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Show Foil close prr J4Vbv BUSINESS SERVICE a 10b to do? Call on jomeon who' knows how ' 79. So. Main, Kaysville 546-0266 ta FtBSONALS BSJ out what ftu'vt always Wttk. KIRKMAN CONST. CO. Cuitom framing, remodeling, wpoden decks, wood .sidings, Mobile home and flat roof repair, Home Contracting 782-225- ramodaling, odoition, roofing. Camant naw homes, Farm B Gordon Plowing and Tilling no rv 10 i257i 6 FORMAL WEAR 2974. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Roto tilling, leveling, mowing J plowing. Large or tmall 05. . Hauling Spring cleaning, need thing houled away? Call u, we hau anything. Reaionable rate. Call anytime Jan or Don 776- 2632 Waterproofing Landscaping Tired of water in your base- raking gravel, mewing, anything you want. Weekly or monthly care. Residential or commercial. Free rjntal available,. LOCKSMITH lervice available 7 after 4 pm. All Call Mobile Homo Repairs STOPS LEAKS. Pointing-Texturiiin- No waiting 2 or Wanted haute painting, interior and exterior. For Free Estimate CHILD CARE my Layton homo. Fenced in meal one plus snack. Call yard, 0 anytime. Mary LOVING Licensed Childcare Home, Clinton, Open 24 hr. ' daily 7 day per week $25. FULL TIME more. Phone In jobs. 2 FERTILIZING AND PIANO TUNING Profeuional tuning, repair and restorations. Full service piano technician for all model! including players. Michae Mann Music Services. 773-538Fiona Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for all mokes serving Brand and County and vicinity. Take care of your life time investments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS 5 Need Child care, state license in Roy. Valley View, and North Pork areas' 6 Fewer raking for .Spring Most odd cr new carl g - ings. Power raking, $15,. average for both yard. Hills slightly power-rakin- s and some Hourly and daily rates Child Care, experienced in. educational before 9 am or offer 5 pm Piano Tuning araa. 9313 $35. Residen- cleanup, specialist Weekly Wasatch Yard Serviced 6-- School summer oetivity prog- ram. 57.50 day, $5.35 day. )2week activity fee. Day for chicare and ldren 6 also available. Call Layton 546- Cation full Garden tilling. 1 cent per or $10.00 square fooT, Call minimum. Would leva to tend your 3, 4 or 5 year old. Fenced yard, playroom, learning activities. $5 per day. See. ciassifjec 0 1 1 FIND today . M " ' INSTRUCTION FREEDOM-BEAUT- RICHNESS in your singing. Barbara Jenkins 544-214Rich background in vocal technique and musical theater Rerformance. Affiliated with at Teachers el Singing. UPHOLSTERING CLASSES uu Rada your awn furniture and save. Limited enrollment. Call new. Rulon Smith 295-405295-341- 6 130 -- BUSINESS basement, new drapes and carpet, quiet aft street location, priced fo sell at $79,900. Call New Homes RC 2 PM or oftor7i30PM OPPORTUNITIES Control, Utah, Purchase; on Highway 89 (scenic route to the and Arizona). Canyonlands motel with lovely 2 Nice bedroom living quarters. Ideal small enterprise to keep happy and interested those active RETIRED parents! Spacious lawn, trees with patio (fenced) for grandchildren accommodating and guests and outdoor entertainment. New LDS ward blue printed far near construction-withi- n walking distance in the friendly scenic Mt. Vale of Marysvale. Write L. Bay, Box 232' 4U Motel or call 140 -- REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS CASH FOR Your Larger Contracts Jan Guitar, oy n. KifflomoTQ ailed ot over .. $1, 500 ieetoflw. FUND FOR IINT TO RENT Building In Far mine ten, need.eunDavi 2 bedroom house, 2 (oyvflla, 2 Itedreem, 14x64 like nev a'dults, 5667. 461- llAeblle home 14xS6 Nashua. 2 bedroom, itorm window, air, 8x16 perch, 10x20 awning, large corner lot in Estates Riooewooa in Layton. 