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Show V Page ID North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday , May 11, 1983 4 S MAY From L&R SPECIALS UHi Automotive Remanufactured mm. CRANK KITS VXgM 360 Ford 350 Chev. 6? 4t Remanufactured SHORT BLOCKS SCOTT R. GARDNER blake a: McMillan CRAIG R. THOMPSON 350 Chev. m DARREN E. HAMBLIN 3 Missionaries Called; 2 Others Return Home Three young men have cepted calls to serve missions for the LDS Church and two have returned home after sucac- cessfully completing missions. .Elder Craig Richard Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of 578 S. Blossom Circle, Fruit Heights, will serve in the Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission. He will speak at the Fruit Heights 1st LDS Ward chapel, 901 S. Mountain Road, this Sun- 15, at 3:30 p.m. Elder Scott R. Gardner, son of M.' day, May . Ray and Cynthia M. Gardner, 562 W. Gentile Street in Layton, has accepted a call to serve in the Venezuela Caracas Mission. Scott graduated from Layton vited to visit with Elder Gard-- . ner at the home of his grandparents, Richard and Verona Mar-sto78 N. 575 W. (Cook Street) Layton, on Saturday, May 14, from 3 to 6 p.m. n, Eldar Jeffery Hunt, son of Bill and Lois Hurst of Kaysville, recently returned from the Virginia, Roanoke LDS Mission. A es PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS 91 Cross St. homecoming in his honor was held on Sunday May 8, in the Kaysville 20th Ward, Crestwood Stake. te 1 Layton, Utah 84041 Phone 544-425- 9 JsL Vour Time's Up! Only 3 weeks left to advertise 26. , Sno-Whi- Machine Inc. Automotive AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE AND COMPLETE Eldar Darran E. Hamblin, son of High School and LDS Seminary ' in 1981. He was in the a cappella choir and a member of the singing group. He has held several offices in his priesthood . quorum. Elder Gardner worked for three years at the Layton Safeway store and has completed a course at the Intermountain School of Broadcast. He has been employed the past Eldar Blake A. McMillan will reCleaners year at the in Kaysville. port on his mission on Sunday at Elder Gardner will speak on 9 a.m. in the Clearfield First Sunday, May 15, at 10:45 a.m. in Ward, 326 Center Street. He the Layton 4th Ward, 2120 W. served in the Philadlephia, Gentile Street, Layton. He wilf Pennsylvania Mission. Elder McMillan is the son of enter, the Mission Training Howard and Beverly McMillan, . Center May 19. Friends and family are in 383 S. 1000 W., Clearfield. Lay-ton- 2 Bolt Neldon and Bonnie Hamblin of 718 W. 450 N., Clearfield, has accepted a call to serve in the North Carolina Charlotte LDS Mission. He will enter the Mission Trraining Center on May His farewell will be held on May 15, at 3:50 p.m. in the Clearfield 10th Ward Chapel, 300 N. 200 W., Clearfield. Friends and relatives are invited to visit with him following the meeting at his home. Elder Hamblin is a 1982 graduate of Clearfield High and LDS Seminary. He played on the high school football and baseball teams. He has been active in various church activities and is an Eagle Scout. He has been attending Weber State College and working at North Davis Cabinet. ea. Reg. $587.00 in Shampoo & Set REG. Hair Coloring Manicuring Tips & Wraps 4.50 3- . -50 GERRY CURL Our hair coloring staff is the very finest. All Specials Good Through Fri., May 13th, 1983. Bring Ad for AU Specials. Roy the 1983 NORTH DAVIS DIRECTORY $20 3200 SUPERVISION RY: Rita Painter (Roy) C.H. Painter Ogden) 295-232- 3 Call Bruce or Jeff at (Davis and Salt Lake) or 825-233- 4 (Ogden area) They'll come by to explain the types of ads rates. available and the low, once-a-ye- 0GDEN ar COLLEGE Don't miss this chance to reach your customer quickly, easily and all year long. once-each-ye- ar The college that places their students in the best salons. - GREENERY KILLS DANDELIONS FAST Eliminate most broadlaif weeds, dilutimedic, clover, knotwoed, spurge, end many more. Balanced feeding to the lawn with two types of nitrogen plant food. Adds pkosphati end potash to kelp develop root strnctero. 11 lb. bag feeds 2.500 squire feet. 22 lb. bag weeds end toads 5,011. ons, black Reg. $11.49 Now Only PAX TOTAL It not only prevents wends in pour lawn, bet it will kill nest of them now (rowing Total feeds vour lawn with a kilincnd tirtiliier and contains iron to raplaca minerals in thn soil. It also contains perlita soil conditioner. The 18 bag will cover 2,000 square feet of lawn. LILLY MILLER A GREAT START FOR PLANTS. A DEAD END FOR WEEDS. UILYMIM.ER with Vitamin Plus. Hynuouxi 'oOucv IrriNSltan' sHoC'i vw " , '"cm I'tinai'anied B j(l o0 W Kwk) puntt (Xdnhou on io !V4twe'sie B o' j raster stout reg. 4.9 NOW FARMING NEEDS r hi r ri mj.'j xx o (X) db CD oocdOoq &S&i)DD 0 - iV 10l?ir:V 'iitlta-- iclfinit: ikVfiTiJi ,va4 ) gi (tfijnii? rZ3J 3 |