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Show Pag e 1C North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, May 11, 1983 H , r By DALI MXRINOUD ' Davis 5, Alta & Davis remembers a game some time ago, it was last year and it wasnt even soccer, The last time Davis met Alta it was in football and Davis came out on the short end of the scoring, but Alta kept pumping up the score even after there wasnt any question of the outcome. So in this grudge match, even though it was soccer, the Darts wanted to win and did so in a big Alta had the first scorway, ing threat though, but the header was too weak and it rolled harmlessly to the side, of the goal. Scott Argyle was great in his . , Layton 0 free-kic- k st Erik Johnston came out of the game with an injury, but was not hurt seriously. Layton will get a chance to play again in the double elimination tournament on Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. against Alta. The half wound down with the As Viewmont same score, had the momentum in the first, the Lakers were the owners of that time in the second, and, were the first to score in the second period. Roger Lund put the ball in for Bonneville. Brighton 6, The next score was to go to Woods Cross 0 Viewmont. Tom Payneur folSALT LAKE CITY There lowed a shot in and as the goalie were a few surprise games in lost the ball, he kicked it in. complaints from the d state soc- Despite the Mondays goal stood. cer games, and a few games crowds, score The put the Vikings up that werent much of anything. by one, but the Lakers came In a rematch of last years back and finalists Woods Cross lost to Mike with a vengeance tied the game up Buckway Brighton, in regulation play and overtime The Wildcats won last time periods were next. rearound, but Brighton had deadlock was not broken membered that and was not ab- in The overtime period and the the out to fold under the pressure. shoot-of- f began. Woods Cross had a few Each coach picked five playchances at Brightons goal, but ers, who fired a shot at each failed to connect for the score. one at a time. With startBrighton, on the other hand, goalie Pat Woods on the was hot, and could do little ing goalie Bonneville Coach Tim bench, wrong. In its own region, Brighton has beaten teams by scores Morris turned to Richard Stuart. His first defense wasnt as lopsided as 20-- Todd of Brighton scored three successful against Viewmonts Chris Beckman. goals of his own to lead the With Viking Bengals to the easy, 0 victory Landes Holbrook in goal Roger over the Wildcats. took on and evened him Lund Woods Cross will play Bonnethe score. The series continued ville at noon today. and the next four Viewmont shots were blocked. And the Viewmont 4, goalie position. His usually steady play was as' solid as ever. .. Davis received the benefit of a penalty kick near1 Altas goal. The Darts passed the ball to Brian Bacon, who blasted the ball past the goalie. Ryan Smith had a great game, even though he didnt score from his outside halfback position said Coach Bruce He never let anything get past him, he was really looking good, said Davis Coach Bruce Bitner. He hustled and he is only a junior, so he will be with us next . 0. first-roun- 6-- 0. Bit-ne- r. - Altas best scoring chances came early in the second half. Lenard Chitty drew the goalie out, got the ball past him, but then the ball got away from him before he was able to tap it into the goal. Davis second goal came off the foot of Dave Lattin with the assist coming from Brian Bacon. And then, following it up, Bacon put in his second score for the day. It appeared that the game wquld end with the Davis point lead, but minutes before' the end of the game Rick Younbgberg put a shot into the net and Davis was up by four One of Sim-mon- 0. - goal-keep- er 6-- Bonneville 3 Viewmont shared the spotlight with Bonneville for the most exciting game of the day. Evenly played throughout, it came down to a sudden death shoot-ou- t to give the Vikings the goals. And once again Bacon took the ball in and scored. He took a d pass at the stripe and n the defender, gave the goalie a move so he had to commit himself and then punched in his third score for a hat trick. Davis will play Cottonwood today at 5:15 p.m. at Westminster College in Salt Lake. 1 0. 