6 $1X500. Muet Sail, 1977 Tamarack, 14x56, 2 bedrooms, big awning and deck, In Karol estates Possibb Contract, Desperate NEWLYWEDS, Looking Fer your first heme? Why pay rent when you can awn this cute, 2 bedroom, 12x64 mobib home. Swamp cooler, shed and storm windows included. Layton. Cbsa to HAFB. $8,000. Call attar I pm. 4 baths, itorm windows, appliances, air, skirting, storage $9,500. Quick Sab Necessary 0 RENTALS 390 -- UNFURNISHED APTS A DUPLEXES A new 3 bedroom tewnhawsa in Clearfield. Appliances, hookups, air, no pats, deposit month 773- $350 required. all (bat, same Apartment with utilities paid, Ogden area, end 4 Clean and Qubt, 1 bed ream apt, tree heat, water, washing facilities, rgtrigareter end stove, No Chilaran or Pets $210. 556 23rd St. 394-685-8 Clean I bedroom, treat, re- frigerater and stove furnished. New 3 bedreem, Dlerarfleld, . AFTS. OGDEN'! FINEST Now renting 2 bedroom opts. Gat away from tha ordinary. Natural gqrdens, fireplace, decor, fulr kitchens, swimming pool, laundry, covered parking, central air, HBO Cable Tv, the largest highly insubted opts, in Ogden. Each apt. like a home. Join us today! located at 4380 Harrison 61vd. Large 2 bedroom apt. in Syra-cus- e, large storage area, washerdrytr hookups and disposal. $150 deposit, $230 month, no pats, smoking or 77E2333773-294- WEST POINT DELUXE Nice Area, dean 2 bedroom apt. laundry facilities, cable TV, disposal, $300mo. plus utilities.rCall 9 or see Manager at 4380 Harrison 1 . Blvd. 4564 located at Apt. Brentwood Apts Harrison, 1 bedroom apt. refrigerator, blocks from Sharp stove, W. FARMINGTON SPECIAL This immaculate fea tures earthtones, Levobrs, -decor. Cal bedrooms, 6410 2 tsedroom, Cable, carnet, air, cbsa to town, $280. 4 By appointment 21 Glenna 300 -F- URNISHED 0 10 FINANCING No down or Low down, new 2 end 3 bedroom homes with Call Naw Homes basement. 2 RC 4 BEDROOM RAMBLER KAYSVILLE With 2 baths, 2 family rood and game room, with fireplace, and covered patio, great area only $67,500. Call Martin at 773-6- 1 or JDS Homestead Realtors 621-51- 300 -- BOX ELDER COUNTY Be With this 3 bedroom, remodeled home on 2 acres, in Collin-stoSolar heat 2 wood stoypi. 753-5- 1 11 A RANCHES e, Private ecenic 6,89 acre borders AM. Creek, Utah. Charming 2300 sq. ft. country ranch home with full basement, also entrance 10x70 Tranquility plusl Large new 2 car garage, hot separate veranda. house, back work shop, separate food storage cellar, fenced garden, good irrigation rights. Zoned, 2 parcels could be sold, mobib home hook-i- p in private area. This Ranchetb is but 2 miles to highway 89 and 2 miles to the mountains. This super property ottered tor only $129,000.00, write to owner Box 38, Marysvale, Utah 84750, SOI 26-4257. A LOTS CALL US ONLY IF: You want to make tome money on a good land investment. You te want a 5 acre or larger ideal tar animals. You want soma reosonabb space for you and yours, as peopb continue to crowd the Wasatch Front. You want fbxibb financing with $5000 down, $27,500 3 for 5 acres. Dean or 7 Cook Realtor Jeff Nearly South Vh acre, excellent Weber location. Beauti. ful home and vitw. Only 7 Jett Cook m 1z bus. Near town. No children or pets. parking. 479 CENTURY 9 21 Smoot Realtor Shop Want Adi For Autos APTS. A DUPLEXES all eixoe, soma Apartment with utilities paid. Ogden area, 4 and Apartment Studio, 1 and bedroom area. paid. Qgden 394-96- 4 310-HOU- Many $130-$$4- with all utilitie Owner-ladie- vtr coins, sterling, etc... BULLION, buyCAT COINS ing and selling Monday thru Saturday. 2938 Washington, Blvd., ugdtn, Phono i reov to wear, s Books, tools, appliances. Mow other items. Friday May IX Sat. May 14, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. 12T8 No. Nob Dr. (400 East) Centervilb. 