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Show Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 4B lakeside avJlIU t vA' ... A MW3 SL IllLiK V. ..4 "Vv ll. V ;' ,,J- V Vrt 4 ;t0m U''. - ', "v- - I j im WWY'l '??& ?W::V ;.::.i if fr v' k . - '.!:)ii! t 1' I .j '!$ 't ,. :F 1 f;f: J V &l Albertsons Albertsons Albertsons Peasant coupon along win ry onrrmiictuter CanltOff coupon ardg' double th savings from '. Aiberlson Not to irdoae retite - nee cigarette coupons o menulaciure' sfflui n coupon o esreeO value o ilem limit 1 cawpan gee manufeefwrar'eceuMft' Present (hit coupon along win any on manufacturer Cent OH coupon and ge double the saving from Albertson $ Not to include rentier J fee ogerelte couponoor mnuaciurarmriincoupons eiceed vaiue 01 item Umll 1 coupon per manufacturer With Every 5 Purchase ' With Every 5 Purchase trt , or cauM. One Double Coupon Redeemable One Double Coupon Redeemable Coupon Effective May 11th-17t- h Coupon Effective May 11th-1- 7 th BDOUBIIQCOURO spooBiiscoueo 5 Present this coupon oong nth any one manutarfu'1 s Cents Off coupon end gat doubi Hip savings from Albertsons Nol tometuoe retailer free Cigerette coupons or manufacturers mail m coupon 0' eiceed value of item limit t eoueenper menufecturer'oeeueen-- , , 'v; j or oewpen ' With Every 5 Purchasef ' I - One Double Coupon Rodoomablo With Every 5 Purchase l!rm Coupon Effective May 11ih-17t- h 4 Preoent tfuo coupon along voitti any one manufoctu'er c Cams Off eouponend get double fhe savings Horn JUbertsons Not to include fra cigoreUe couponoot manufacturer' mart m coup" eiceed value of item UmM 1 ceupenpev maaufaeturar ' One Double Coupon Rodoomablo Albertsons rtir - j'V L I iDOUBIlErCOURO Coupon Effective May 11th-17t- h iDOOBUgCOUEP ai jtSr'k. rcr ll wskouII Sijp- m list Gutter Top Droad Porlt Chop TImi IS Iks. 41 Ik. 31clh n SAVE 31c Lb. Whole Porlt Logs 8 Wripped In 1 (oil5) ufeJ . , oCJicacrssss SAVE W 41 SAVE . 1X3 .1X3 Shcrlt Fillets U SAVE fm f W ' & , FLE) 'O RfX Wr R4I Yow Chtieo SAVE Up To :s 70 V4Vf 8nc fit' i.:: 'w wmSv.4 I .3X3 .3X3 8 Oz. Hairspray Oz. Shampoo ' & Conditioner 16 1. ' J l. Kk ' ''.' : t t 'V twl I L - rai U e p Pony Pack ;v Frozni Concentrate Now SAyEtr.nZJTTN v'' j j MfC 3"MSE.bd 12 Oz ' n ttW'fW 0A KLri) V At t , Jtt V y CJ W.k .ftt 1X3 WamSmSmsSSSsms rii"'''i Tcppinb Janot Leo Frozen SAVE 1. nuto Held Fruit Punch ..,- ttK-itV.zi- Z'iJ r:iri7tt bua itz'txrt' Each of .these advertised items is required to he readily available for saieiat or below the advertised price in each Albertson's store, except as specifically noted irithis ad. - Whipped Nabisco . r-'-N ItyferM u,fcr11 Ravioa-F- lai Bakery Frash SAVES2.00 i', Pctiinias Grcpstrult lir tlu - CtUfmli liairspray rTrrn sn 80 kr Chips Ahoy Cooltics U Itslisn Squash OlpMtd Conditioner .jShampoo, i W- -.-3 sli tUishlMtiM Canlrallad OenMlMi i S:!:d. ,C0 Gi:::o .2X3 19 Oz. U.S. No. I VIm lb. r- 0 Apples - . ur iv j SAVE 30 Rl. I Use Crp e" & r.::ccrcnl n:::lC"f O.S. flMiRin Dutch Apple Pi 3S SI. 00 CcGrd Fresti Peas - C:i;::rsC::!:3.iUD 4" Ca-J:- :!i !sw Potatces Oils 1 Whitts . Ghiclton Golden Grown A Oelicleus ChlckM. , IVatcrnclon ' ' m- - V-r- v CsntEloL-ps- s lino Piece frltS y o4vs V - , . ,3.23 Varied Young A Tender (Wol GradiAA fresh fRD Scclfspss 1 HcdiuRi Eggs .5.C3i Tl::r Shrlr.p III PlSCt U.S. No. $(0 (o; Lb. U T?iii)(i)fWTiT?3 Salad Albertsons Pacific tr) 0 1 sfiiLvOj im U.S. No. 1 Vine Ripened fia!SiiaB2ar . 1X3 .Cod Fillets 1 50' W.;oaL,Oy Cj' EPc?rni!ii8 2X0 Rod rf Papal Civs Gtnoric fftb J D:t T.:cr.d Glcc'r. 12 Oz. TomafoGS Vanilla Ico Cream ico cnonM Gtra C:cf C::f Papal G U 28 Oz. Loan Ground Dcof Lb. ' S11 80s Diet Tcr,;to G;-:- :r : Lc C;i!a Sgcpas wl.33 oPcrb 0 C:::.s. m 1.C3 Cjc oCcrn Tcrtlll:: Regular or Crmchy . $Kip?y gg,'i Pepsia Cola Six Pack uins: Peanut Gutter Pickips 0r 24 Oz. Loaves Stiippy Frash 0Calo;aa sn U Lb. Cut r Quarter loin Assorted Chops SAVE - 23 i tf X Bean firmtb Covai Rm y:M:. nx::ic:iw Sllri m , .Is on hand sufficient stock ot advertised If for any rea- -' merchandise. son we are out of stock, a RAIN CHECK will be issued enabling you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available We strive 1o have i:: $: :w: ,? :& v i ; J |