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Show Lokasida Review North, Wednesday, May 11, 1983 flydntfs Tlk Ry SHIUIY KANCITIS tivities held in Roy during Elks National Youth Week. Review Cerreipendent ROY Censorship of cable television is the responsibility of individual citizens. They should not be prevented from exercising their right of free choice, according to a majority of students participating in a youth forum on Americas future sponsored by the Roy Elks. The 12 students, who attend Roy, Layton or Clearfield high schools, responded to questions on domestic and foreign policy from moderator Terry Wood of Channel 2 News during an hour-lon- g program at Roy High School. It was one of many ac While discussing censorship, Trino Carrera of Layton High said it is hypocritical to censor sex, but permit unlimited depiction of violent acts. Carrera said if social damage is the basis for censoring sexual scenes, the effects of watching people kill each other should also be considered. Paul White of Roy High represented the minority viewpoint when he supported legislative-regulatioof cable television. Studies show social degeneration results from pornography. s 14 i I' . panies, said Cook. Several students were concerned about cutbacks in government social programs. I think its abhorrent to cut social aid, said Jay Ashton of Roy High. A government is formed to take care of its people. Citi- Shawn Gunnarson of Roy High is concerned about people inflicting personal standards on others, but said resolution of the imcensorship issue seems since opinions appear possible to be equally divided. We must more clearly define the issue of artistic merit. Demand for a product is not adequate justification to provide it, concluded Gunnarson. Current U.S. economic trends worried the students, but they seemed optimistic about possible solutions. David Estes of Layton High agreed with several other students when he said, The federal budget deficit isnt necessarily bad. The government is also taking in a lot of money. The question is how far we should allow ourselves to go into debt. Mark Cook of Clearfield High believes the best way to revive the economy is through indirect government stimulation of the labor. If U.S. citizens are unemployed, there wont be a market for the products of these com Elementary School are (back, from left) Ramona Porter, president-elec- t; Shirley Romney, secretary; Cheryl Tarbet, president; (front, from left) Vilate McDonald, teacher vice president; Kristi Pederson, legislative vice president; Bowen Lewis, administrative vice Thli Burton Names Officers Burton Elementary School PTA has elected a new board for the 1983-8- 4 school year. Members of the executive board are: Cheryl Talbot, president; Kristie. Pederson, legislative vice president; Ramona Porter, presir Shirley Romey, secdent-elec- t; retary; Lorir Montgomery, treasurer; E. Bowen Lewis, ad- ministrative vice president; and Vilate McDonald, teacher vice president. Other members of the board are: Diane Weir, membership; IV HALF SOLES U Neolite type, reg. 13.95 Leather, reg. 13.95 I 0.09 Offer Expires I COO CHET TOYOTA PICKUP 79 CREV 11 O 79 11 COO JEEP BCCCE CXUI DCCGE AIRES 19 TOYOTA k77 TOYOTA SUF1U UFTBACN iztdyota COLA 12 m TERCEL 15 7S II RX7 p IHIfl StvulLe 77 Colors 65 Colors & Styles At 6 KITCHEN-N- B & 66 lr yd. L2U Styles $64, par yd. WALL COVERINGS Large Selection of Wall Coverings 18 12 lo CARPET At$7 77 WAX FLOORS O Manningto ARISTICON, te Of 33 Color GRASS OUTDOOR 30 DURACON, 100'j Of Other Kitchen & Bath No Wax Floors. Similarly Reduced Prices. OFF Many Patterns Below $10 Per Roll S. 1900 W.f ROY 0 Snncinlist in Carpet. Linoleum. Counter tons, Drapes. Wall Paper c3 TOYOTA a 79 COROLLA 11 FORD PICKUP 11 KAZDA 12 PITOT 628 CIO 79 TOYOTA CEUCA 79 FORD PICKUP 79 CKEY 72 KALIOU KUSTAKG 79 CKERCCEE 79 79 12 DODGE D50 74 12 DATSUN FORD 79 12 OLDS CUTLASS 260Z 76 11 TOYOTA TERCEL TOYOTA PICKUP 79 TOYOTA 10 CHEY 79 CHEY CAXARO 10 TOYOTA CEUCA COO COROLLA 79 TOYOTA CEUCA 7T TOYOTA 12 TOYOTA 71 77 11 79 10 TOYOTA TERCEL CHEY CAXARO 11 FORD KUSTANG 79 2300 So, Highway 