540 -- GOOD THINGS TO EAT Honay, local umprcied 70 a lb. in 12 lb. gallon jars. Roar lake vacation, 7 day and night at Sweetwater retort, 0 person furnished con- dominium, May 24th thru May 31st. Make offer. BEES WANTEDI If you knew where a swarm is, give us a buzz, br reward. Extractor wanted. Large swamp cooler for sal. 8 6 or Check with Rental Information Service. Fee S35. Ogden' Personalized referral, w escort and negotiate tor you 1 Clearfbld, 4 years eld, 3 bad. rooms, 1 bam, bosement, dou bl garage, central air. wood stave,, cedar fence. Garden potch, refrigerator, dishwasher, like brand new. $200 deposit, $485 month. 544-340no singbs. For lease, large 3 bedroom condominium with garage, includes amenities, near HAFB. $495 month. For Rent 3 Bedroom house with firepbee, fenced back carport and storage. 740 oughton, $425. 621-767 nights. days Layton, 4 bedroom, double garage, bmily room, 2 baths, $32.00. Main Farmington. HRUBS SOD pale, 21 ft. $40.06, HyDre cycb fiborgbss beat, 40 H.P., Mercury with trailer. Foundation kin stop heat loss 570 -F- ERTILIZER A TOF SOIL Custom Tillmg anj Tractor Work, requires at least 7 ft. to tractor through, Plus free load $10. nur you lood. between 9 onj 3 7734074 S sheer $ I2M897 Far Sab Baby Quilt Ironrite honor Call Far Sale: Fewley Saw Shar- - 580 -- HAY, GRAIN A FEED SAWDUST, ANY AMOUNT Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St Ogden - eiia mattrae and box, $40, twin bed set with heod-boa$100. 7 piece dinette e good condition, $100. Full S. SO W., 0 May 14, 9om-3plinobym piece $2.00 each, mttcelbneout Barbie' clothe end toy, garnet, Lavii, lit bate 5.00 each. Ctothe and misc. item. Coh Only. Sale-Ma13 and 1 4, Garage 12 y Friday pm to 9 pm, Satur4 to 9 pm pm. Furniture, day appliance and clothe. Near VaeVbw Elementary. 1892W. 1920 N., Layton tale, couch, key bike, Garage desX miscellaneous. 3665 W. 5850 S. Roy after 3 pm and all day Saturday. Large garage tale, antique. Salo-36- Bent or Rent with Opt bn to Buy, $600mo. rent. Nearly 3 bednew rooms, basement, many other nice features. Call C.E. Bu- 3 tters, OwnerAgent Sharp 4 bedroom, 2 bathe, brge 2 story, N.E. Bench, Many Extras $500. 1620 621-21- 2 BEDROOM HOUSES $275. Sunset $fo. Ogden 825-293Phone 8 340 -- MOBILE HOMES Nica 3 bedroom mobile home Park in Clearfbld. Harmony $275 plus utilitiesdepoist. Available June 1. 825-19- A SUPPLIES 600-PE- TS AKC Mini long haired ONLY ONE DEFAULTED. Beautiful Fup bchehund, or 7234279 2 DOG TRAINING CLASSES OFFERED: Obedience Show Handling Puppy Kindergarten Personal Protection Behavior Problems IDLEWIRE TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson Av. furniture, bunk beds, tires, and T.V. and misc. conditioner, Sat. May 14th 10 am to 5 pm. 1731 N. 2700 W., Clinton Excellent litter of Gorman Shorthair Pointers. 2 males, 3 females. Great bloodlines AKC registered. 773-246- FREE KITTENS ale, fruit Heights, WEST if Hwy. 89. May 14, 9 am to 3 pm. Furniture, books, if directions 4 etc. Neighborhood garage long Village Way, Call 2 Breed pups FREE 621-01- 6 otter 6. 3 AKC Registered German Shorthairea pups, $75. Phone 621-76- with all the facts. Coll Diagnostic 773-445- SEWING MACHINE. Mutt tall, g New Home portabb with carrying, cal. Excellent condition, $89.00 Tirat and rime, all sizes. Furniture, drapes, slidiiw glass doors, much more. 72CT N. 4 FAMILY MOVING SALE; May 13, 14, 10-- TWO mattress, spring, guaan frama, girls bedroom, tnaw equipment, ski clotiro, skTchild misc. 7 for sale, Dingo Border Collie, $15. doll 546 4791 after 4 pm. 6 cute puppies A POULTRY Equestrian indoor stall, WHITE SCREEN DOOR 9 32" wide, $25 00, bebre noon or after five. wheel-three Schw nn 3 speed bike, used 6 times. $160 or . offer. Phone best indoor arena, outdoor arena, training. Far. rier instructor. New Manage ment, satisfaction guaranteed, 731-29or Hereford heifer calves, (tear and ready tor pasture, 825-T7each. $190-327- 5 PINE POLES AND POSTS CEDAR POSTS Timbertown 1 804 W. 17th St., Ogdim 2 Ma mouth Jacks ot Stud, Farm Kayiville DD 0 670 -- BOATS AMARINE BOATS FOR RENT 460 -- APPLIANCES, 2 TV, STEREO Frost Queen 12 cu. ft. reused 7 month, frigerator, $255. Will sell $100. Sear 17 cubic feet frestfree refrigerator. Hookup for White textured door. 8 $450. Call Whirlpool or WashenDryers . Kenmore only bought and sold. