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Show 2A lokaid Review North, Wednesday n Moy 11, 1983 Few Attend iTV Mooting r ; CloarfioCd v. r CLEARFIELD Miss Lori Peck, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gandee of Clearfield, haa been selected as a finalist in the annual Miss Utah National Teen-AgPageant to Review Staff : f er be held at the University of 0 A 1 ( W (,V ''S If : t nr'Si pi) y rv :tv. Syracuse Woman On Board LORI PECK No Referendum On Council's Action Were not horrible, indecent people, said state chairman Were decent, Gerry Snow. Book Review 4 100-wo- 45 class-actio- , 4 the Miss National Teen-Age- r Pageant to be held in August. Contestants will be judged on scholastic achievements, leadership, poise, personality and appearance. There is no swimsuit competition. Each contestant will have a choice of a essay on the subject, Whats Right About America" or giving a talent presentation. , an initiative petition paring I which will require 60,000 regis-- I tered voters signatures to put a cable TV issue on the ballot in r 1984. They are also in the pro- n cess of filing a suit against the state to halt House Bill 309 which regulates cable concerned citizens worried ab- out our freedoms. I believe I have a right to do in my home what I want to do, Mrs. Jones said she would like to see a chapter of the organization started in the area. Theyre going to regulate, regulate, regulate until were so damn moral, said public relations director Connie Jones. Its time to get off your fanny and start doing something. Mrs. Jones said the group is trying to reserve library au- -' ditoriums in the area for future meetings. The group met for the first ' time on March 5 in Salt Lake City and its next scheduled meeting in Davis County is set for June 6 at the South Branch Library in Bountiful. Currently, Mrs. Jones said the Citizens for Everyones Freedom has about 100 members in Salt Lake City. 9 er ' ' i Utah, Salt Lake City, on June 17, 18 and 19. The Miss Utah National Teen-Agwill be fully sponsored to non-prof- it ; t Contest Dri-Toon-Ago- By BARRY KAWA A citizens CLEARFIELD ; group opposing the regulation of . cable television drew only 10 community residents to a public meeting Saturday in the Clear-- I field North Branch Library. - Citizens for Everyones Freely dom, a organization I based in Salt Lake City, met for I the first time in the area to try and organize support for their cause. I The group is currently pre- irf-Finalis- f Councilmen gave the There will FARMINGTON on the construction plans be no referendum on City Councils vote to provide $2,000 in for the new city complex. Cost legal fees to fight legislation estimates on the architectural L go-ahe- that would force city employees back into the State Retirement CLOWNS get Week parade fund. Reed Oviatt had asked for the referendum, but in a written opinion, city attorneys say that parade was the final event in the week of activities honoring area youth. ready to ride in Elks youth held Saturday in Roy. The the matter is administrative and not up for referendum. Dog owners who let their pets run will find that the city is picking up their animals. City fathers voted a $5 an hour payment to volunteer city workers Ordinance Changed Pointed Signs Koy to Allow By SHELLEY KANCITIS Review Correspondent Despite some huffing and puffing, the Roy City Council voted to permit windproof signs in Roy. Due to unclear wording in three sections of the citys sign ordinance, several businessmen were denied permission to have signs painted on the walls of their buildings. ROY quirements for the suggestion in the motion to permit signs painted on buildings. In other business, the council passed a motion supporting the one-quart- er point-of-sal- e, distribution. e fiscal budget. The council voted to deny a request to build a barbershop at 2050 W. 5700 S. Area residents presented a petition opposing the shop. They said the location is in a residential area, parking is inadequate and increased traffic would be hazardous to children living nearby. Approval was given to rezone State Legislatures approval of a percent increase in city sales taxes. Resulting revenue will be distributed on a 50 per50 percent cent population basis rather than the previous 100 percent point-of-sal- 1984 an area at approximately 5150 Carl Pingree, a local sign whether asked S. 1900 W. from 4 to CP-When Roy are said signs painted painter, as a taxes would lower freeproperty Developer Raymond Eves recheaper and safer than retax sales of increased result the zoning change to windThe quested past standing signs. storm should prove any type of venue, Mayor Jack Pierce said permit construction of a motel. portable sign can blow down, he supports holding property If existing plans are finalized, FARMINGTON The Davis but Ive never seen a painted taxes at existing levels or de- the motel will have at least 75 creasing them, dependent on re- - units. County Library Board has ap- sign blow off the side of a buildi pointed Kathy Wood of Syraing, said Pingree. cuse to serve on the Davis CounDavid Facer, Roys building ty Library Book Review Com- .inspector, expressed concern mittee. Mrs. Wood will replace that a business might close The Belle of Amherst, a play when she was full of hope and Royce Carter of West Point down and not remove its signs whose two-yeterm recently before leaving' the city. based on the life and poetry of success, until she died at fifty-sia virtual recluse, with her Businesses frequently come Emily Dickinson, will be preexpired. Mrs. Wood