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Show Storage Cabincto oval blinds block out summer sun in homes and apartments Assorted colors All blinds 6 ft. in length Vs" Highly versatile, variety of uses Easily assembled, paintable or stainable particleboard construction Includes glue and nails 4 30Wx60Hxl5D Reg. Reg. 28.99 3060-O- S Reg. 10.99 x 84"H x 12D 4884-OReg. 38.99 48W 8 Reg. 13.99 S oS: 10 Reg. 17.99 6 36H x 9D roStn Fiberglass Screening Replace torn or corroded screening in windows, patio and storm doors to custom make screens for your home Choose from white, silver or bronze r a HAD, mouldings with screening material Easy to assemble, no nails or glue required Particleboard construction Ready to paint or stain x 33 33 as, 33 Screen Mouldings Use these Handy Bookcase 339-B- 5, ;fl2 6.99 6 36W tr Vinyl Dlindo 3.eS)$) Si iii liiiii 26 x 76 C Reg. 10.99 2.(52) 2e2$) 2e53) R 3.22) High-impac- doors White, 11 oz. size Package of 4 tubes Lightweight, flexible, and easy to cut For gutter repair, valley flashing, termite shields 10 roll t, copolymer plastic White, textured finish Reg. Price Sale Price Reg. 44.95 Factory Rebate 14- - 20" 7.3 5.5 1.7 Installs easily right over ceramic tile for sealing windows or g 48 x 84 IVall Kit Sets quickly for painting within 2 hours Use inside or outside home make handyman coil a money-savinmust 36 x 84 Bathtub Dap Caulk Aluminum Flashing Many uses around the 10- - 3e29 32 x 76 r ieIrhstisiti f IVddbond KoyTlte Adhesive Bonding Seals and bonds almost anything Safe to use, no fumes, and nontoxic 4 oz. 1.5 WITH H Limit 2 Reg. THIS COUPON 2.99 Cuh nlu. 120 oK -Page 4 5083 Zone 1 2.G5 tr.4.. V WITH Ewlm Mm 14. 1983 V THIS COUPON Cuhvilu 120 ot 14 Eimlm My 14, 1983 2(D)SSSfl Umlt V WITH THIS COUPON CmIi vO 120 o K 10 Pieces Eiptwi PUy 14. 1983 |