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections ot rebuilt washers and electric or gas Olson 12 Used Refrigerator, (round shoulder-typ$65. ea. 8 gas and electric stoves, 4 burners, 22X24 in. tops. Just right tor or cabins, A CLOTHING Sansiax sandal, naw stylet and colors, Guaranteed, work play or dress. 680 -S- PORTING GOODS lifting, mpehina, Weight bench ore 2001bs, high pulley 120 lb., low pulley T20 lbs. $500. 531-80- 0 SLC Jane. Ogden o' 18 in., solid fill tires, Excellent condition $100. 7824346 710 -T- RAVEL TRAILERS Starcraft tent trailer, 1981 Call Tracy ot 6 or 392 0929 after 5:30. 15Vk ft. Trophy, eleap 6, 7 $1800. days, even- ings 1978 Holiday Rambler 25 .. rear twin beds, center bath ant kitchen front dinette. Specie This Week! $5,995 Steve Adams R.V. Sabs 1464 N. Main, Layton 546-070- 0 or 5464)708 CIS Renegade, soft topi winch, new rpdbls and rims, very good all oround condition. $5500 or nagotiaab. Call otter 1 621-75- - 730 -- CAMPERS Cobover camper for email 7 sleep IS6O0. 970 -- SPORTS CARS '81 CAMARO)Z2$ styie 2 rak fer Morv '69 Chevrolet Malibu, sports coupe 350, 300 HP, posi-tremuch more, 66,000 0 days, evenings CAMPER SHELL insubted, for Iona bed, $300, 3 miles, 740 -- MOTOR HOMES for rent das A type, sleeps 6. 23 ft. roof air, generator, evenings MGB motor, under 20,000 mibs, block imron paint, new toe, plus extras. $2500. 924 Porsche, 1977, excellent condition, sunroof, $6,200. 57,000 miles, 425$ So. 800 W. Roy, 980 -I- MPORTS Datsun 1982, 310, 3 Mileage I Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, La lor appointment. 1982 Honda Accord LX, air, AMFM stereo A 35-4- 0 SUPPLIES 82 Yamaha 125k, mint condition, $625ofier, 2767 No. 900 E 1977 Suzuki 550, 4 cylinder rood bike, 1 1 ,000 miles, excel- lent condition and running. 700. Call Kim or Tag 399- - condition. $6895. Toyota Calico, excellent condition, air, stereo, $3,000. 625-3033. MAKES 1979 Riviera Turbo charged 6 cylinder engine, top ot the Ima built-i- n CX all the extras. 40,000 mi. Excellent condition 3 $8,750. '7 9 Chevrobt Monte Corbi excellent condition, loaded, low mileoge, $4950. 546-43'69 Camara, 6 cylinder, just rebuilt, new oe! 1979 Honda CX 500. Many extras. Great condition. 5. $1300, must see 1979 Suzuki GS750L. looks brand new, only 4000 miles, 6 Asking $1900. Call 19S1 HONDA CB7S0 Custom, 3200 mi. Excellent condition. 5 Must tell. Beit otter. 1982 Honda, 450 Nighthawk 27000 miles, sell by 19th, 776-2$8- Phone 6 En duros, both like new, less than 3100 mi. on either. With helmets ond $500 2 each. after 4 p.m. '69 SUZUKI 250 ustang $300Make Offer otter 6. 81 Honda 750 Custom, with backrest, crashbar and cruise 3946 Good eecond car for tala, 1970 Ford Falcon, good condi546- tion. Call 544-- 1 1 27 1 1 27 ask for Glade. 9 '82 Kawasaki 440LTD, Belt drive, good condition, $1000. Call Tim at 5444097 TERRAIN Mutt Sell, 79 Mercury Capri 2.8 litre' power Ghia, V-steering, brakes, air. AMFM stereo cassette. Excellent condition. ATC RENTALS Honda, Yamaha, 200, AUTOS FOR SALE RUCKS ton pickup with shell, completely rebuilt mechanically, $900 firm. springs, $950. Call7$2-979- II, dition, AMFM cassette stereo, new radialt, $1700 or offer. 72 Pinto $400. 544-3104 Ford Mustang II, 4 speed, 4 cylinder, 81,000 miles, new tires, $1 200 or best offer. 