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Show I.. 4C Laktild Rtvltw North, Wodnotda, May 11, 1983 Pago 4C North Edition Laktsid Roviow Wodnosday, May 11, 1983 Choorloadors Chosonfor Davis High Davis Campus Briefs Festival of the Arts Continuing at Burton y - fAV i - A Festival of 300 horses and about 250 people. KAYSVILLE the Arts is being held through Each piece is handpainted and May 13 at Burton Elementary in set to scale. The circus display Kaysville. may be seen Wednesday Wednesday through Friday, through Friday in room number Don Ogden's of the 12. old Circus will be on On May 12, Burtons own school artists will display their display. We are thrilled to have Mr. works, created for the visual Ogdens mini masterpiece at arts contest being sponsored as Burton," said Ramona Porter, part of the festival. These diswho is organizing the festival. plays will be in the school multiThis intricate replica of the purpose room on Thursday greatest show on earth has been from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. exhibited in Las Vegas and Friday, a school assembly at Westminster College and parts 2 and 2:45 p.m. will feature the of it, appeared in the Utah State Wildwood Blue Grass Group and the Suzuky Violinists. Fair. We are grateful that Mr. OgA highlight of the Festival of den is willing to spend the hours the Arts week will be the annual it takes setting up his collection dance festival. Students from as part of our activities, said all grades will perform various dance numbers. The dance beMrs. Porter. The circus is comprised of 22 gins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May tents, 105 handpainted wagons, 12. ' . f High- -, KAYSVILLE School cheerleaders for the 1983-8school year have been chosen. .X 4 ' Jill Neiderhauser is head cheerleader, Annette Emery is secretary and publicity chairman, Jodi Gardner is the drill mistress, with Jana Olsen as assistant. Liz McMillan is histo--: rian and Robin Turner is treasurer. - mini-mod- el y Sells-Flot- o 'if The junior varsity head - cheerleader is Collette Stoneb- raker. Janine Calton is y pro-scho- M Liz Sunset 5th Ward Davis High KAYSVILLE School has announced the new DEttes drill team for the school ' Adviser for the year coming year will be Laurie Han-- ; sen. Drill mistress duties will be carried out by Cheryl Stoneb-- : 1983-198- 4. raker. The team members are: Jeri-ly- n Arbuckle, Christie Bourne, Corrie Bourne, Sherie Duncan-sou- , Chris Elliott, Nancy Giles, Deanna Jackson, Jamie Martens, Michelle Moffit. Becky A Morgan, Mindy Pincock, KrisCar-len- Woolley. Their activities for the coming year will include ; drill camp at Utah State University, para des, competitions, assemblies, For dinner reservations contact Odell B Cutler at 1 825-488- and halftime performances. or The girls are looking to a fun, exciting and very successful year. new playground equipment for a Wasatch Sets the school. Fund-Rais- - Wasatch CLEARFIELD Elementary School PTA will hold a circus carnival on Thursday, May 12, at 6 p.m. The event efis a combined fort of the school and PTA. fund-raisin- g There will be games, prizes, a Clinton Elementary School's Health Fair. Clinton Health Fair Set ThurS CLINTON When youre healthy, youre happy, say. Clinton Elementary Schools er bake sale, cake walk and a special guest appearance by Doodles the Clown. Students work will be displayed and food and drinks will be sold. Families are invited. For more information, contact Roberta Dyson, PTA officers in promoting an upcoming Health Fair to be held Thursday, May 12, from 6:30 p,m. to 8:30, at the school, 1101 W. 1800 N. Featuring displays, posters, andor demonstrations planned and prepared by students from each class, the fair will focus on many different aspects of good Teen Alcohol Council Sets Program KAYSVILLE The All Teen Alcohol Council at Davis High invites the public to attend a program on alcohol abuse and its consequences. The program will be held Friday, May 13, at 7 Intro Wrap tt May !?dal 1)2 Proven leropeen Herbal CletbWrep Yeti H Really Worktl 1 I . t oaiTcU'Ji mm Im. it the Program that everyone it talking about! health care. In addition, medical personnel and technicians representing the Humana Davis North and McKay Dee hospitals will answer questions, demonstrate equipment, and present video tapes on various health screening methods, including vision tests, blood pressure readings, blood typing, lung capacity measures, posture analysis, and & & r & & 4 Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. inch fabric swatches Complete color analysis including in your color pallette Wardrobe planning including handouts Body analysis including handouts to help in selecting styles to compliment your figure. 