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Show 6C CLEARFIELD Davis Junior High. Those who earned top grades for the third term are: Ninth grade, high honors: John Allred, Mark Anderson, Joe m M Sounds of KAYSVILLE the corfrom come chicks baby incubator an ner of the room as and light switches on and off Morkindergarten students atwatch gan Elementary School eggs turn to chicks before their eyes. The big hatch came the first week in May when the little chicks pecked and kicked their way out of their shells. The students waited patiently for 21 days to welcome the soft, yellow chicks. Progress was checked regularly as the children carefully handled the eggs. After nine days they could see that the chicks were well formed. On the 20th day the chick breathed through the tiny holes in the egg shell and a faint peep-peecould be heard from inside. Eighth grado, honors: Colby Batchelor, Bridgette Bergk, Brian Bon, Roy Carlson, Kristi Chatterton, Brian Christensen, Tracy Cornelius, Jill Davis, Rick Davis, Stephanie Day, Jamie Eriksson. Jamie Foote, Dionne Hamilton, Stephanie Harris, Vickey Heaps, Shari Hodson, Brian Bishop, Naomi Blair, Greg Bowen, Steven Carlson, Julie Child, Tiny Chicks Toach Kid S Jones, Carma Lokeni, Michael McBride, Yvette Montgomery, Taunya Mullins, Thomas Price, Michele Steed, Tanji Thurgood, Sheri Waggoner. Honor rolls have been released by North Carter, Kathy y ' North Davis Junior Releases Honor Roll " v r' Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 Jessica Christ, Sherrie Christensen. Bart Cook, Caryn Cook, Eden Cook, Julia nne Cook, Jolene Dahl, Brett Dalla, Alecia Davenport, Butch Gaylor, Lois Gill, Michelle Gobel, Tammie Hamblin, Lorilin Hawkes. Tom Heaps, Davis Hunt, Debbie Jorgensen, Deyette Keller, Gerrit Kruitbosch, Kara Maero, Liz Martin, Quinn Monsen, Tony Olds, Tracy Pay, Stacy Poll. David Reed, Noelle Smith, Scott Thorne, Lane Thurgood, illliilii - i ,r :V, i.'SW. Holbrook, Tiffany Jensen, Ket-telDawn Kawaguchi, Joshua l, Chad Mortensen, Lisa Paice. Yamira Parker, Lynne Reading, Bryce Smith, Caryl Snow, Paul Speirs, Loralyn Staples, Eric Stephenson, Brett Walker, Wendee Warner, Darrell Wilcox, Shauna Wilson, Terri Michelle Tovey, Shauna Zaugg. Sovonth grado, high honors: Mark Austad, Keith Bangerter, Chris Bodily, James Derrick, Kelly Egan, Kristina Fellows, Whiting. Ninth grado, honors: David Bates, Troy Bodily, William Burnett, Jennifer Burns, Dianna Cheney, Amy Child, Marcie Clark, Kade Durrant. p ROBBIE FINLINSON At 21 days the eggs begin to. crack open as the chicks pecked and kicked their way out. ; watches closely as a baby chick finds its way out of its shell. - Roy Coed Elected I was really relieved the Doyle and Cleo Jones of 3446 W. campaign was over, said Roy 6000 S., Roy, and is a sophomore resident Tamara Jones reflect- majoring in child and family Kelsey. on her recent election to studies at Weber State. ing ManMolly Lorenzen, Lance services vice president student She has also worked with the Promise Justin McIntosh, ning, Utah State Schools for the Deaf McQuade, Edward Richards, at Weber State College. ' Ms. Jones is the daughter of and Blind. Lance Ritter, Bradford Smith, Tamra Flint, Pleshette Connie Evans, Grant Goniotakis, Robert Hiatt, Catherine Famuliner, Kent Godfrey, Steve Goniotakis, Becky Green, Cindee Hale, Unell Hanson, Eric Hardison, Jennifer Harris, Lynn Hatfield. Matt High, Angie Hill, Michelle. Hudson, Jennifer Hunter, Glenn Jarvis, Stacy Knight, Vera McEntire, Mandy Nielsen, Cheryl Reed. : William Spangenthal," Robert Stuart, Stacee Taylor, Christine Tovey, Shantel Visser, Patrick White, Travis Wilson. Sovonth grado, honors: ' REMINDER! THIS Sunday is Mother's Day Bradley Storing, Michael Williams, Wendy Wright. 