546 479-562- 9 leaf 1 Mutt Selll 79 Dodge Aspen runs on regubr, good mechanical condition $1,800 or best 5 otter. 8 or ask br Dennis 78 Pinto, deluxe interior, tun roof, excellent condition, $1856 firm. 479-581- 4 250 Kawasaki 71 International, Vx ton with 79 9 990 -- ALL 100 Endure, Vh 1977 Lincoln Mark V, excel- bnt condition, loaded, $7200. Cali ask for Anno 1974 Mercury Capri V6, 4 speed, top condition, stereo. $1295. Call 546-0141982 Plymouth Champ cut- tom 2 door, twin stick, air, stereo, fully loaded. Fawn metallic, 12,000 mibs, im$2,000.00 from original cost $5,495. 451-571979 For automatic dual engine, Save over maculate. needs paint. 1 after 5. will 17' Dolphin Toyota 28,000 miles, like new, a, Dodge excellent motor, good body, paint and tires. Transmission work needed. $400 Coll 773.1574 MUST SELL!! ,1981 Toyota, Cassette, New tires, $4,400. 621-10- 2 negotiate-196- Ready to Move Into 10 Beautiful 3 bedroom double wide set up in family park in Layton. This home DOWN On this beautiful slightly used 1982 Nova. This home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, garden tub, and kitchen appliances features family room, garden tub and shower stall in master bath, two coolers, large awning, kitchen appliances and storage building for only in- cluding a dishwasher. All of this for only $24,995 $15,995 220 $2,700 down payments are leu than , per month 320 Weber Mobile Homes Valley 1039 W. Riverdale Rd. "Over 25 Mobile Homes Inteirit), 1 )tin per month Weber Valley 394-944- leu than with Payments lass than 1039 W. Riverdale Rd. of service, 394-944- and dependability!" 1 "Ovet 25 years intetit), baths, twin mad up beds, ranter kitchen, front dinette $5,995. Stove Adams R.V. Sale . 1 464 N. Main, Layton 346-070- 0 8 or New Sports Car and if service, lejeniibilitf UARDLEY COOP. 1099 N. MAIN LAYTON 0 late for rent, only 6 left, $5.50 daily, $$8,50 weekly, RV 544-420- $165 monthly with utilities. $120 month, pay own electricity, swimming pool, laundromat and gorgeous view. Call Connie or Jan 825-386-2. 7 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Spacious 4 bedroom, garden area, fruit trees, double garage, large family kitchen. Carol ONLY $40,900 Excellent location in Ogden. A low down payment will let you into this charming 3 bedroom home. Rhea 22B1 N. FORT LANE, LAYTON Nearly 3 acres over 1800 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home, family room, fenced, irrigated, outbuildings, many fruit trees. Let Bert show you today or call REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 180 -- WEBER COUNTY Finitli-eBy Owner: 1160 q. Ft. quality constructed, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, woodburning stove, extras and large fenced yard So. storage galore, 479-372- 4. Washington Terrace. Must Selll Phene 1983 Mazda B2000 Sundowner: More features, more value than Datsun, Toyota, Ford Ranger or Chevy VERY SPECIAL 3 bedrooms, 11k baths, extra large family room, smartly decorated thru out bosement has room for expansion. Assumable 6 mortgage. Owner transferring. Don't wait. Duke SELLER SAYS MUST SELL Price $5,000 under market value. 4 bedroom, 2 baths 1790 sq. ft. addition. Duke 544' 5045544-4207- . $42,900. S-10- Without advertising, a terrible thing sl. happens... bVn' RMGuDirag). m brick heme in AfJen, car garage, Vi bosement, corpetsrarapet, 4 ream redials overdrive bench seet Swing-ou- t Tinted glass side vent windows And more. . 1 34444 i 190 -- DAVIS 5 COUNTY BEAUtlFUL TWO STORY V. A. appraisied at locoteain East lay-to- n, 4 bedrooms, 2s baths, full basement, brge family room eft kitchen, plus formal dining room, and much more. HOME. Bill ,500, CoH New Homos R.C. MPL 'ford on rnmporrwn tie out dral of RfwnNrr nmfrf tht'IPAeMimetefothe "etimetsJ mp' of idhet frus k mt mpy get drfterpfil rmteQie dependmetstn hose tevl y:u drive eerelhet netdtfion emd trip length snr 4lu4lhthto4vniileegewdlpiJveNvhe Ires tfun the ntimeied hsuhwey mdr4Kr mfn vingteMed retail pm w end f rut L feature See Soles tax and license not included. 