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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 rr"wT i -- HENRY AND ELSIE OLSON Couple Notes W Anniversary FARMINGTON The ro- mance that began in Powell, Wyo., in 1922 was celebrated this month after 59 years of -- mn ma ppuqeg marriage. Henry Louis and Elsie Alice Olson of Kaysville were married on April 23, 1924, in San Francisco, Calif. When the marriage was later sealed in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on Sept. 9, 1964, Spencer W. Kimball, now president of the LDS ceremony. The Olsons have one daughter, Shirley Ann Hight of Farmington. They are the grandparents of five and great-grandparen- ts GD17E VGOJI 7C1B , mm UIKKlN.GIMATiERrAKS Church, performed the ECONOMY ROOFING SHINGLES STUDS Protect your home from damaging leaks and save1 REDWOOD DECKS Why pay more1 of 15. Weber Gets Park SOUTH WEBER A U2695 Resists curling S. e Repels water. land-leas- e H419 South Weber has been 10 FRAMING LUMBER Add a lumber finish your basement at low prices room . ... . Includes Joists, rim joists, random planking lengths Deck grade Note Decks featured are ground 4 posts will be supported 4 needed for unlevel ground Because personal construction preferences differ railing is not Quality . negotiated between the City Council and the LDS Church. The lease with a fee of $1 a year to the city will allow South Weber to build a park on the property south of the church located on 1385 E. South Weber Drive. Mayor Rex Bouchard says the park will mostly be used as a 25-ye- ar 100 sq. ft. Stock colors. -- I Posse Plans Queen Contest The Davis Many practical 4 4 . Robyn Fielding, Rhoades, Dixie Flint, or Marilyn Thurgood, Mahogany DOORS Set in - Nail up' Includes prebored door, jamb, hinges, stop. AriV',' 32" 1 I x 6 1 x Directors CLEARFIELD of the recreation department at the Clearfield Convalescent Center invite people in the community to visit the center during, National Nursing Home Week. The center has planned an 8 open house May 13 from 1 to progas well special p.m., as rams throughout the week. For further information, contact Jannie Kirk or Frankie Draidfort; in the center recreation department, 773-655- 3. 1x4x6 1x6x6 square top pickets 1 1x6x6 square top pickets 49-8- x 4 1 Using 2 linear toot squere top pickets 7! linear foot 4x4x8 Post 2x4x Rail 4 1 8' Linear foot price based on 8 section which Includes Post, two rsils and 24-- 1 x 4 or 16-- 1 x 6 pickets. 30 CONCRETE MIX linear ft. Just add water' mm IlMWNtSGARDEN H88 w 90 lb. bag. Nylon ELECTRIC BRUSHES 307 THmmer Walgha 2 Iba. Cuts 8 inch path 15s8 9E98 mm w Convenience1 Security1 Opens the door turns on the light lets you drive right in' WALL each a e Edgar Walgha 7v Iba. Cuts 16 Inch path 4098 DOOR OPENERS INTERIOR LATEX SPRED 509 trimmer Layton only GARAGE SALE each Edgar Walgha 3V, lbs. Cute 10 inch path You can win the war against grass and weeds1 arr,oMAi PAINT 409 Trimmer Center Invites i Using 2 square lop pickets Perfect for home improvement projects like shelves, planters, coffee tables, bookcases, etc Random width, random length, smooth 2 sides. 'j.t i 1x4x6 OAK BOARDS ill 776-042- 0. Public to Visit prices' H INTERIOR 776-276- 4; 773-662- 2, 20 XA Cindy 825-845- 4; X ':i. $5. 4 il 11-1- 3; Contestants may enter the competition June 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lagoon arena. For more information on the contest and the classes, phone ... at affordable Quality picket fencing uses' 0. 4 10 - girls ages i 24249 29900 J?- County Sheriffs Posse will sponsor a junior rodeo queen contest on June 6 at 4:45 p.m. at the Lagoon Rodeo Arena for 14-1- 6; x 16 CEDAR FENCING PINE BOARDS FARMINGTON 8 to 16. A clinic to help contestants get ready for the contest is set for May 16. The contest is open to girls in three age groups: queen, ages secfirst attendant, ond attendant, The girls will oe judged on horsemanship, personality and appearance. Classes in the areas of horsemanship, modeling and makeup will be held May 16 at 6 p.m. at the Lagoon arena. Cost of the classes will be included Quality Appearance much needed girls softball field. He said the grass and sprinkling system will be put in this summer by the city recreation department and would be ready for use by next spring. lot In past years, the has been used as a tomato patch by the local LDS wards. The property was once owned by the city but was donated to the LDS Church to build a stake center, x 12 10 each. for a new city park in ; 3C TRAC DRIVE Flat finish Easy water clean-u- Model 250 p PAN AND each ROLLER SET GARDEN HOSE gallon, EXTERIOR LATEX SPRED HOUSE Layton only e e GARDEN GLOVES One size fils Layton and Orem only H788 g Budget priced Vinyl reinforced1 $3!LM!8 m88 Model 840 Our best extenor Dries to a durable Hat finish a98 all1 128 pair. POLYETHELENE FILM 10 x 25'. Clear or black. MOVIE RENTALS roll. VHS ONLY n Includes Hew Releases With $3995 Lifetime Membership At: SUFER SCOO? VIDEO 5975 So. 1900 W. 776-447- 7 Roy, Utah amnas umuos , mm rraifse voo o Layton LAYTON Washington BJvd STC:Z BOIES 86:03 P.M. p.m. Sstvrdsy Ctosd Ssndzy Ogden LOS Temple Jnlerstaie 1b 33 Mam St 8-3:- 03 2lst St Wilton Lane WeCareBemChecha Weekdays p.m. Saturdays p.m. Cfostd Suadays 7 Layton Syracuse HMftetd Ent 00 czz:: stc:z i:ou3 ti rau cqod SATURDAY tho 15th MosttrCord Eirt Should an ievennw nam not ba available during in vela you may requel a Ram Chock guarantoamg tho aala pnea on that item wnen atoca it raplenmned Soma ittmi available only at our taroar locationa Pteete call for your particular need 1 ti 1 |