5-- 0. year. Stfotfo was poor, but these guys were real gentlemen. I think both In the opening game of the teams were really equal, they first round, Cottonwood scored both were good teams. Viewmont was the only team only once, but it was enough to Peter Ivy was to score in the first period. Lonbeat Layton, the scorer with assist credit go- nie Birkenfield was given an from near the indirect ing to Trent Jameson. We just didnt play with any midfield line on the near side of fire, said Layton Coach Andy the field. He hit the ball and it Johnston. We had our chances sailed across the goal mouth to but we missed our shots. where Vernaun the far-poWith the Lancers in a hole, all Gines was patiently waiting. the Colts had to do was side with The ball dropped into his range the clock and ride things out, and he kicked it in for the first which they did. score. Cottonwood . Review Ceneependent m ytf Altf nytfs 4-- . 3 win. - , What can I say? asked Viewmont Coach Roger Cushing. Its mid-fiel- out-ra- . the state tournament. Well take it any way we can get it. We really have respect for Bonneville. They are gentlemen, we have played a lot of games throughout the state during the season and the language next four Laker shooters missed. A second-roun- of d shoot-out- s began with this one being a sudden death. If one team scored, the other must also make the next shot. Viewmonts Alan En-c- e came up first and shot and scored. This put the pressure on the Vikings Landes Holbrook in goal, and the Lakers Byron Lund as the shooter. The shot failed and Viewmont was the winner of the shoot-ou- t and the game with a final score of Staff photos by Dan Miller 4-- 3. playoff game played last week. Layton won LAYTON HIGH'S Art Morokot challenges a Taylorsville player for the ball in a state Viewmont will play Brighton at 3:30 p.m. today. the game, 3-- 0. - Nig h la nd'Walks' Over Layton in Baseball Playoffs I Lancers may have dreamed ab- ter, Hawkins added. out were gone in the first inning Review Sports Editor Layton had only two extra Walks as quickly as a poor mans base hits, both doubles, in the SALT LAKE CITY are to a baseball pitcher like: game. But, in a play that paycheck. to Hawkins of Coach Brad scored. a whom are epitomized the game for the lung batters, all Layton a) Cigarettes ' in the also knows what walks can do, Lancers, Robert Warnke hit a Bases loaded, no outs cancer victim. first inning. The Lancers may especially against a team like double in the fifth inning, but b) Cars are to a dog crossing as well have given the Rams a Highland which took advantage rounded the bag at second and an eight-lan- e highway. c) Mud Lake ranchers are to three-ruhandicap during the of the situation with good hit- was tagged out. Highland, however, had no rabbits. lineup exchange before the ting. Hes 1 and cant throw trouble hitting the ball and scord) All of the above. game, because Highland used that nice, comfy cushion the en- strikes, Hawkins said about ing runs. The Rams had 11 hits .. Layton pitcher Bret Talbot Talbots control problems. in the game, two homeruns, one will never miss that question on tire game and won After tests. And he walks the first three off of Talbot and the other off SAT uncharacterThe walks were his ACT or Brad Merrill, and committed too is all of Talbot istic batters. the Talbot, Monday nighty But the Lancers were also only one error in the game. familiar with the lethalness of who was 1 on the season beMerrill came in to relieve Tal- fore the game and had pitched shut down on offense, getting the walk., in the second inning and,, bot We The Layton senior walked iour shutouts. only five hits in the game. But any shutout hopes the didnt swing the bat much bet- - pitched well for the Lancers. four Highland players in the He keeps the ball down, said " By KENT SOMERS first inning of Mondays state playoff game, gave up two singles and allowed three runs. Talbot walked the first three n 7-- 9-- 4. . left-hand- 7-- -- . Hawkins, and he hasnt thrown that much this year. Merrill also had the Lancers other double and scored a run. Talbot hit an RBI single in the third inning, when the Lancers scored their first two runs. Robert Ferneau also had a single for Layton. , The Lancers will now play Bingham, the tournament favorite before a loss to Viewmont Monday, today at noon in Mgna. Talbot will have a chance to redeem himself and will probably start the game, said Haw' kins. One encouraging sign for