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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 3B Dance Fest Planned at Viewmont - BOUNTIFUL Students of the Norma Dance Studio will put on a Spring Dance Festival May 13 and 14, at the Viewmont High School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. A very fine program is outlined for young and old to said Normna Andersion, of the studio. Theres something everyone will enjoy. Students have been working on their ballet and tap dances since September. The students range in age from 4 to adult. Mrs. Anderson said that proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Primary Childrens Medical Center. fen-jo- y, owner-instruct- or Stonecreek Roundtable Set for May 12 BOUNTIFUL Stonecreek WEEKEND! RROUEGiTSl uiroiiHERigir$t ROOFING SHINGLES ECONOMY District Two Cub Scout leaders are invited to attend the last Roundtable for this season May 12 at 7 p.m. at the Viewmont Cafeteria. All assistant district and unit commissioners should be at attendance. The commissioners are asked to bring current lists of all Cub Scout age boys. REDWOOD DECKS Protect your home from damaging leaks. STUDS and save! Why pay more! Add add a deck1 an outdoor room 8 Class 'A". iKIfiJj Resists curling'1 Repels water. The regular Roundtable lumber . , . Includes: Joists, rim joists, random planking lengths Deck grade. Note Decks fealured are ground 4 supported. posts will be needed lor unlevel ground Because personal . construction preferences differ, railing is not finish your basement. Quality at low prices. . . . Mental Health Center Sets Dedication 12695 18419 24249 100 sq. ft. Stock colors. included. 10' X 20 29900 CEDAR FENCING Quality picket fencing Quality Appearance 12' 10' x 16' Based on 2 x 6 decking at 52 linear foot FRAMING LUMBER Add a room x 10' 10' x each. meeting will be held at 7:30 in the cafeteria. The theme for the evening will be Wheels. There will also be a demonstration of uniform inspections and a flag lecture. DECK PACKAGES . Vt (SSl Fire-rate- d ... at affordable prices! PINE BOARDS Many practical uses! On Friday, BOUNTIFUL from 4 to 5 p.m., dedication ceremonies will be held for the new mental health facility May 13, at the site, 420 E. Medical Drive. Taking part in the ceremonies will be guest speakers James V. Hansen, U.S. Congressman; Harry B. Gerlach, Sr., Davis County Commissioner; Eva V. Hancock, chairman of the Davis County Mental Health Advisory Board; and Dr. Russell A. Williams, Director of the Mental Health Center in Davis County. This unit is one of three operated under the auspices of the Davis County Mental Health Authority. Other county units are located in Farmington and Layton and staffed by psychiat-rist- Mahogany INTERIOR DOORS OAK BOARDS Set in - Nail up! Includes prebored door, jamb, hinges, stop. Using 2 Perfect for home improvement projects like shelves, planters, 'coffee tables, bookcases, etc. Random width, random length, smooth 2 sides. , ; 24 x 8 MIX EA'INjTi BRUSHES 307 TNmmer e Weighs 2 lbs. e Cuts 6 inch path each 409 THmmer - Edger e Weighs 3 V: lbs. e Cuts 10 inch path can win the war against grass and weeds! OC98 w that County American Cancer Soc- -' iety. She said all proceeds from the "'event would go to the cancer society. The council will again consider the proposal in two weeks. each 509 Trimmer ' Layton only , Edger e Weighs Va lbs. s Cuts 16 inch path 4998 VHS ONLY DOOR OPENERS Vinyl drive right in! WALL e Flat finish, a Easy water clean-up- TRAC DRIVE Model 250 . m88 PAN AND each ROLLER SET gallon. 9 Model 840 J7288 Budget priced. reinforced! EXTERIOR LATEX 38 SPRED HOUSE Layton only e Our best exterior, e Dries to a durable GARDEN GLOVES flat finish. One size fits all! 28 pair. POLYETHELENE FILM x 25. Clear or black. 438 roll. Releases o o o esE) Layton Hills Mall LAYTON STORE HOURS With 399S Lifetime Membership At: Convenience1 Security' Opens the door, turns on the light, lets you INTERIOR LATEX SPRED rnwm mss Includes 90 lb. bag. (mi GARAGE PAINT SALE GARDEN HOSE 10 MOVIE RENTALS U88 Nylon ELECTRIC You field, according to Marion Peterson, director of the Davis New 1 Just add water! f98 would include a fireworks display. The fireworks display wpuld take place in the high school stadium or at a nearby soccer n x 6 Linear foot price based on 6 section which includes: Post, two rails and 24-- 1 x 4 or 16-- 1 x 6 pickets. at celebration Woods Cross High School 1 Weekdays Saturday 00 00 P.M. p.m. Closed Sundays C3DIH STOIE UOUXS Interstate 1b Layton. Syracuse Hilllieid Exit Main St. Weekdays Saturdays p.m. p.m. Closed Sundays 30 00 GOOD THRU SATURDAY tho 15fh SUPER SCOOP VIDEO 5975 So. Roy, Utoh 1900 W. 776-447- 46e?ch CONCRETE WOODS CROSS cial July square top pickets 49l,ch 8 Teal counselors. The center operates a comprehensive program for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. It also provides consultation to health professionals, courts, schools, state and local law and correction agencies, religious and social service agencies and others. The public is invited to the dedication ceremony and the tour of the new facilities. 1x6x6 square top pickets 1x6x6' square top pickets s, The Woods Cross City Council is considering a proposal by the American Cancer Society to put on a spe- Using 2 linear foot. 1x4x6 psychologists, social workers, nurses, therapists and Woods Cross Considering Fireworks 1x4x6 square top pickets 'We Cara Rain Checks 7 & Should en udvertised item not be eveilebia during this sole, you may requaet a Rem Check guaranteeing the tela ptica on that item whan etuc replenished Some items available only at our larger locations Pleas call for your particular needs ea |