'PQ GDU7AV Fnf.rM,H BRM1GG s, excellent MPG, 76 690 original mibs, extra battery and helmet. Excellent condition, $490 firm. -T- ... hatchback, 4 speed, good go mileage, dealing. Call 773-61- 5464)700 or 5464 950 0 convertible 79 '67 Vogue Meter Heme, 1977, 24 tT 440 Dodo, 18,300 miles. Coll 773-- 1 5 1979 Enterprise, 19 ft. on Toyota Chassis, air. Great Gas 19SS Chevrolet mint, owner, original 4 $4,1$0. '79 Datsun 280ZXrf650dTer best offer. 393-377- 7 days, Full size school hue. Re frigerotor, stove, sleeps .ejght. Needs somw repair 770 -- ALL 5 7l 1979 Nomad, 27 ft. Shop Classified Section For That Classy Confidential, Prompt Service Please Call Anytime Collect VAL 479-696- 9 ft..m. rallent condition, TRAILERS 16 ft. trailers, tandem flatbed, 3 ton payload, $1 190-u8 or 544-i49- very nice, Larry ACRE PLUS HOMI $99,000 A little love and some wisely invested dollars will make this cottage on one acre flourish into a house you'd be proud to call home. Contract Cathie 546-108- 3. R1 510 LIVI IN THE COUNTRY WORK IN the city. 20 min. drive from Ogden or Salt Lake. Everything you could ask for in this 6 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 fireploce home. Over 3200 ft. of luxury for those who like to live well. Dixie C. V451-591- K - JEEF 1979 CJS, 26,000 mi. utom point, ex 1979 Jawall 24 ft. alfsn- toined, air conditioned. Must 3 so. $6,700 $50,000 to $900,000 , jor$6wsa.s?fe7,co5i- 720 -- MISCELLANEOUS $1350. cassette, Renegade; 0 Or Trust Deeds . dual tanks. AMFM nice truck. i99-479- 4 8 760 -- CYCLES ten Ford .Lariat, 4x4, 1978 Stove Adams R.V. Salas 1464 N. Main, Layton or otter. r $ 1F$2 Corsair, 2$ ft. d: door, rear mad up d bed. Center kitchen and c front dinette, Very dean. 5464)700 or DRIVES dHtlL excellent ran- - 960 Delight-Boardin- g bike, 292-590- Steve Adams R.V. Sole 1464 N. Main, Layton io wk, 470 -S- HOES 1980 Toyota Deluxe Jenebed pickup, 5 speed. AMFM Wheel, 185, 1 1 cc 10, 75, 135,TVlREE Machines. WHEELS WEST 731-47- 5 AKC Peed let 4 $20O Royal SE5030 8K Memory electronic typewriter, $1000 trailers, campers $75. so. 394-63- part Siamese Medium Sized Mixed Pa rant, arc you concerned about your child's readiness to start school? Make that decision 1000 W., Clearfield. 95- 0- TRUCKS 32 ft. Fifth double doors, rear front room, ranter dinette, front bath 1979 Frawlar, 1978 Yamaha Fine and pinion Now taking orders for summer delivery, any amount. Timeortown 1 804 W. 17th St., Oybn Kaysvilb, Everett AVAILABLE 1 Timbertown 804 W. 17th St., Ogdon i N- OR DELIVERED INSTALLATION Far eab-foUfa jackal, two new one and two used ones, Coll Fer dinette and hutch $100, recking chair $5, dryers. -- TREES -S- 550 -P- LANTS 4. Lovely 4 bedroom, all the ex. tras. Great location, 675-l4t9 $450. June 1. honey. 48 lb. bucket 451-231162 N. CLOVER Flag firm. 300 N HONEY. LIGHT AMBLER 20 inches, goad condition SlScToo Garage I. 155 S ssto.wsrfe1 TO BUY Caih paid for gold rings, til- WILD 1477 East Oakridge (1375 N.) Layton, Utals After a place? Dr. 51- 0- WANTED A GARAGE SALE Clothes-Cloth--Clothes thing, SES nrepkic, 440 -- MISCELLANEOUS - 710-TRA- tsfeJ1'4 FOR SALE 6, Lakeside Review North, Wed, May 11, 1983 3.0 AUT0S 5Atl TRAILERS 0 or 5464)706 1979 Reckweed Tent Trailed icbox, MATERIALS lallraaJ ties for tab, all tiiat, pll gradat, aiTahapawiil de- -' 6 (Ivor, will cut to tin. ABK Railroad or Motorial. See 4 bedroom, 2 story on acre with 12 acres avaibble sheds, corrals, etc. Call Jackie, 340 -- ACREAGE Business Property m South $97,000.00. Invest ' garage, 330 -F- ARMS 5 i i 