 - in CcC3 Dandelion Killer Jm i,, t r'1' ; I e -- "4 'I !, f!1 ,, of Kills 3 ,v. lawn weeds-root- Rebate no T six Fertilizes plants; kills insects by systemic action IVhirlybird Fertilizer footSprcodc Spreads a 6 to path al Fast and accurate 4 year guarantee 4.98 Reg. 10.95 ElRITJ Shrab Guard QQ impact handles and itrong steel blades ofcr you gankn toots that won't bend or break Choose 650, 651, 652, 653 or 65 Hth .99 ID Ea. 120 of It HWWf?! U-VVI-- 2Ti50B3 Zone 1 l Eipkaslfay 14, 1983 ipdf I fer i llililWHHillBI Alaska Fish Mor Bloom sets buds Dand 1 jy WITH THIS COUPON E irrlTIilliWiilliH" rlor Dloos SG-2- 5 2.97 Ifl an Alaetia Fish Protect small shrubs and flower: Decorative fencing of plastic coated wire ID tr.1. waiia -- Fencing ID : hn Page v (SGQ Gheor tingle Klccd Tools V n Reg. 8.29 m m SIT 0 -- t a After Mnfcy. 0 - Systemic And Floucr Car Ilooc Feed and protects for up to weeks 1.00 Net Cost U r f 2.88 Mnfgr. Rebate II e b 10 Sale Price J v .. and s jbIm "1 tough-to-contr- ol Weed Killer broadleaf Ready to use 24 oz. size Reg. Price - HfrrV and grasses in one application Ready to use 24 oz. size UJccd-D-G- on Kills gum, it' Klcenap riccd AndbroadGraco Killer weeds range n ro , hT ( Stabs,- ? fiytfprcn, or Fruit Trcs end psttcB iMWAaab, DCil''1 V " c!cr ftf CacatJ 2S2fi2TS - long Cbacc.? from Tress & r ' ' anepedspy t:mr,sfJ season i f J2K Limit 2 Rag. 4.19 Cash vakM ST 120 ID d It Eapkw May 14, 1983 lengthens blooming and root growth Contains fish emulsion and no odor One quart size what-so-ev- 1.2)7 WITH IMS COUPON Limit 2 Rag. 2.50 Caahvriu 120 4 It Esatat May 14. 1983 |