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Show Wednesday, May 11, 1983 South Edition IB Page A Vikings Shoo? if In Stfeatfe By DALE PERRENOUD Roview Correspondent Brighton 6, Woods Cross 0 SALT LAKE CITY There were a few surprise games in d state socMondays cer games, and a few games first-roun- that werent much of anything. In a rematch of last years finalists Woods Cross lost to Brighton, The Wildcats won last time around, but Brighton had remembered that and was not about to fold under the pressure. 6-- 0. Staff photo by Rodney Wright XT o VIEWMONT AND SKY-LIN- 6-- w Coach fortunate. Landes Holbrook in goal Roger Lund took him on and evened the score. The series continued and the next four Viewmont shots were blocked. And the tournament. We feel Personally, Cushing doesnt as the way prefer the shoot-ou- t to end the game which ends in a tie after overtime. I think it is 0 far-po- champion Bonneville day in the state tournament in sudden-deat- h 4-- 3. play and overtime periods were next. The deadlock was not broken in the overtime period and the shoot-of- f began. Each coach picked five players, who fired a shot at each goalie one at a time. With starting goalie Pat Woods on the bench, Bonneville Coach Tim free-kic- Mon- Viking in regulation But Viewmont obtained the momentum in the overtime action. Its tough to turn momentum around in Soccer, said Cushing. In other sports you can call a time out but you dont have that luxury in soccer. But that is the beauty of the tradition. When momentum shifts like that, the championship team is the one that will take state. They have to mentally be ready. If you get down like that you just cant win in the state Sim-mon- ds 0. 0. overtime, Soccer Woods Cross had a few chances at Brightons goal, but a terrible way to go. But I guess failed to connect for the score. Brighton, on the other hand, that is about all they can do. If was hot, and could do little there was any other way, like wrong. In its own region, Brigh- playing for another 10 minutes ton has beaten teams by scores after the first overtime period. The shoot-of- f is just giving it as lopsided as 20-- Todd of Brighton scored three away. Viewmont was the only team goals of his own to lead the victory to score in the first period. LonBengals to the easy, nie Birkenfield was given an over the Wildcats. k from near the Woods Cross will play Bonne- indirect midfield line on the near side of ville at noon today. the field. He hit the ball and it sailed across the goal mouth to Viewmont 4, the where Vernaun Gines was patiently waiting. Bonneville 3 The ball dropped into his range Viewmont shared the spot- and he kicked it in for the first light with Bonneville for the score. most exciting game of the day. The half wound down with the As Viewmont Evenly played throughout, it same score, came down to a sudden death had the momentum in the first, shoot-oto give the Vikings the the Lakers were the owners of 3 win. that time in the second, and What can I say? asked Viewwere the first to score in the mont Coach Roger Cushing. Its second period. Roger Lund put the state tournament. Well take the ball in for Bonneville. it any way we can get it. The next score was to go to We really have respect for Viewmont. Tom Payneur folBonneville. They are gentle- lowed a shot in and as the goalie men, we have played a lot of lost the ball, he kicked it in. games throughout the state dur- Despite complaints from the ing the season and the language crowds, the goal stood. was poor, but these guys were The score put the Vikings up real gentlemen. I think both by one, but the Lakers came teams were really equal, they back with a vengeance and both were good teams. Mike Buckway tied the game up O E each tried to use their heads to win a state soccer playoff game last week at Viewmont. The Vikings were more successful and won the game Viewmont aleasily, 4-so beat Region One uf a me st Morris turned to Richard Stuart. His first defense wasnt successful against Viewmonts Chris Beckman. With Viking Roger Cushing missed. A second-roun- of 4-- 3. Viewmont will play Brighton Davis 5, Alta 0 Davis remembers a game some time ago, it was last year and it wasnt even soccer. The last time Davis met Alta it was in football and Davis came out on the short end of the scoring, but Alta kept pumping up the score even after there wasnt any question of the outcome. So in this grudge match, even though it was soccer, the Darts wanted to win and did so in a big way, Davis will play Cottonwood today at 5:15 p.m. at Westminster College in Salt Lake. 5-- 0. 5CSSS2$52E C3 r r PETUNIAS Eliminate most broadleaf woods, dandelions, black medic, closer, knotweed, spurge, and many more. Balanced feeding to the lawn with two types of nitrogen plant food. Adds phosphate and potash to holp develop root strocturo. 11 lb. bag feods 2,500 square foot. 22 lb. bag weeds and feeds 5,000. Bronze Ajuga Green Ajuga Evonymus Sedum Double Reg. Petunias Pony Pack 00 M KILLS DANDELIONS FAST GROUND COVER 3" Potted shoot-out- s at 3:30 p.m. today. 4-- M of d began with this one being a sudden death. If one team scored, the other must also make the next shot. Viewmonts Alan En-c- e came up first and shot and scored. This put the pressure on the Vikings Landes Holbrook in goal, and the Lakers Byron Lund as the shooter. The shot failed and Viewmont was the winner of the shoot-ou- t and the game with a final score ut " er next four Laker shooters 0. thinks his team is playing its best soccer of the season at exactly the right moment state tournament time. goal-keep- Reg. $11.49 $13.95 Qgg Now Only Creeping Jenny Ivy VARIETIES INCLUDE HILLSPIRE ERECTA GLUACA BURKI PAX TOTAL VARIETIES INLCUDE OLD GOLD WILTONI TAM SEA GREEN SCANDIA It not only prevents weeds in your lawn, but it will kill most of them now growing. Total feeds your lawn with a balanced fertiliser and contains iron to replace minerals in the soil. It also contains perlite soil conditioner. The 16 bag will cover 2,000 square feet of lawn. Reg. 14.95 Now Only Si lillyTmiller A CREAT START FOR PLANTS. A DEAD END FOR WEEDS. 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