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Show Junipers Compact, tightly branched deciduous shrub bearing golden yellow buttercup shaped Choose from upright or low spreading varieties 01 size container, 12-1- 5 flowers Grows to 4 01 gallon Reg. 3.49 spread Reg. 2.99 ft. tall Ho (&(& flalmo Peat Moos Canadian sphagnum compressed Allows for proper drainage of water retention in soil Lightens soil 2.0 cu. ft. hard-packe- d Tiu Imalmo Tlalmo Laun Food IVIVccd Control Mahno Fertilizers Choose from: All Purpose, Rhododendron, Evergreen, Geranium, Rose, Bulb or Composter fertilizers for your complete garden and flowering needs 5 lb. boxes GENUINE CANADIAN SPHAGNUM PEAT BOSS 2 CU FT COMPRESSED analysis Covers 4,500 sq. ft Quality quick greening plus slow release 22-3-- fertilizer 24 lb. size Reg. Price Your Choice Reg. 6.95 3 18.95 , 13.95 Sale Price Reg. 2.79 2.00 Instant Rebate Net Cos Mo HoW After Instant Rebate (E SS3E13 Knees Fan Ease s Super soft - durable knee cushion Eliminates sore knees and strained muscles Assorted colors 3.S2 WITH THIS COUPON Limit 2 Reg. 5.49 mam Cash value 120 ol K Expires May 14, 1983 Trellis D U D 0 D D 0 D J l J I D Made of California redwood tomes completely assembled 6 ft. I D I D 5.S) sr,? I D J C r WITH THIS COUPON Cadi value 120 ol 1C Expkas M i'jj-- n May 14. 1983 -- |