Lay-to- n n is the return of startto the Craig Kennedy ing lineup. Kennedy was hit in the head with a line drive three weeks ago and had been out of the lineup. . not playing for three weeks, he came back and did a good job, said Hawkins. Hawkins said the doctor has advised, not ordered, that Kennedy not play. Roy, the only other northern area team to make it to the state playoff games, lost a playoff game to Kearns Saturday, 104. Despite numerous gifts from Kearns, such as six errors and eight walks, the Royals failed to take advantage and had problems of its own containing . .. Kearns. The Cougars used 10 hits, the vast majority of which were singles, and poor Roy pitching t0 get the win. Kearns jumped third-basema- 'For ROY SECOND BASEMAN Mike Kempinger fumbles an errant throw in last Saturday's Staff phot by Radnay Wright game against Kearns. The Cougars eliminated the Royals with a 10-- 4 win. off to a quick start scoring three runs in the first inning. But the Royals came back in the second inning to score two of its runs and tied the game in the third inning. Both teams scored a run in the fourth, but that was the end of the Royals scoring and Kearns scored one run in the fifth, four in the sixth and one in the seventh to advance to the state tournament, where the Cougars lost to Olympus, The Royals used four pitchers against the Cougars but didnt find anyone who could control Kearns. Roy only had two hits in the game, a double by Ryan Bluemel and a single by Jeff Schultz. 9-- 5. Viewmont 2, Bingham 1 By BARRY KAWA Raviaw Staff After a shaky first inning, Viewmont High pitcher Kevin the Smith hurled a rest of the way to lead the Vikings to a 1 win over Bingham tourney Monday in state play. Smith walked four hitters in the first inning, allowing the Miners only run of the game. With the bases loaded and two outs in the inning, Smith struck out Binghams Steve Forman to end the threat. Smith allowed only one other walk while striking out nine. ended in His bid for a the fifth inning when center-fielde- r Bob Murdock singled up the middle for the Miners only hit of the game. It feels great, said a happy Smith after the game. The first inning was shaky, because my curve wasnt working. I really didnt warm up like I shouldve and I was nervous. But after that, I settled down and the guys really got behind me. One of Viewmonts runs came in the first when shortstop Danny Hansen singled, stole second and took third on a throwing error by the catcher. Centerfiel-de- r Doug Lees sacrifice fly tied one-hitt- 2-- 4-- A no-hitt- er er the score at In the fifth, Doug Scovel was hit by a pitch. Scovel took third on a single by 1-- 1. catcher Lane Rozema and scored on a passed ball which put the Vikings ahead for good. The game was played under the lights at Ken Price Park in Salt Lake. A crowd evenly mixed with Viewmont and Bingham fans braved the chilly 30 degree temperatures to cheer their teams on. The Miners threatened in the sixth after an error and stolen base put the tying run in scoring position with one out. Smith struck out catcher Phil McCoy for the second out, then Scovel in right field made the play of the game, a lunging e that would grab of a have tied the score. Smith said when the ball was hit, he thought of a similar situation when he was a sophomore when he lost to American Fork one-hand- line-driv- It was the last inning and the score was with a guy on second and two out. Their batter e to our hit a who missed that one. It was exactly like that and I thought back to that game, said Smith. 0-- 0 line-driv- right-field- er Binghams Jay Applegate allowed only two Viking hits and struck out nine in a losing cause. The win extends Smiths record to 1 for the season. 6-- Applegates sharp-breakin- g curve ball seemed to baffle the Viewmont hitters, who continually fell behind in the count. Only five balls were hit out of the infield by Viking hitters. Smiths fastball and tantalizing curve handcuffed the previg ously Bingham team. He struck out three in a hard-hittin- row at one point and allowed only two balls to be hit out of the infield, one a shallow fly .ball to the rightfielder. He (Smith) did a great job, said Viewmont Coach John Edwards. It was a total team effort. We played good defense and we scratched and scrapped to get those runs. Were the underdogs here but weve been in the same situation before. |