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Show - " k t .. Auxiliary Presents 'Tokens' SUNSET "You always feel good when you get a token you dont expect," explained Sunset Fire Ladies Auxiliary President Paulette Skipper, as she prepared, with other members of the organization, to present eight dozen long stemmed roses to residents at the Clearfield Convalescent and Nursing Center, 1450 S. 1400 E. The roses, one for every female patient, in shades of Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 7A Piano Recital Set May 1 4 red, yellow, and pink, were donated in honor of Mothers Day by the community service group. Each patient also received a special card. "We just wanted to bring a little cheer into their lives, said Skipper who spearheaded bake sales and other fund raising events in an effort to raise money for the project. CLINTON Twenty piano students in training with Cheryl Bradley, 1392 N. 550 W., will be featured in a musical recital to be held Saturday, May 14, at 3:30 p.m. in the Davis North Branch Library, 562 S. 1000 E., Clearfield. xfy.r n ryvax;.. Performers for the event inJared Bradlev. Kerry O' clude Presnell, Amber Allen, Jenna Bowen, Marcie Chessar, Mckay Garfield, Julie Skipper, Lisa Francom, Stacey Flint, Carrie Flint, Debbie Girardo, Angela Girardo, Sherry Lucas, Carrie Lucas, Kay Baldwin, Michelle Johson, Matthew Wheatley, Amy Wheatley, Stacie Sims, Kristine Westover, and Mrs. Bradley. Writing Club Dates Meeting - i'V b SYRACUSE The Wasatch Writers will hold their May meeting on Wednesday, May 18, at 7 p.m. at the home of Arlene Hamblin, 2098 W. 700 S., Syracuse. Members are asked to bring V- - current writing projects for general discussion and constructive critique. - . z I NANNETTE Membership is open and interested pesons should contact' President Norma Dalton, 8250239; Secretary, Arlene Hamb-- ' or Program Chair-- ' lin, man, Marge Silvester, Members planning to enter; the 1983 League of Utah Writers Contest are reminded of the June 15 deadline. -' 825-453- 1 544-213- 6, tea., . . AND DOUGLAS PAINTER Couple Recites Vows In Spring Wedding X MR. AND MRS. MARK WOODBURY Clearfield Woman Wed In Ceremonies CLEARFIELD The former Miss Gail M. Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Harvey of Clearfield, was married April 14 to Mark Woodbury in rites performed by John K. Edmunds in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woodbury of Lake Charles, La. For the wedding and reception following at the Clearfield 6th VLDS Ward cultural, the bride wore a floor length gown of white peau de soie with full lace sleeves and fitted cuffs below the elbow. A high neckline and lace ruffle insert adorned the bodice. Carla Jones was matron of honor with Gwen Lattin, Kaye Barker, Trena Shorts and Kris Harvey as bridesmaids and Vanessa Harvey and Condise Lattin. nieces of the. bride, as flower girls. The bridesmaids wore dresses of pale pink flowered satin. Best man was Chris Woodbury, with Paul Bouwhuis as usher. ' . Prenuptial parties were given by Gwen Lattin, Kaye Barker and Kris Harvey, Carla Joos, Juliette Gans and Trena Shorts. The bride graduated from Clearfield High School in 1982 and has attended Weber State College. She is presently employed at House of Fabrics in Ogden. The bridegroom graduated from Henderson High School in Henderson, Tex., in 1977 and is also a graduate of Kilgore Junior College. He fulfilled an LDS Church mission to Salt Lake City and is employed by McCullough Construction. CLEARFIELD The former Miss Nannette Drummond, daughter of Mrs. Robert H. Stevens of Clearfield and Marvin P. Drummond of Washington Terrace, was married to Douglas C. Painter in rites performed April 30 at LDS Roy 3rd Ward Relief Society room. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Painter of Roy. A reception was held in the Roy LDS 3rd Ward cultural hall. Matron of honor was Laurie Jean McClellan, a sister of the bride, with Jennifer Sobik of Kansas City, Mo., as maid of honor. Sister of the bride, Jeanette Peterson; Raili and Deanna Beard, and sister-in-laof the bride, Tami Morgan, were bridesmaids. Best man was Mark Matthews with Charles Stevens and Rod Painter as ushers. Flower girl was Michelle Blechert. The couple will reside in Roy. The groom is a graduate of Roy Mel-dru- High School and attended Dixie College and Weber State College. The bride is a former Clearfield High Falcette, Girls State representative and is a graduate of Clearfield High. Take I . America. STARTS TODAY m w EVERYTHING MUST GO! 5,000 MEN'S UHtk Mata St.lI WtaRgSBr T cV y 1 Y Ck jf.X PAIR IN STOCK YOUR CHANCE AT LOW PRICES LY '95f The KUTV Northern Utah Bureau CT 4 StockXse ON NAME BRAND PRODUCTS LADIES ONLY I EXOTIC BOOTS Hippo Snake and more o) ONLY V in . . CHILDREN'S Also Available: Tony Lama, Justin, and Sander's at comparable savings. - A rn of events that shape our lives. v KUTV provides timely coverage of y Northern Utah events that affect you. These reports, by KUTV Northern Utah Reporter Michelle Cheney from the KUTV Northern Utah. Bureau at the gfirn IHanhard-Examitt- & KARMAII y cr help you understand how local events ... affect you, your family, your future. 1. ) WESTERN SHIRTS Short and long sloeve. 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