390-WAN- drinking. HOME baths, 2 car 1 full Key Realty TEND CHILDREN Ages 1 through 4. WILL Mt KEPT 3 bedroom, 1 Wanted: children 8 year old for Developmental Day Spring cleanups, Tilling, Trimming, Power Raking, weekly 9 Lown Service -- 3 bedroom brick rambler in Kaysville. Fireplace and fully landscaped large yard. Zoned for four-ple$50,900. Call 2 Anette or Manor House Realtors CENTURY and mother, tersting activity, limited open- 0 VIEW LOT RAMBLER Clean Centervilb home has 3 bedrooms, unfinished basement, deep lot. Call Glenna CENTURY 21 Smoot 9 -- CHILD CARE n Smoot 21 WELL flexible-day- Jefco Chimney Sweeps and Lawn Care. Chimneys .'PAINTING CENTURY 0 S 3 cleaned tial lawns $12. bt, pantry, double mid 60's for garage, priced 6 quick sab. Call Jay Warm, comfortable and cozy. person ion and ability to work e day or evening shifts to tend active 8 month old girl Would prefer warm friendly home with young playmates. Needed immediately in Woods Cross or surrounding areas. Call Troy at Mow, trim and edge. g Special . WANTED Regular weekly lawn care. INSULATES LANCERS, itting-Layto- 1 HOME, Mutt see, 4 bedroom, 2 bam bmily heme, weed stave, china cabinet, priced 50's. Coil Laraina Need reliable letpentible and who has trans- 100 Baby. hours thebe lots near Causey kind - lent ,200. 538 23rd Rear STARTEI 90 -S- ITUATIONS Organ or 544-98- Lettering, Illustration, Cartoon, ing, design. Please call only it NOW qualified. Yard Care 9 NEW HOMES Built, Low maintenance, Excellent financing. North Davis County Area. Will Meet or Beat Any Price! Gbuser Construction Quality Moll ARTISTS-FRE- MR. RAG'S WINDOW CLEAN. ING. One time basis, weekly, monthly. Residential and com. mercial. Coll tor estimate, 544. 8558 Frank or Marty. ROOFING ALUMA-SHIEL- FARM HOME Wa have Lots ana Will Build Gbuser Construction 1 8 or Good pay for good work. Need people with skills in or more of following areas: Cleaning Locksmith Rant or Rant with Option to Buy, $600mo. rant. Nearly 3 bednew rooms, basement, many ether nice features. Call C.E. Bu3 tton, OwnorAgent OF INTEREST TECHNICAL SKILLS Window and Screen estimate NO DOWN Now Homos 2 and 3 bedroom models, with basements, Call 546-256- 2 New Homes R.C. 86 -J- OBS Weddings FUN WEDDING MUSIC-Orgapiano, $8.00 hourly. Monthly paymants starting as lew as $J2T. Call Lynn Gbuiar Construction VACATION TIME IS NEARING-Sta- rt earning for that trip. Work in your neighborhood. career. We assist for part-tim- e For interview write Box CO Ogden Standard Examiner ment? Call Dayton Construction 392-- 1 1 1 2 Finance available lad, lots. Jr. Woman's Apparel Stores a naw accepting applications far a store manager Looking fer oggres sive person with retail experience. Excellent company benefits. If you are foshion-mind-e- d apply in person at Stuart's, SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Cutting, topping, digging up roots, trimming, shooing, panning, small or big frees. Haul away, leveling and filling up jdirt. rree estimates 295-89- INSTRUMENTS Electric Hammond Heute Or- gan, Doubb Keyboard ontigue 1 organ. After 6 p.m, EXCELLENT RETAIL SPACE Yamaha lyilding 212 Washing, ton Blvd.4950 for all or $495 0 for Vi 5146 Ij Starting at $49,800 on Herbolife Newgate me. Only $28990. Also 6.3 Acres 3,900 and Hdojoer 1 acre lots in Hoopar and West 9 Point. Call Martin at or JDS Homestead Realtors 4B0-MUSI- A BUSINESS - 76 14X70 Champion Manatee 3 bedrooms, NEW HOMES growing Service and trimming, corrective work Call Bob or Kandy bed, ihrub, leave, 773-064- Stuart's, ana of the TREE edging, trimming, retaining 565,900. 670 N. 825 W. Clearfield. MANAGER TRAINEE No experience, we train, great future with excellent earning potential. $1200 guaranteed 1st. me. salary. 