'Eighth grado, high honors: Stephanie Bouy, Shelby Cald- well, Curtis Child, Lynnann Christensen, Katrina Clarke, Heidi Clauson, Kristin Cook, Janae Cunningham, Tecia Finlinson, Julie Goodrich, Sharilyn Grant. Kevin Johnson, Radene n De-gear- e, mu 0 Lingerie by Miss Elaine starting from PIZZA CO. COUPON 20 ANY LARGE A 0 Jewelery Bracelets Necklaces Raymond Mills, Kevin Miya, Open Tricia Miya, Michelle Mower, Lance Murray, Brady Nixon, Daniel Olas, Miguel Orozco, tt Perez, Shane Prescott, Ste- Earrings starting from m 10 Sat. 10 to 7 Mon.-Thur- s. to 6, Fri. & 112 FORT LANE 546-185- 1 CxioEdooijD TAKE-OU- T PIZZA OFF OOOD THROUOH LUNCH & DINNER 1 rpj 1 ! ktiliiuHtij 1 Formerly Fred's Threads Lo-ri- OO Coma and In lay our Beautiful DINING FACILITIES OPEN FOR VISA De-ni- ven Pugh. Lana Sibley, Todd Suzuki, n Swenson, Karen Taggart, Tisha. Thurgood, Marvin Tucker, David Vanwagener, Kyle Weaver, Stephanie Yeager. "Ml!!- - for creative gift items... Barker, Deanne Bergeuin, Bradshaw, Stacey Campbell, Tamara Child, Amy Cook, Diane Davenport, Rachel Belynda Edwards, Grant Finlinson, Julie Fredrickson. Michael Gardner, Cathy Garrett, Lorie Gledhill, James Godfrey, Karen Goodell, Evangelin Gutierrez, Terri Hoffman, Trisha Jorgensen, Lance King, Stacy Lee, Patricia Loock, Tina Matthews, Darian Merrill. Christ Roskelly, Shawna Stanger, Joe Staples, Billie Jo Ky-an- Cl) ij H) 0 hi U t 5 Omni on rig ReadThe Classified GO :::thomas c. zaugg Kimball Presented ; CLEARFIELD Thomas C. Zaugg, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Zaugg, 1548 Melanie Lane, Syracuse, has been appointed as a Spencer W. Kimball Scholar at Brigham Young University for the four-ye- ar period beginning with the year. Zaugg was named a Kimball Scholar along with 23 other students from a field of some 425 applicants. The designation carries; with a stipend of $2,000 per year granted in consideration of high school academic records, test scores, extracurricular activities, letters of recommenda- -- tion. One of Clearfield High Schools 1983 valedictorians and a Sterling Scholarship nominee, Zaugg was recently named Student of the Year by the Clearfield Chamber of Commerce. Academically he ranks number 12 in a class of 508 CHS seniors. Anyone can save on discounted Timeway Simple Interest loans. First Security deposit customers can save even more: fix-u- p projects can Your a lot easierand this year with a First Security Timeway loan . . . because we clean-u- p have lowered the interest rate. Now theres no need to wait to add a room, garage, landscape, or make any practical home improvements. And with a First Security Timeway Simple Interest loan you can take up to the full term of the loan or, pay it off sooner and save, with no penalty. You only pay interest for the time you use the money. Pick your projects and , call a First Security loan officer today. Our moneys ON SALE! rvp. , Member: FDIC First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. First Security Bank of Idaho, N.A. 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