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Show WE JPtI Jri l"-" ' 'NS 'S if ,---ltoA-a..JyJ.-J....Jw,.,- rff 1 1Y1 Tl I'll ni rillHEH'flmiWM" 11 MiTl IllfTffirfTTlllMTl fTTIITITl fllllMI -1 AMJ&SIUDS fliJS gffilliieliiHtaiffi 1 ' " .1 ' ' ... ' mJ a , - - .. . i i . . "i tin j r i in 11 ' TCHENETTES AND BY THE WEEK OR wTH FROM $60 . TV., if IN ALL ROOMS, if i VILLE MOTEL. 800 ;h MAIN. VERNAL. EASE CALL 789 0301. tA N20ttS JjThx lease. 12 acres. mer ChiveiS 789-2343 w dispatch 789 4200 ' JulMtV ("Tooms for rent. rled and air condition-Contact condition-Contact Vernal Drug ' 21 East Main or phone t JyUttV RENT: SLEEPING OMBY WEEK OR WON- SINGLES OR DOUBLES -CUPANC Y . ASONABLE RATES. ii 7S9-9974 or SEE AT ,T MOUNTAIN MOTEL EAST HIGHWAY 40. Jyl2ttS OVS"70R RENT: No oking. Drinking or uiS Please. Phone H426. S27US. i rent. 3 bdrm. in Vernal. 54 to Schools, totally rtnc, no pets. $350 per nth. 7S9-1966. S27t(W ecna Rooms by month. W 7S9-12S6. 448 W. 3 So. Vernal. Ni5tip c,e home tor rent. No cefs m East Meadow ir Park. Call 789-3836. N15HS rent or lease, commer-fOildmg commer-fOildmg located at 550 Mjn St., 789-2518 or Ol8tfB je 3 bdrm mobile No Pets also 2 bdrm. i60 mobile home. J-3S25. N29ttG H RENT: 3 bedroom ,se. drapes, carpet. :je. dishwasher. Ksal. garage. NO PETS. SMOKING, possible op-p op-p to buy. Call tor appt. j-2752. N29 D13SC c Home Lots at Es-rt Es-rt Estates tor double je mobile home. l,i ac. xn spots, water, gar-s gar-s Mid. $75 per month, i 7894859. D6tl5 lobby at Esquire 2'ss Professional Plaza. j!i.i:s paid, carpeted jO.Call 789-4859. D6HE 'Sent: One large office at : jire Estates Protes-fval Protes-fval Plaza, all utilities c. carpeted. $250 per r. Call 789-4859 D6UE ? CE SPACE: 432 sq. ft.. "Omo., utilities and rectal paid. American 'ngs and Loan Building. MOW. D6-13A io bedroom furnished ir. no pets. 789-4155 rn, $225 plus $185 ocsrt. . D6-13E For Lease in Grand June" tion: Up to 2700 square 'eet ot warehouseshop space with office zoned commerciallight m-durstnal. m-durstnal. Excellent location. loca-tion. Phone 789 2430 after 6 p.m. Dl3ttR For Rent: 2 bdim. traileT-Partidlly traileT-Partidlly furnished; no pets, 6 month contract required Phone 789-3198 or 789 2159. D13US FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE-APPROXIMATELY SPACE-APPROXIMATELY 1700 SQ FT. AT THE SOUTH END OF THE BLM BUILDING, 170 SOUTH 500 EAST, NEW BUILDING AND PLENTY OF PARKING CONTACT CHUCK PREECE AT 789 3099. D13UP House tor rent in Maeser: 3 bedroom, 2 baths, tull basement. base-ment. 2 car garage, nice setting; $385 per month. First and last. Available January, 789 0806. D13-27Z 2 bdrm., duplex with utility room, love children but no pets; phone 789-3094 D13-20S Two bedroom home near schools. No pets, $100 deposit, 789-2258. D13$M For Rent: 2 bedroom unfurnished unfur-nished apt. Very deluxe Call 789 3756 eve. or 789 4022 days. No pets. D13$A Mobile home: 3 bedroom (14x76) unturnished. 5869 East 4000 South. Vernal. Call 789-4956, Dec. 15 after 8 a m. D13T Home in Jensen for rent; $200 per month. 789-2655 alter 6 p.m. D135V 14 x 74 Lancer mobile home Excellent condition. All kitchen appliances, washer & dryer, air conditioner, condi-tioner, skirting and covered front porch included See to appreciate. 789-2623. NltfH MUST SELL. 14 x 70. 2 bedroom. 2 bath; set up in Dinaland. $900 equity, assume $172 payments with good credit. 789-5729 - N8KB ji( Tenie Morris !) will be doing small j ill dog grooming, by appointment only, at the J I Ashley Valley ) Veterinary )) l c,inic (' 650 North 85 East Call 798-3022 j or 789-4687 ft Sun Country Realtors Q 33 East Main Street Vernal, Utah 84078 HOMES New 1200 sq. ft. rambler with well designed kitchen, 3 bedrooms, garage, and air 'conditioning. 