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Show 9 8B lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 I i CTTn u I eg!? "G Co 5umbo Pacts Aranualo Iraotont Garden Color! 3-- blooming 6 plants per pack Pansies, marigolds, petunias and more Instant garden color pony pack Syotemic Rooe & Flower Care U Bruoh-B-Go- n Lawn Weed Killer Brush Killer Onnio Systemic Rose & Flower Care Plant food with systemic insecticide Six week systemic action Weed-B-Go- n s Onnio -4 5 lbs. Kills Controls dandelions, wild onions, plantains, chickweeds and many other listed weeds 1 quart woody plants: poison ivy, poison oak, WEED-B-GO- rj LawnVVsed Killer , 1 8.29 Reg. sOnnio blackberries, honeysuckle, kudzu and willows BRUSH-D-C- Brushy; pint Gj C5$i L i Ames Lawn & Garden Tools Lawn Tractor Choose from the following American crafted tools at 50 off Regular price 11 H.P. - 38 Cut 5 Speed Transaxle 12 Volt Alternator Starter 5 position cuttln j I height He&dlights - ajnp meter 3 position adjustable steering column Round Point Shovel 3 Reg. 10.30 5.15 Steel Rake 18-82- 6 Reg- - sms 133-63- 8 Garden Hoe 18-48- Reg. 8.30 31 4.15 Q E lOtha , I . J? n r,vi nr im HljJlti' w Planting and Clay Pot o: , Reg. 1299.45 5 ned i Reg. 6.98 (B 15-61- D llLLYrMILLER Growing Food 8 Pot Replant now S Allows plants to breathe Gentle, extended feeding Ideal for all new and established plantings . 1- I 5 lb D Q DR .33 THIS COUPON Cash value 120 otl Expire! May (V IP runznnm WITH THIS COUPON TT ? Limit 2 Reg. 2.98 2.44 rl 19. 1983 W Cash value 120 ta Start of 1C Expires May 19 1983 - iS "Vid CZZZA CC'JUTDY IIILLG : 4338 lisrrlMR Clvd. 079-- 1 CCD Y.r 3? 2231 OgdiR City Plaza 3C3-C41- 5 CC:IQVI1LQ 183 8. Prsm 292-003- v I 1 Ln. VitaSurt lemuiH 1 2.'44 Y WIT4 HIS COUPON 4 Cash value 1 20 of 1C W 198J Expires May T IAYTC3 jtv ' 1 riiTirnlh mro fca r rT T1! LaytoR 11m 1 'rn e505(rSF CZZZU CITY PLAZA UlvWir Promotes new root growth for a healthier start For new plantings and transplants (vi i rati '75 M'Wbi lillyTmiller I T. . wtHHKfl 3n STORE HOURS i:!s CSrII j 506-302- 1 ,1 Mon.-Fr- i 9-- 9 9-- 7 Sat. ... Sun.', 9:30-- 6 iyisr tjy itsfnytirT 1 |