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Show 8A Senate President Scheduled to Speak - Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 Open House Planned School Teeuetoer Keviimg !urrfify By CHERYL ARCHIBALD The old Lowell School on 1948. Review Correspondent An Open BOUNTIFUL House at the Bountiful Elementary school library May 19, will honor Elsie Beard, first grade teacher at Bountiful who is retiring after 20 years teaching. Bountiful PTA and teachers are sponsoring the event and they extend an invitation to all of Mrs. Beards former students and colleagues. Mrs. Beard came to the United States from England in 1946. She had taught school for five years in England after graduating from Bingley Teachers College in Yorkshire. After coming to America, she attended Brigham Young University where she graduated in the avenues was her first teaching assignment. She became reacquainted with Russell Beard, who she had met 10 years earlier in England where he was on an LDS mission. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple. They soon had two sons to look after, so Mrs. Beard stayed at home to devote her time to them. The family moved to Gooding Idaho for a short time where Mr. Beard taught at the school for the deaf and blind. After moving back to Salt Lake, Mrs. Beard returned to teaching at the Washington Elementary School on First West. In 1959 she established her own kindergarten in her ful home. Starting with no students, the school flourished and four years later it ended with two full sessions. Eventually, the district rented her basement for the new district kindergarten classes. The Beards have lived in Bountiful for 30 years and Mrs. Beard has taught third, second and, for the last 10 years, first BOUNTIFUL cation. Another son is an artist and the youngest of the children earned his masters in interna- tional business at George Washington University in May 18. The meeting will be held in the Pine Room of Servus Drug, 55 North Main Street, at noon. President Ferry will address his remarks to the 1983 legislative session and the recent veto override session of the Utah State Legislature. Ferry comes to the chamber with outstanding credentials, having served in the State Legislature since 1965. He has served on many of the committees and for the past five years has served as president of the Senate. Members and the public are invited to attend. The cost is $5, which includes lunch. Ferry was born in Brigham City, Utah, Sept. 22, 1932. He married Suzanne Call and they have four children, two foster children and seven grandchil- - Washington D.C. So far, the Beards have five grandchildren. Mrs. Beard says that she and Mr. Beard will probably travel after her retirement. We are hoping to go on a trip around the world, she said. During her many years of teaching, Mrs. Beard has tried to instill in her students the values that she feels are the most important. She said those values are a sense of responsi-bilit- y and a belief in grade classes. She and her husband have had six children, five of whom are still living. Their oldest son is a doctor and the next son is an attorney in Salt Lake. Their only daughter has received her masters in early childhood edu themselves. Centerville Citizens Petition Against Condos the impression that it would rements. main residential in nature ocKent suggested that the city cupied by adopt a master plan. Blackpie with a rural atmosphere. burn, however, said a master Kent also said that in the past plan was adopted five years ago under similar projects have not, as a by the city and is now