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Show Front Winding Garden Wbcclbanrcw Hooc HokU up to 3 cu. ft. Sturdy con&uctton Exccfznt for &3 gardening needs rn aft OwK3- Red 3753 - 19.95 58 Holds 150 of plastic hose Double 0 rings prevents leaks Portable Mm VwmMmwv4 KHeavy duty wheelbarrow Seamless tray Pneumatic tire Wooden handles 4.5 cu. ft tray ro 0CWW-45- 23-81- 2 O tlczvy Uztj Ccztzzztz? Contractor wheelbarrow wKh 5 cu. ft tray PneumaSc Cre Heavy duty construction Reg. 52.00 CWw-50- 0 S9J20 Reg. 69.95 Amco Amco Kangaroo Lawn Kart Forced Doty Cc!io 14 teeth 60 long handle One piece forged head No assembly required Rust free construction Folds flat for storage Ideal for home and com mercial use 23-80- Reg. Tccd 18-81- 7 Reg. 16.89 1 Loan Handle Shovel 25.00 Rugged high carbon steel blade Foreward turned steps 47 long handle 15-63- Aluminum Grass Edging 0 Reg. 14.50 Ideal fear flower beds, gardens and shrub borders Maintains trim edge 4x30 GS-43- riirccle Grace Shear Push cut grass shear action Precision hollow ground blades Blister-pro- d ha;ndies nigged design Green and Brown 0 Reg. 10.39 4"x40 TQ-44- Long-lastin- g 23-05- 2 Reg. 12.C3 Silver 0 cry CT)C7) a Miracle Grass Shear and get a $3 Rebate from Ames Buy IJ'o&qD jBUUdE Jlii5l fiLlfciJiLLrha Miracle-Gr- U D DO Slug and snail bait cover Hides bait from pets and birds Keeps bait dry - Prolongs bait On na II WITH I SnB Limit 2 Rag. 1.19 THIS COUPON Cadi valua r-- M 120 1 of 1C Expire, May 14, 1983 jti k Page6Ti0-Zon- V. e 1 analysis ID Water soluble Miracid analysis lVr lbs. Your Choice ID 3.GG DD life D your o WITH THIS COUPON ul Realistic wrought Iron styling Molded or rugged plastic Sections snap together easily Vr thick 422 White On Limit 2 Ea. Reg. 4.69 Ea. 120 hyt-it- of 1C Expire, May 14, 1983 mww h h I Section measures 15 H, 36 L, Cadi valua ttiUjllliUl IM o And Miracid Choose favorite Miracle-Gr- fte. H Classic Fence fedshrf Daft'em-Drell- a redeemable $3.00 Cheek-Sac- k C. good , only at cur only ttwwgji Ady 31, 1SS3. LMt one $3.09 Chack-Eae- k par customer. Saa detea at Sara. u Limit 4 Rg. WITH THIS COUPON H4H1! I l.9 Cash valua 120 ol 1C Exptras May 14, 1983 . S I |