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Show K Lakeside Reviaw North, Wednesday, Moy 11, 1983 Prices Good thru Saturday, May 14th Tents set up Frl. & Sat. only, prices good Thurs.-Sa- t. 0 off all Display models, 1 come In SsT ranger tents By White Stag u Roof. Reflecta 50 1 polyeter-5- 0 cotton tent eonvoi. Wolli, 100 spun polyester. Door, Man-sizDutch door. Size 12'x9 p?R9169.95 - early o ii 08 3j 1 IOO e9 Aluminum poles, sewn in. floor. Nylon floors. Polyes- i ter roof. Two side windows. Full screen door wtriple zip-- t per closure. 79.95 I Full I MOUNTAIN TENT '4kf 2 man with screen, poles, and Y. 'fbag. mi ' HEX TENT 1- - Scums STANSPORT Reg. 59.95 y Asstmble $30 if we assemble Yoil sriTUf'dt-Ti- w Coleman 8V2 gait x. 9x9 50 ft Feature Deluxe 3 Man The Scanoe'. - new from the largest canoe manufacturer. The handling, versatility and portability of a canoe, plus much more. Wider than Celeman canoes, accepts motors to 5 H P., carries three adults. Sleek shape makes paddling a for easy pleasure. Molded in one piece from RAM-X- " maintenance, great performance. 15' 6 ". Add G0TT 50 lli Le'' S906B700 stuff v ... 2 it if 5'x7' Nylon P Gal. UMBRELLA TENT Insulated (oltmiC Sturdy aluminum construction can-va- s, with mosquito netting sewn in. INSULATED COOLER Crestline Stansport won't scratch, rust, BACK PACK dent or break. 88 COOLER Wenzel White Stag 10x12 Nylon SLEEPING BAG Won't break, bend, dent or scratch. DINING FLY 33x75 4 lb. Hollofil. Cotton cover, wildlife lining. Assorted colors. Reg. 43.95 NOW & Reg. 29.95 YWiiteN 34 Reg. $2288 08 Stag BAGS 10x13 9x12 PARKDALE TENT By White Stag By Coleman Reg. 219.95 AN NOW more high double dutch doors insert screening. .Tough and roomy. f Coleman 425 . Rig. 39.95 Extra Heavy Duty Celeman Full length zipper. 4 lb. Hollofil cover, nylon QQ cotton lining. 795. : CAMP COT MANTLE LANTERN 2G 00 CASH SC e) coupon 33"x79" Big, tough, durable. Wood & canvas. tjll3utiirA Milwaukee GOOD ON ANY UNADVEXTISED SLEEPING DAO with font purchan Save $5.00 on Sleeping Bag FOLDING TABLE WSEATS Rubber Boats Can be set up in 20 seconds. Packed away in 12 seconds. Table and seats fold into a compact carrying case. Seats four persons. Handy at home or at a picnic. DIG SELECTION COUNTRY PRICES ON YOUR WAY WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO WILLARD DAYII YOU WANT. IF WE CAN FIND ITU CLOSED SUNDAY! LIMITED QUANTITIES BDsffi G HdqgOo NORTH ZZZZ HIGHWAY 123 MON. - SAT. 9:00 lo 6:00 GTORZ HOURS l be y T50 SLEEPING BAG CAMP STOVE SINGLE y HERITAGE Reg. Celeman j AMERICAN listed Colorful comfort, at a comfortablo price. Roofi cotton tent canvcu. Walls, 50 polyester50 100 spun polyester. Framer adjustable, aluminum. 9x12, sleeps 5, colorful, comfort and a comfortable price, all new colors. , 199.95 39.95 SL NO LAYAWAYS Reg. 64.95 495 7C...; |