451-72Need extra money, sell some- thing that sells. Burglar alarms. For appointment call 825-010- CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK, tilling, leveling, loading, post hole drilling, alto top soil hauled and delivered. Coll George 776-- 1 11 7. FLOWING. ROTOTILLINQ AND WEEDCUTTING, on any site farm or lot Experienced horeeihoeing ft. JOES OF INTEREST 479-34- Tractor for Hire b Lovely 4 year old, 4 bedroom rambler. By owner. both, formal dining, nicely do-s- q. Assum-so- provided. training and leads Call Mr. Johnson 392-45or And Maintenance, Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates. 8 Guaranteed work, Horseshoeing railroad tie, fence, wall, new flower OF INTEREST GENERAL Beautician booth rental part tjmefull time CONSULTANTS NEEDED looking far ambitious people who would like to corn from month part-tim- e and $ Sprlnklar Systems. Tree-Shru- LAYTON In Eastview Subdivision, only 2 with family room. old. yrs. Rlush carpets, fireplace and Seek. Only 159,90a Coll Mar9 tin qt or JDS Homestead Realtors 621-51- DIET 0 assumption. CalT Annette 544-89- 1 MH 158-- 3 2 or Manor House, REaltors SALES Free estimates, reosonabie rates, w do repairs, guaranTractor Cutom Tilling and teed work Work, require ot least 7 ft. to h" C ALDER SPRINKLER SYSTEM CUSTOM tor driven tiller prepare excel lent nod bed! garden an town largo or imoll. Reason- 544- TILUNG YOUNG able, 167,500. OIS 64 Sprinkling Svstemt S more for only gnd muchGood Stop with hyp- - WEDDING DRESSES Annotta, big kitchen, ceramic tile entry, wood burning stove, carpets, Restaurant: Now operation I leaking high caliber, lervice oriented people. Cooks, waitresses dnd banquet service. Send resume or previous ex- information to; P.O. Krienee Ogden, Utoh 84404. Sewing B Alterations tor driven tmair ocreoge. Dependable larvlca. Raoionebia rota. I K.p. Tiller, SO-J- DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? General controctor build or remodel. Guaranteed feuiiding 4 "or 5x1 2 pitSTovS fiat or low pitch gravel roof, siding soffit tciair, 1 Haovy duty tracunit. Gordon lot, Layton luxury, 3 bedrooms, What are tha menweman? Data Relate Mobile SMITH ROOFING CO. Lkemed Contractor All Types of Roofing, Build-u- p and Shingle contractor. iiiwNAL FRAMING ACTOR. 7 years local in specialist roofing. Call H yaort experience. Lkenftd Free Elfimofat i544-4- 1 Know about Mo but wtrt afraid to oik. Ntw Mtnaga Each SMOlCINGT Acre In Kaneiville, Ixcelmt for building, a beautiful negotiable, wanted to Roofing 360 -- OFFICE B LOTS 500 -B- UILDING FHA 215 ASSUMPTION, Rose- iblt government subsidized payments on this home in Kaysville. $53,900 custom decor, 3 brae bedrooms, extra cobinets ana storage. Model Home. MH171-- 3 Call Anette House, Realtors FOUND 40 2 340 -- ACREAGE 3 ost, white male Pomeranian, East Layton, area. Phone 544- 1745 gprSffifr 3.9aiIUmlnUm siding. - LOH 30 Construction, !inPl Til Construction Cuitom tilling, bedroom brick owner-- 4 home, 2 bath, utility room, slar, covered family room, patio, 2 cor gproge, prinllng learn to addition, garage conver-ionbasements, free No job too small, 776 1 Rate-tillin- tv 'NINO CENTER Complete heme remodel, room ASSOCIATED CIRAMIC TILE Spadallitt, froo estimate PR C tesJ'ixjkjra &?SfeUciN,u fworiV THE LEARNING CENTER, 379 South Main, Kaysville. Remodeling UVOIOR WINDOW BUNDS Guaranteed lowest Prices. Shop, by phone. Samples moiled or delivered. Installa-tlo- n ovallobb. Free Delivery. Measure your window and call anytime tor prleoi 479-303- 7 Ceramic IRAKI AND ENTER Move into sharp dean family home featuring fenced yard, I- - SUMMER CUSSES: Preschool, Blinds DAVIS COUNTY 190-- N. 1), Sejjt and kirSerc gistered in ftayl. Meeting Ahoy for 17th, 7 pm previewing materials and explanation curriculum, (will also ba available during school DIRECTORY Got MALJSTATEJJORJALE expanding y |