is currently a and go with no warning. They sented on Wednesday, May 18 door closed against society. member of the Utah State may not have the money to and Friday, May 20, at 8 p.m. at Miss Grills has worked proBoard Association of Women. paint out the old sign and its the BountifulDavis Art Center, in summer stock and fessionally She was a member of the Davis time consuming to try and con- 2175 South Main. with the Utah Shakespearean , a per-Jerri Grills, County White House Steering tact them. Festival. Committee and has served as Pingree said the owner of the former and a favorite with audiwill Tickets may be purchased at coordinator of the Northern building should be responsible ences at the Art Center, Dickinof BountifulDavis Art Center. the the Utah Womens Conference. Emily part for painting over obsolete signs. play The book review committee is Councilman Richard Tubbs ag- son in this one woman show. Cost for the play will be $5.00 for made up of three private citi-- , reed. He suggested the city The Belle of Amherst brings to adults, and $4.00 for Art Center zens and two county library emmake property owners liable for life one of Americas greatest members, students, and senior women poets and delicately ex- citizens. For ticket reservations ployees. The committee decides removing signs left by busines.whether or not to stock quesses who rent their property. plores various stages in her ex- or more information call the tionable books purchased by the The council included Tubbs perience, from the age of fifteen Center at ' libraries and on complaints against the library for not stocking certain volumes. In 1979, the committee re-- ; CAR STERE0 DEPT-uiuiii- u flPEIIIIIG SALE 0F 0UR ceived much media attention perfect Gjt or Grads and Dads ;when it voted to take the novel Americana off county library (tkni Hit t 'HML 'I (,'k HIWilBi irt 31. only) MR shelves. Since then, the commit-te- e has been inactive due to no PERFORMANCE ENGINEERED'1 similar circumstances requir--' (AnytMxg Oh it A Compromise!) ing them to meet. R-- who will be scheduled on the animal control beat. The city has made arrangements with the Davis County Animal Control to pick up the dogs after regular working hours. Dog catchers will be going out on various nights of the week at different hours and picking up dogs. Owners will be issued citations and will face fines. 2. Play Dated in Bountiful TLakeside IHLeyiew n ; Published weekly and distributed FREE by carrier every Wednesday morning from Roy through North Salt Lake. A Subsidiary of the Standard Corporation MARILYN L. KARRAS G. LAMAR BOTT DIRECTOR ADVERTISING EDITOR MEMBER x, ar well-know- drawings came in about $25,000 over the budgeted amount of $395,000. Architects will reduce the square footage of the building and make some other changes to meet the budgeted amount. Wendell Leavitt asked for a change in the lot makeup of his property near the frontage road and about 500 South. Councilman Gary Flood, who cast the deciding vote in the previously controversial rezone hearing, was very concerned that the city preserve the integrity of their decision with the rest of the community. The council voted to allow Leavitt to provide conceptual drawings of the plat changes. A public hearing will be scheduled when proposed changes will take place. Two locations To Sorvo You 2146 N. MAIN, LAYTON, UTAH PHONE nr .145 NA1IONAL ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS N. MAIN, PHONE 776-49- 51 9QR-BQ- BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 298-11- 03 581-882- 0. m - , CONCORD CAR-AUDI- HPL-- 1 1 Ik ' YOUR ONLY for creative planned activities for the kids this summer. Learn how to put vacation ; back into summer vacation with these innovative ideas. The public is invited to attend any of the three programs offered duthe day at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 ring - a.m., and 2 p.m. For further information, contact the libary YOUR SAVINGS PANASONIC: (f. Y DO YOU HAVE A NEWS TIP? CALL YOUn OS ILdCiesMe E&evieuy ga ac . J'-'j- J U" s $130.90 $409.90 wllh "AJMIINCI"!) igp- - ADEA CCUnESPONDEOT 7 CGUOTINIL . 703 AMFM CASSETTE with mw circiHry to expend RmIIurI unite to "CoKirt-HiyiK Pish-butt- ii S EM) twiM (S AM telenet, fodor endI Tom controls SV Carol Colt CO-- S AMIIENCE . at cotq New, SUPREME SERIES with I :: Rig. Pries 1 Dolby Kathy Bardwell, an area homemaker, will share ideas ; SAVINGSS130.90 12, 20 Witt Systim, with loudness N.R., Mitil-tip- i, lost, Troblo, A Aiito-iiCo-Concord 5" Spookors Guorenteod, HPL-- v1"1 319.95 89.95 40.00 $449.90 Spook Guaranteed, ROY Summer Activities for Kids will be offered at the .Southwest Branch Library in .Roy, Wednesday, May 18. ; list loudness, bit controls, ond Auto-sisc- t. Ci-- i Concord 5" For Children Syittm N.R., and Tro- - Dolby i, Mitil-tip- Plan Summer : S, SO Witt O, Coin $229.95 79.95 40.00 toed, $150.90 2 (Evo.) ONLY SpMktrt YOUR SAVINGS 295-898- $349.90 19f00 COUNTIFULNORTH SALT LAKE Chtryl Archibald 292-949- 9 295-745- 8 773-255- 6. fTancredi"! r cm) (TjnTfxmi WOODS CROSS Tina Look AM-F- ONLY ti ticpn 'ttiia backed wih 2 year replacement warranty!) super-volu- e, 179 Tuning (S AM Cissitto, 5 FM), DNR loss, Troblo md loud mis Controls, Fid ond Bilinci Controls, 7 witts x 2. 5 Vi" Spook! OoKintoid, YOUR SAVING Ufiint $130 90 $189.95 79.95 40.00 309.00 EQUIUZEREOOSTER TXL-70- 0 30 egulliief, power-outp- ONLY gtipblc. l, front-to-ri- fid, deel-LE- nwtKt (InstiHitlon extra). EUY ON f. . ci.ii'KiiH ' r 4. E-- Z Terms, or Estck Cords 2917 Wosh. 392-160- Civet. 4 A A |