estabreview. He said the plan as been completed general rule, lished for the presented and approved by city area. density ranges councils and that the character of the community is changed to He said from time to time the By RON KNOWLTON Raviaw Staff CENTERVILLE Dale family-oriente- Kent, representing a group of residents opposed to the proposed Willow Farm Planned Unit Development Project, presented the Centerville City Council with a list of reasons why the group is opposed to the project. Willow Farm is a development that would provide single and multi-famil- part West. y y owner-occupie- d ominium-type housing units as of the project near 400 Kent said the residents feel the general character of the community will be adversely impacted by the project. He said an adequate buffer is also not provided between the project and residential homes in the area. areas. Kent said the project also would not be in conformity with the perceived nature of our community. He said most residents moved to that area with 82 79 TOYOTA 79 CHEV CAXARO 82 DODGE DSO 81 DATSUN 79 DODGE OKHI MAXIMA 80 TOYOTA SUPRA 81 DODGE COLT 78 CHEV 74 SUBARU COROLLA 77 B300 78 MERC COUGAR 80 MAZDA GLC 78 CHEV PICKUP PICKUP TOYOTA 77 PLYMOUTH PICKUP PICKUP 80 OLDS 81 CHEV TOYOTA 81 11 DODGE DATSUN PICKUP 78 HONDA VAN 79 KA2DA RX7 LX 81 TOYOTA 10 DODGE ASPEN CELICA 80 DODGE DSO 80 BUICK REGAL 77 DATSUN 200SX wide in the 1983 NORTH DAVIS Master Plan." DIRECTORY Kent said about 40 residents have signed a petition opposing the Willow Farm project. 295-232- 78 DATSUN B210 80 DODGE OMNI BLAZER 81 PONTIAC GL 11 OLDS CUTLASS 79 TOYOTA Call Bruce or Jeff at (Davis and Salt Lake) 1 or (Ogden area) 825-233- 4 They'll come by to explain the types of ads rates. available and the low, ont, piano; Eric Anderson, Muir, piano; Trudy Poll, South Weber, vocal; Russell Brad once-a-ye- ar Don't miss this chance to reach your customer quickly, easily and all year long. once-each-ye- ar Ford, Bountiful, piano; Becca Bastian, Mueller Park Junior High, piano. Judging of the entries will be Henry Wolking, a composer at the University of Utah. The public is invited to attend. 81 81 DODGE ARIES 79 CHEV CAMAR0 TOYOTA M0T0RH0ME TOYOTA DODGE ARIES 79 DATSUN 82 DODGE 400 80 TOYOTA 82 DODGE OMNI 77 DATSUN 81 TOYOTA 82 DODGE ARIES 82 DODGE OMNI 82 DODGE ARIES 82 DODGE AIRES 82 DODGE AIRES 82 DODGE ARIES 82 78 VOLKSWAGEN 82 DODGE D50 82 DODGE 80 AMC 73 DODGE W100 77 DODGE OMNI TOYOTA 77 FORD PICKUP PICKUP 74 FORD 82 DODGE OMNI MUSTANG 81 DATSUN PLYMOUTH 82 D0D6E 200SX 79 CHEV MALIBU COLT AIRES 76 TOYOTA 75 DODGE W100 76 DODGE 80 AIRES OMNI 82 DODGE AIRES VAN 81 DODGE D50 81 DATSUN OMNI 82 DODGE ARIES 66 82 DODGE AIRES 81 PLYMOUTH 82 DODGE ARIES 77 PLYMOUTH CRESSIDA DODGE 81 DATSUN OMNI 81 PLYMOUTH 82 DCCSE HORIZON V0LARE 82 DODGE ARIES 78 FORD COURIER 79 DODGE OMNI 79 79 82 DODGE ARIES 82 DODGE 400 82 DODGE OMNI 79 FORD PINTO DATSUN AMIES 79 FORD PICKUP 80 TOYOTA 82 TOYOTA PICKUP 78 310 82 DODGE AIRES 79 OLDS 18 PICKUP 310 82 DODGE ARIES 75 FORD PICKUP TOYOTA PICKUP 76 DODGE ASPEN 80 TOYOTA TOYOTA CHALLENGER ARIES 80 CHARGER 79 DODGE PICKUP DODGE 361 CHARGER LIFTBCK 82 VOLKSWAGEN 82 DODGE 82 DODGE 75 FIATX19 ASPEN HORIZON PICKUP V0LARE 81 AMC JEEP CJ7 77 DODGE 77 TOYOTA PLYMOUTH TERCEL PICKUP 78 CHEV CAXARO DODGE 79 DODGE JEEP CJ7 ARIES 82 B210 PICKUP OMNI 80 DODGE MUSTANG B210 82 DODGE DODGE 78 82 AIRES 82 82 79 81 FORD CUTLASS DATSUN 78 DATSUN 210 70 DODGE 77 TOYOTA 79 FORD 78 X19 77 MG MGB CELICA 79 TOYOTA LTD CAXARO CELICA MUSTANG DATSUN 82 COROLLA CHEROKEE 88 74 AMC JEEP 79 TOYOTA CELIA 72 FORD DELTA 78 FORD TERCEL 