35-2- Face shape analysis to help in choosing tyles, glasses and necklines hairs- Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 This and more in a single session for each in groups of three Gift Certificates Available Call Angie for Information and an Appointment 4 292-659- 9 Also, Jazz Action specialist Sue Smith, who has worked with many students in the school, siaon SALT PALACE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 19 KAY1 17, 10, SHOW HOURS: Tues., May 17 and Wed., May 18 Classified Can Rent It. 1 pm to 9 pm 10 am to 6 pm Thurs., May 19 (NO ONE UMDER 18 ADMITTED) of All Teen Alcohol Council (right to left): Audi Schultz, Doug Anderson, and Mary Ann Robbins. OFFICERS Recently, representatives of The Cottage, an alcohol treatment center in Salt Lake City, held a training seminar at Davis to teach the students how to deal with alcoholics and - where to go for help. ATAC is planning programs to be presented to junior high and elementary schools. The Standard-Examinis presently in need of feature wriqualified and experienced free-lanters to fill assignments of varying difficulty and ait on PcdpoD SUNDAY: Dessert Night. MONDAY: Drfc!l MIlt . TUESDAY: Fiesta er ce T7EDNI38DAY: scope. you are interested and meet the requirements, send a resume and writing samples to: If Fran Jacoby Horizons Editor Ogdon Standard-Examin- 350 er Ogdon, UT N. Main LAYTON P.O. Box 951 546-- 1 84402 1 1 1 Salad . . . Free ice cream or sherbet with purchase of any combination dinner the soda pop you can drink with purchase of any combination dinner of our most popular Mexican Night. ... Aitems--sampler a cheese enchilada, beef enchilada, teef taco, beans and dinner salad at a bargain price: $2.99 Night . Free salad with purchase of any . . . AM combination dinner ntsro the Nlits Aro 'S t&MS&SSr ue t: J 4 cancer computerized assessment. children. r Permanently lose 6 to 15 inches of body fat in one hour. " couraged to bring their One member, Janee Black, is .now on the Davis County Committee on Alcohol Problems and other members are serving on the Governor's Council on Alcohol Abuse. toaiodest: This According to PTA health commissioner, Maxine DeWitt, who has coordinated the event, the fair will be open to the entire community, with parents en- The All Teen Alcohol Council a mwRMMxms will present an aerobics p.m. in the Davis High or ATAC was organized in March after a group of students and their adviser, John Robinson, attended a seminar in the Salt Palace, sponsored by the JState PTA, on alcohol and youth. After reviewing what ; they had learned and by doing research the students organized the group ATAC. They have met Once a week since March and have grown into a group of approximately 90 members. ' 5. demonstration. auditorium. LCCIi C2TTTO. 825-320- I I tooth decay," Cody Nye (left) and Raelyn Weston seem to say as Christie Grey prepares to demonstrate good dental health habits in conjunction with "PUT THE BITE on All proceeds will go towards basketball signed by Weber States basketball team, ' u Members and for14 and older, of the LDS Sunset 5th Ward are invited to attend its 20 year reunion at the 5th Ward Chapel, 1625 S. 1150 W., May 21. Dinner will be served at 4:30 p.m. Cost of the dinner will be $4 a plate. A social hour will follow at 6 p.m. and a program will begin at 7 p.m. e tin Robison, Andi Schultz, Shelli Stewart, Stevens, Diane Thompson, Jennifer Turner, Becky Tremea, and Lynet-t- e baseball signed by Dale Murtary, 4230 S. 2175 W., wiU hold a. phy, outfielder for the Atlanta carnival May 12, from 5 to 8 Braves and a quilt will be given as door prizes. p.m. Moon Walks, squirrel cage, Tacos, hot dogs and a sweet bumper car games, duck floats shop will be available for and a country store are planned dinner. for activities. -' SUNSET Park Elemen- North Cm; mer members, N. Park Carnival Thursday ROY VV Sots 20th Rounion Now D'Ettes Chosen : Thompsen and Becky Hulse are in charge of the Dart Board which lists all games and events.. Pam Coburn is the adviser with Marian Storey as student body adviser. Janine Calton. (back, left to right) Robin Turner, Collette Stonbraker, Becky Hulse, and Angie Thompson. HIGH cheerleaders are (left to McMillan, Jill Neiderhauser, Jodi right): Gardner, Jana Olsen, Annette Emery and DAVIS la coordinator, Angie ' rmm . |