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Show mwWW IbirinisItI cnv Waste H Foam Cell Sleeping Pad Digester. D 3.44 c WITH THIS COUPON ID Limit 2 Beg. 4.49 Cash value 120 HI' n n ' 38 holding tanks Contains 6 - 2 oz. packages Explrts May 14, 1983 o 1 'TT Ilyobi Rod Or Red 5.55 Cash value t-C- YD3l flashlights, toys, and electronic games A premium quality alkaline battery Keep extras on hand 120 Expires May 14, 1983 o( 1C .77, Limit 2 Pkgs.V Pkg. Reg. 2.59 Pkg. Limit 2 Reg. 8.98 m Summit 5 s V WITH THIS COUPON UCOrD Q Batteries For radios, Lightweight and compact Oners firm support ' x 20 x 56 901 d: v WITH THIS COUPON -l'J Trailmaotcr Tent NIlxc 120 K rmsm Cash value o( Expires May 14, 1983 Intrepid Reel Reg. 14.98 Rod Reg. 15.98 a a o2), S)oS QM) Playmate Se2-a- dt c&e closure; duS? vinyl ' i fY 9,93 'NPVSL Ajay Ref lectorlzcd Running Vest Lightweight nylon slips over head, tie Saz Stove I I ( ' Compact, yet efficient Folds down to easy- to-pa- ck size Weighs only 23 oz. j KgasN M C 206 Gaz Fuel Reg. 2.69 1S9 Zone 3 5083 Page 3 |