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Show - TtiuAKite--tnw- BpFrj&rfij sfed sif'f' Fyt1 1 WH' g UIw'ULa 0MB8 4 HP22 3.5H?2CTcut Blade brake dutch HC3.92 Reg. 229.55 All Kowtri are 1933 stock t r "n enp 3 HP20 cut Extended rope start Grass catcher available Blade brake clutch Cast aluminum deck (stops only blade not engine) u cut' fear discharge Self-propell- rr itl 379.03 H DDaCO Rea. 429.95 tu1j j Rea-- 279.95 Nylon cord trimmer A big 14 cut that goes from light grass trimming to heavy weed cutting .375 HP permanent magnet motor Adjustable helper handle Automatic line feed 4 .r . :i it ;u TcjI'iD. .07 Paramount Trimmer ifctayour I, 2GZ Rea. 179. 95 "t 3.C3r,. CidiCrrr dS-10- 1 HP20 cut Deluxe rear discharge Blade brake dutch Meets CPSC Blade Safety Requirements. Stops blade within 3 seconds of control release Porto Arcc:u Qadtt tlczjcs Rr;!accut Get extra I mower 3.5 SK-14- 0 roc '' Buy a Paramount Nylon Cord Trimmer and get a Replacement Spool and Cutting Line ($6.00 Value) for just 1C. tt Vcrv US-' Poly Tank Sprayer nzn 1 V , ; r iie -: U I 4' C ! nlzc:- nr I 1 i r .1F-11- 0 l 1.77 2k:zr9 C.-l- . ll JCi' r.- - 2.t7 ccr'-x-c Pump assembly is totally constructed of high density polyethelene Comes equipped with brass extension rod, rotating shut-of- f and adjustable nozzle 2 gallon capacity 1992 Ea. Reg. 34.95 r HcLnoSX Ej Cri ASC2C9 Crj Alaeha Fish Fertiliser I 8 no bum formula for al vegetables and shrubs H 1 V U lgaknstae IIJ IQ 5.C3 WTTH V U 100 THB COUPON Ca vafc l o 1C The finest blend for intermountaln lawns Covers 300 sq. ft. 1 lb. size 3 WITH EiprM Key 14, 1983 -- irriJiT'" sfrT: M Magic Carpet Grass Seed lElRlN H THIS COUPON AW nwja cMoic Carpet Lawn it n II U H py II ray Grass Shear Side action type Unique swivel allows horizontal- diagonal or vertical cutting Teflon--S JJ 1 Reg.W Cadi value 12 Ool 1C ExpVw May 14, 1983. mm: coated blades-retargumming 105.97 WITH TMS COUPON 9 Limit 2 Reg. 9.99 lSI of 1C Cata vataa H Zone 3 5083 Page 7T |