'condi-tioning. Close lo Schools and shopping, priced in low 60's. GREAT BUY- MUST SELL well kept older home in city, perfect as a starter home or as a business location - ONLY $44,000. HOUSE WITH ACREAGE 4 bedroom house with 3 baths, fireplace, patio on lA acre with optional 2 acres available.Under $60,000. BUY ON CONTRACT - small cottage cot-tage on 23 acre. Only $23,000. PROPERTY .1. Choice city lots with water and sewer, close to schools -only four left. 2. y2 acre view lots only $7,500. 3- Country lot - owner will Jmance. pall 789-0779 during business hours, i EE WILCOX 789-4591 ! OUG MANGRUM 789-3566 BERT HAWS 789-6266 For Kent Qr Lease: 500 ft space, small business or remodel tor offices. Utilities furnished $265 mo. Call 789-0101 or evenings 789 2397. N22HE For Rent or Lease: 2.500 ft. of commercial business space, 975 West Highway 40. Call 789-0101 or evenings even-ings 789 2397. N22HE 5 building lots for sale located east ot the intersection intersec-tion 1500 So. 5th E $4,000 a lot. Call 789-5532! Basements are approved N29HP For Sale by owner: Beautiful 3 month old split level home, located in lovely Maeser subdivision, 3 bdrm., IV. bath, fireplace, garage, unfinished basement, base-ment, extra large lot $60,000. Must see to appreciate. ap-preciate. Call 789-4402 tor appointment. DJ3tfP 3 bedroom, fireplace, storage room under house; acre, all electric, $45,000. Call 789 4409 for appointment: see at 1433 East 1000 So. Vernal. D13HMC , For Sale by owner: 2 bdrm., 1 bath, home, fireplace, carpets, drapes, appliances. ap-pliances. Landscaped front yard, fully insulated basement base-ment ready to finish on corner cor-ner lot, 789-2711 after 5 p.m. D13J17S PRICED FOR QUICK SALE: Mountain land on Mosby Mountain Road Approximately Approx-imately 26 miles NW of Vernal. Ver-nal. Paved, open year round, power and telephone available. Elevation Eleva-tion 7.000 ft., good hunting area. Call Vernal 789 2191 or 789 6162. D13-27M 5 or 10 acres, owner will finance with 50 down and 12 interest. Year around accessability. Phone 789-2222 or 789 3476. D13ttB In Maeser, on 1 acre of fenced land, a nice 3 bedroom home with large garage and nice shade trees. $52,000, 789-5532. AgieitP Nice new homes, from $42,000. Close to town. Many nice floor plans to choose from, FHA approved. approv-ed. We will build on your lot or ours, Protlitt Construction Construc-tion General Contractors; 789 5532. Agl6tfP County building lot, sewer, water, power completed. Set trailer for now, build on house later. Also other County building lots available. Basements okay, Gilmer Chivers 789-2343, Radio Dispatch 789-4200 Ag23ttC Choice East front lot, paved street, city water, $5500. Cash 7891176 or 789 6563. S6tfH HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2900 sq. ft. rambler style with large windows and beautiful view, 4 bedrooms, corner fireplace, IV; baths, finished finish-ed basement, custom built kitchen, 107 x 160 ft. lot. Sprinkler system, curb and gutter, carport with large storage. Available for immediate im-mediate occupancy. 369 South State Roosevelt. Call Roosevelt 722-3335 or Heber City 1-654-4530. N8tfT Four building lots in Ashley. Oil road frontage. City . water & FmHaapproved. Restrictive covenants to protect yur investment. 2 miles from Vernal City Center. Ph. 789-4034 Owner. Apl9HK hOR LEASE: Indusinal Bldgs.. yard and offices, highway frontage, close in. See at 1100 East Highway, 40, Gilmer A. Chivers.' 789 2343. 