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Show Emphasis put on classroom management By Supt. Wayne Iteid "We hear you and we are making sK'cial efforts to involve you in the education of your children to help them Ix'come better citizens." This is the response of the Uintah School District and State Board of Education to parent concerns. Ranked as the number one problem of patrons the nation over regarding schools is "lack of classroom discipline." We agree that the reason any educator will lose his or her job lies mostly with the fact he or she cannot control a classroom full of children. Subject matter mastery is important; staff rapport is important; . grading is important; but it is classroom management which sits atop the pinacle of professional success. Under the direction of assistant superintendent Philip Ellis, workshops and programs are being offered for every new educator to the district in order for them to learn various methods of providing better educational environments. Other teachers and principals are also welcomed to these classes. Ellis, administrator for educational accountability, says that in many cases the environment is improved as students are motivated and establish better behavior in class. He indicates that discipline and moral-eth'cal values are closely related. The program condenses practical techniques toward better classroom management. Each school has new teachers and all teachers therefore become involved. In addition the school district now has a "demonstration teacher" by the name of Rosa Eaton who is available to go directly into the classes and provide assistance to any teacher having trouble. This program is proving very successful. The Uintah School District is attempting at-tempting to meet your concerns. |