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Show Ashley Valley water and sewer problems To the Editor, so that the public may know, My heart is heavy and my life saddened sad-dened because my political position, views, and involvement have led to a friendship chaos. I have compiled a letter to Lyle and Vanda McKeachnie bearing the signatures of persons who supported me in my views and urged that the matter be brought to public comment. None of the signatures are residents of Air Village Hills nor are those names being brought to public light. I'm sure that it will not suffice for the damage done to our friendship. I have been accused of sleeping in the City's Camp. I have been accused of being a patsy to Lyle McKeachnie. I have been accused of manipulating the A.V. Dist. towards the benefit of property holdings I have. I take no issue with any of these accusations. I would just like to clear the air a little j bit. Owen Speirs told me that he has I written a letter ot resignation to the A.V. Dist Board. This also adds to my sorrow, because Owen is a very honorable person and his judgement, integrity, and experience on the Board is very much needed. I was not voted back on the Board in the recent election, for which I am : greatly relieved! I had mentally and verbally stated my intent to resign and that I would not seek another term because of the many conflicts I was faced with. Owen Speirs and a few other honorable persons voiced their desires that I again place my name on the ballot. When I discovered that there were two additional names besides myself and Bob Turner on the ballot, I decided that at least the public would have a choice and that I would not be deserting my position. In a very short time, I also contacted approximately five other persons and requested that they take an active interest in the political decisions that face the A.V. Dist., and I requested them to place their names on the ballot. None of them did so, though one person told me he would. A position on that Board is thankless for the most part! !! ! Over the years we received much criticism and very little thanks! The obstacles that confronted us were monstrous in size and the tasks have at times seemed insurmountable. However, we did accomplish all that we could according to our understanding and the counsel and advice that we received. During my life, many times I have heard the statement, "We need to do something, even if it's wrong." I feel that we were confronted with that type of situation concerning many of the decisions we had to make. I extend personal commendation to all persons who have served or are now serving on that political board. Their intent and desires have all been honorable towards the development of water and sewer facilities to meet the needs of all the people of this valley. When those persons who were in the decision making positions of the Valley Wide Water System in 1961, decided to allow Vernal City to have complete control and ownership of the water system, they did make a great error! The results of that decision consequently con-sequently brought forth many terrible injustices to the people residing outside of Vernal City boundaries. The rights to that water system became a political club with which to whip the people outside of Vernal City into compliance with the City's desires and wishes. I could write another letter to great length reciting those instances, but let it suffice to say that the annexation dispute between the County and the City is a direct result of water policy missuse by Vernal City. It is not within our human make up to be subject to governing bodies over which we have no vote or input and that is where the people of A.V. Dist. found themselves in connection with the water system and Vernal City Policies. The A.V. Dist. members have voiced great hope that compatibility might Ik: reached with the persons who will be sitting on the next City Council Ad ministration. I personally "have great admiration for the persons of Jack A. Seitzand Karl Migliori. I hope that their decisions in regards to working out the differences between Vernal City and A.V. Dist., will join with that of Jack Stagg and Gene Anfinson. I hope that they will take into consideration the needs for all of the people of the valley and the need to be equal and just to all concerned and not just the position concerning Vernal City alone. If the eventual sewer system needs of this valley are worked out on an equitable basis without doing the same for the water system, another great and far reaching error will be committed against the people of this valley. The decisions that the A.V. Dist. have made and will be required to make, will have never ending and far reaching effects upon the people of this valley. I hope that they continue, as has been a practice in the past, to ask in opening prayer that the Spirit of Our Father in Heaven be present and influential in all of the decisions that they make. They need the valley residents support and they will continue to have mine. Sincerely, Gilmer A. Olivers 681 South 2500 West Vernal, Utah &4078 |