025J1C FOR SALE 8.7 acres or 4.35 acres of excellent ex-cellent commercial property on Highway 40 West of Vernal, just across the highway from Sunset Drive-in Theatre. Bids must be submitted before December 24, 1979. For information infor-mation call Bishop Chad Orton at 789-3682 in the evenings. inwuvArwwwvvvvi ! BASIN REAL ESTATE ! PHONE 789-0686 j Authorized dealer for Precision ' j : ' Built Homes ' ) HOMES k 1. TRI-LEVEL IN CITY, 2 car garage, beautifully J ' landscaped, chain link fence, built-ins. Shows f pride of ownership. Low 60's. t k 2. OWNER WANTS TO MOVE TO CITY. 4 J ' bedrooms, brick home on l'i acres, reduced i below 70's. I 3. INVESTMENT HOME NEAR CITY, low 30's. f 4. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 bdrm. home on 3 I I acres in Naples. Low 50's. ( ) 5. 6 acre hillside view lot in deep creek. Founda- k tion started, well and power completed. " 6. Large duplex, in city, brick, 2 car garage. ( ) 7. Beautiful home for large family in prestige t k neighborhood. J BUSINESS AND RANCH PROPERTY J T 1. Successful business and buildings on 3 acres " ) of property. Call for details. ( ) 2. 64 acres farm land and pasture located in La,- g D point. $45,000 owner financed. 3. 200 acres beautiful land on Brush Creek. ( ) Owner financed. Contact for further informa- 1 D tion and showing. ' 4. Once in a lifetime opportunity to own your ( own business. Owner will finance existing t D nursery. . . 5. FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, gift shop, restaurant & fast food combination, ser- ( Dvice station. Owner will finance. j 6. 10 acre parcel with water rights in Lapoint. ) 7. 10 acre parcel in Dry Fork. ( k 8 10 acre parcels on Brush Creek, owner financ- a ed. J t 9. Good business with new home. Can make up to $70,000 in 6 mos. Go fishing the rest of the t k year- Larson Caldwell Fred Carroll j 789-0686 789-4716 j J Ann Larsen Roger Hacking j 789-6153 789-2375 j j One 1974, V2 Ton j) Ford Van ) Approx. 83,000 miles. (( 1 Truck may be examined at it V Moon Lake Shop area, 500 N. if Crescent Road, Roosevelt, Utah )j 1 SEND WRITTEN OFFERS TO () )) ROBERT JOHNSTON, ( )i STAFF ASS'T f( (( P.O. BOX 278, ) ROOSEVELT, UTAH 84066 I BEFORE DECEMBER 27TH (( Company Reserves Right to U JJ Reject Any and All Bids. If S LAUGH REAL ESTATE 789-1557 Anytlm 447 East Main We are continuously building new homes in Mountain Moun-tain View Addition. Right now we have two that are complete and one almost ready for occupancy. These are very nice stick built homes with the latest designs for comfort and efficiency. Call for an appointment, ap-pointment, we will be glad to show you anytime. Also we have some very nice used homes. The very unique and beautiful Payton home. Very conveniently convenient-ly located on 1st South and 1st West. Mrs. Payton is moving to Denver and wishes to sell her home as soon as possible. A nice three bedroom home in Maeser on 1 acre of land, large shade trees, big garden, with an excellent water well and pump. Also it has an additonal lot on the south which would be ideal for a new home. We have a 14x70 trailer home. Three bedrooms and two full baths, with some appliances. This is an excellent ex-cellent trailer home. Owners are moving and wish to sell at once. $100 includes trailer space and pasture rent. We have a very nice brick duplex on 4th North which would be ideal for a home and rental. New three bedroom home one car garage. Ready for occupancy. Call for details. 80 acres of farm land; ideally located on U.S. 44. It also has a good home with corrals and shade trees. 80 acres of farm and raw land. City water nearby. Just right for developing. Must see to appreciate the possibilities. A very nice 2 bedroom home with full basement, located on 2nd South and 3rd East. It has a high chain link fence on sides and back with a beautiful garden spot. Concrete driveway and paved parking lot in rear. Owners moving, priced right to sell. 27 acres of industrial land in the Naples area, also has a 6400 ft. building. Call for details. On week-ends call Jean Riddle at 789-2607 or Ga-wain Ga-wain Snow at 789-5481. - '":! , .