80 82 DODGE TOYOTA CELICA MALIBU ACCORD 70 OLD 81 TOYOTA FIAT PICKUP 81 HONDA PICKUP 79 MUSTANG 78 FORD 79 GRANADA TOYOTA 77 CELICA 260Z DATSUN 79 FORD PICKUP OLDS 77 TOYOTA 76 FORD 76 TOYOTA TERCEL TOYOTA CHEV CRESSIDA FAIRMONT MONZA 80 CHEV TOYOTA CORONA SURPA CHEV 81 TOYOTA 78 FORD PICKUP 82 76LINDY 78 FORD PICKUP HILUX 12 TOYOTA 82 CHEV to advertise sideration the concerns which have voiced and which is made pursuant to a duly adopted, city- CELICA 77 DODGE B200 RELIANT MAXIMA 79 74 79 JEEP 75 CHEV C20 81 PLYMOUTH 81 DATSUN SUPRAC PLYMOUTH SAPARR0 2380 So. Highway 91, Bountiful i i 295-348- 1 - PICKUP TfflTOTft t v 1 78 TOYOTA RELIANT COROLLA , Ferry is a rancher, farmer, feedlot operator and general manager of J.Y. Ferry and Son, Inc. He was educated in the Box Elder School system, and graduated from Utah State University in 1954. Only 3 weeks left hope to enjoy in the future, Kent said. We simply think that such development must be based on a sound developmental policy that has taken into con- MUSTANG PICKUP 81 PLYMOUTH 71 TOYOTA 80 FORD have enjoyed in the past and 82 DODGE D50 PLYMOUTH CHAMP 79 TOYOTA TOYOTA TERCEL 82 78 75 PORSCHE 914 PICKUP 4W0 79 TOYOTA COROLLA 82 BLAZER OMEGA 81 FORD PICKUP 79 OLDS CUTLASS 17 TOYOTA 82 governmental services we of SAP0RR0 80 TOYOTA 81 MAZDA 626 77 TOYOTA AM DODGE 78 FORD LTD dren. Vour Time's Up! growth is necessary if we are to maintain the present standard 79 PLYMOUTH TOYOTA COROLLA DLX 79 78 LIFTBACK 78 DODGE PICKUP 82 MUSTANG PICKUP TRANS 81 AMC JEEP Frem-- - COROLLA 78 FORD 75 PONTIAC 80 DODGE MIRADA 81 DODGE AIRES TOYOTA MAZDA Jed Shirts, Meadowbrook, piano; Emmett Ricks, 76 CHEV VAN PICKUP 81 TOYOTA PICKUP PICKUP con- dominium type or planned unit developments in the city until a recent city survey has been 10 TOYOTA SUPRA CELICA PICKUP FERRY GOBS? KD3 GGSO GGGQ0 fiOOTCEffi 81 TOYOTA 79 DODGE 82 DODGE 400 1 proval for any further single family residences with smaller square footage require ana? d 78 CHEV CAXARO Kent said the residents would like the council to give no ap- are not opposed to development. We know that We Composers Compete Tonight Mayor Neil Blackburn, ever, noted that the project had provided for a buffer of single family lots along 400 West which would fall between the two DATSUN council likes to do something differently as we go along and that is why the master plan is under review. Another concern of the resi- evaluated and the council dents is that it appears the de- makes a policy commitment on velopers have exercised some bad faith in their dealings in the neighborhood, he said. Kent said that about one year ago the same type of development was The Davis schools annual proposed and a zoning change for young composcompetition to In response public requested. ers will be held tonight, May 11, pressure, the condominium de- in the Woods Cross choral room velopment was not approved by at 7 p.m. The competitors will be: the citys planning and zoning committee, and instead, zon- David Crowther, Morgan ing was changed to allow only Elementary, piano and vocal; how- 80 the future development of the city. 'CAP' MILES d oriented with a very low percentage of units and a very high turnover rate. He pointed to the Pheasantbrook area in Centerville. Even in this area, which is probably one of the nicest and best quality areas of this type in the state, there are as of this date 16 units available for sale. non-famil- cond- Miles Cap Ferry, president of the Utah State Senate, will be the speaker at the Bountiful Area Chamber of Commerces membership meeting on Wednesday, USED-298-24- 51 4 y |