91, Dountiful CATSUX TOYOTA FORD LTD IS VOLKSWAGEN AXC JEEP CJ7 TOYOTA 210 DCCGE COLT DOUSE 050 0GC6EW100 FIAT 77 77 78 FORD PICSP DCUGE ASPEN PLYXCUTH HORIZON 12 2CCSX CHEY KALIDU 295-348- 1 00 RAM- 10 KID CRACSER TOYOTA FORD PICKUP OLDS 88 TOYOTA PICKUP - 79 AIRES DATSUN 12 DODGE OXNI 12 12 12 12 79 DODGE OXNI 12 12 12 77 12 12 12 77 CRESSIDA 79 79 79 X19 FORD PINTO 12 12 12 12 74 ARIES 79 DATSUN 10 TOYOTA 77 DATSUN 12 DODGE OMNI 12 DODGE 12 DODGE 0210 PICKUP DODGE OXNI DOOGE ARIES PICKUP FORD MUSTANG 12 DODGE AIRES DODGE AIRES 12 DODGE ARIES DODGE ARIES 7B TOYOTA 79 78 DODGE WTOO 79 DODGE PICKUP DODGE 10 TOYOTA OODGE AIRES DODGE AIRES DODGE AIRES DODGE 050 11 DATSUN 10 DODGE OMNI 12 DODGE ARIES 11 PLYMOUTH 11 DATSUN OXNI 12 DODGE ARIES PLYMOUTH 12 DOOGE ARIES 12 DODGE AIRES 79 10 TOYOTA 12 TOYOTA DODGE VAN 11 OCOGE ARIES AIRES ARIES PLYMOUTH DOOGE ARIES OCOGE OXNI 11 a DCCGE OXRI USED-298-24- 51 DODGE ASPEN HORIZON 78 79 FORD COURIER 78 PLYMOUTH DATSUN PICKUP DCCGE ARIES DCCGE PICKUP 12 76 DODGE CHARGER CHALLENGER OCOGE OXHI DODGE CHARGER LIFTBCK PLYMOUTH VOLARE 12 79 12 12 12 DODGE DODGE 400 DODGE ARIES VOLARE 78100X31 VOLKSWAGEN 12 78 DODGE TERCEL 79 AXC JEEP CJ7 89 AXC JEEP DATSUN TOYOTA PICKUP 11 11 OELTA PICKUP 79 TOYOTA OLD 78 19 12 73 75 CEUCA 77 HOP 70 74 78 CELIA KG KSB FIAT PICKUP ACCORD PICKUP 11 TOYOTA 77 CEUCA GRACABA 76 TOYOTA CRESS1DA 77 FORD TOYOTA LICDY K3TQCXE 11 FORD FAIRXONT CHET K3NZA FORD JEEP 79 SAPORRO 10 TOYOTA E&HyS 1300213 79PLYOT KUSTAUG 19 d::ce 19 BUICK REGAL 'll mmlliiiM V TOYOTA CEUCA Approved by "All" Insurance Co. 773-900- FCCD VAN KJL2DA IN THE ENTIRE AREA No Boots This Offer May 14, 1983 COROLLA D3CGE4C9 AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT (Next to New Sleep Waterbeds) PICKUP 12 71 "NOW" the "LEADER" in 5317 12 DATSUK in INTERIORS ease? a ixeso 89 Sat., 25 LAYTON CARPET SALE HALF SOLES 11 ELLIOTT BERLIN 546-41- SPECIAL .. ttk's jj Virginia Parry, historian; Penney Wooley, public relations; Patty McRoberts, publicity artist; Janice Pyne, editor; Estelle Rigby, individual development; Nihla Judd, great books; Maren Everton, parent and family life. Lori Morgan, health; Diane Carter, safety; Corrine Barney, services ; Sandy Rollins, hospitality; Cindy Anderson, volunteers. The finance committee consists of Carla Caldwell, Shauna Morris and Judy 4 7GWPCJL president. KAYSVILLE an open house for Berlin in the school library,. Tuesday, May 17, from 2:45-p.m. The public is invited to honor this teacher. North Davis Junior High is at 835 South State in Clearfield. The administration and teachers of the school will host long-rang- overseas because of cheap Burton Students generally agreed that trade restrictions are not the answer to foreign competition in the marketplace. Kelly Stone of Roy High believes superior education and training e programs are the solution to successfully competing in the shift to high technology production techniques and jobs. There were differing views on American foreign policy. Jake Smith of Layton believes it is unreasonable for the United States to police the world, while others support this role for the United States. Students agreed the United States should maintain a strong defense, but Liz Pudlewski of Layton said what she defines as the United States offensive defense posture is merely a facesaving measure. Why do we need more arms? It just increases animosity among nations, she said. When the forum ended, Terry Wood complimented the students on their knowledge. Ive learned a lot too, he said. programs like tax incentives. He deplored the actions of U.S. companies who move factories at zens should not feel theyve CLEARFIELD Elliott Berlin, a teacher at North Davis Junior High for the last 27 years, is retiring from the teaching profession at the end of this school year. been pushed out in the cold. business community using TA, OFFICERS Educator Retiring 1TV, HfSOSHORfiiy People claim they have a right to view it. Nevertheless, we dont give minors the right to drink whenever they feel like it. Some regulation is necessary. SC SAPARRO 310 310 FORD PICKUP SUPRAC PICKUP |