- X 1 "V - :' ' '" f t hit.- W ii' Jean Riddle Bill Slaugh Bertie lorg 789-2607 789-1557 789-3875 GAWAIN SNOW WEEKENDS 789-5481 i" . ..ii .. i. i i. ii. ii i i ii ii i.i i.i.. .in i .1 ii i i m Heritage Realty Inc. t V T ' I American Savings Building f" " "V ' 134 W. Mnin ite 101 A PTf 789-6464 j -QQ CtACtA Use East door V 7 . Call 0-D,Dt in rear Anytime ' 30 s 1. Older home in city that has been remoagieti grooms, study, utility room, well, 2 storage sheds, established trees! $33,000. oVJLilJ 2. Older home in county, needs a handiman buyer, 3 bedrooms, large utility room, single garage, well, large pantry, established fenced yard. $37,000. 3. Only several years old, like new, 3 bedroom home, wood burning stove. $39,900. 40' s 1. New listing, 3 bedrooms, l1? baths, lot ot closet space, storage shed, wood deck, 1 acre. $49,950. 2. Older brick home in city, large front room, fenced yard, one car garage, 3 bedrooms. $45,000. - 3. Two year old home in city, new carpet inHvtsioojTv2 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom down, VA bath, partially finished basement, good location Smdlldlifc street. $49,300. 4. 3 bedroom rambler in the city, wood burning stove, range, ref. incl. $46,000. 5. Family home in Davis. 3 bdrm., unfinisrgQpjeJJit, range, refrigerator. $48,000. 50's 1. New home in country, 4 bedrooms, VA bath, full basement, carport and front porch. $58,500. 2. Cedar sided home in city, near all schools, across street from park, covered patio, double carport, car-port, storage room, well, all landscaped, 3 bedrooms, 13A bath, two walk in closets. $56,000. 3. New tri-level in city, in lovely subdivision, 1 bath, single car garage, built-ins, family room. $54,500. 4. New listing, 3 bedroom, 1V4 baths, fireplace, 2 acres. $51,500. 5. New listing. Lovely family home, 3 bedroom, l3 baths, fireplace, fenced yard, detached double garage. $55,950. 60s 1. Beautiful tri-level home in Maeser, family room, double car garage, 3 bedrooms, lVt bath, great location, landscaped, some built-ins. Reduced price to $60,500. 2. New listing. Split entry, Westland Park, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, double garage, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, large deck. $69,500. 70's 1. New home in Westland Park English tudor style, unfinished basement, family room, Bank appraised. ap-praised. 2. Beautiful home in Glines, 3 bedrooms, l'j bath, garage, brick, fireplace, unfinished basement. $79,500. 3. New brick home, approx. 1550 sq. ft., fireplace, good location, 13A baths, 3 bedrooms, wood deck. $74,000. 80's 1. Brick home at the end of a country lane. Double car garage, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, 70 finished basement, 1 acre. $85,500. Very, Very, Executive Homes 1. View, View, View, 20 acres and beautiful home. Call for details. 2. Very modern new home, loft, and all the extras. Call for details. Other Listings We have lots to sell in Westland Park, Air Village and Bastian subdivisions, industrial ppty. on the east side of town and business which shows very good profit. Please call for details on these listings. Vernal is going to Multiple Listing! Now, reaiTors who join will be able to show homes listed by all the other members. ; It's more important than ever to select a realtor who will give you the best serviceand ser-viceand that's HERITAGE we have the experience and we really care. ' fe2 tpA -LA ; N ' s ' RauniHigley. DennisHigley. Gerrie Buckalew. Mike McCabe 789-4283 789-4283 789-2573. 1 789-2753 in |