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Show t 4D lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 (0)11(0)1? C. 2J 3 aabo Pact Anaaalo Dootanti Gordon Color! 36 blooming plants per pack Pansies, marigolds, petunias and more Instant garden color 0X0 pony pack Syotomiic E3oog Ci Coro n tlccd-B-Go- Flower BrcioEa-B-Go- Lawa Hlocd Killer 8Bnnio Systems Cars -4 Controls dandelions, wild onions, plantains, chickweeds an J many other listed weeds 1 quart systemic insecticide Six week systemic action 5 BruoEn ESSlflor CnTiio F&afi Rawer Plant food with n lbs. Kills woody plants: poison ivy, poison oak, VVtEM-6C- :j Lr.vnlYd Killer r, 8Onn:o blackberries, honey- suckle, kudzu and willows 1 pint o-d- ci JtiME2 O 35 CCED Reg. 6.98 (So 'oCo Ames Lawn 8i Garden Tools ' Lawn Tractor ,r Choose from the following American crafted tools at 50 off Regular price 11 H.P. - 38 Cut 5 Speed Transaxle 12 Volt Alternator Starter Round Point Shovel 15-61- 3 Reg. 10.30 5 position cutting height 5.115 Headlights amp , . ( ' . meter 3 position adjustable ( steering column, -' Steel Rake 18-82- L N , v 6 Reg. 10.50 ; , 5.25 133-638- 0 Garden Hoe 18-48- 5 Reg. 8.30 .115 EiRiisrisFri EtBlisrlslTc Ded Clay Pot 8" Pot Replant now Allows plants to breathe D 0 M Gentle, extended feeding Ideal for all new and established plantings nn II 5,b 1 COUPON Cash value 120 of 1C ; . - ' ' . ( ULUfTMILLER : , transplants Limit 2 Rea- - 2.98 JlfV WITH THIS COUPON Cash vlu 120 jt K May 10. 1983 COUPON , c::r:cir7CL ZH CdsaCjy Pisa CC3-C3- 10 A ..-- ICO C. a v ve rr i PcLa. 2C2CC0H ; invrcij Lcytca Cill occccQi ' l::: .. l' ? 0 0 D . Cash value I 2i ) of VC jfcxpttes Mayl9 '4983 otohe nouns Mon.-Fr- l. t ".M.imisH ( T2.C1 Epir Vita-Star- i Limit 2 Reg. 3.49 0 Hi MLl Pfomotes new root growth .for a healthier start For new plantings and a ccj:;t2v c:ilo CCC3 lrrbsa Clvd. 07C-ICC- D 7 uuynLLER 002.44 Expires May 19. 1983 V inn.TWi- 1 U 03.33 THIS Planting and n Growing Food N lEIEStiSflSlTl 9-- 9 3t |