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Show Applications being accepted for nursing Applications are now being accepted for the Practical Nursing Program of the Uintah Basin Area Vocational Center. They can be obtained in Roosevelt at the school or at the Vernal extension and should be mailed to Jean Smith, Director of Practical Nursing, UBAVC, Box 367, Roosevelt, Utah 84066. The next class will start June 2, 1980 and those accepted will be notified by April 15, 1980. The school will inform applicants of additional requirements. Practical nursing is a full time, full year program. The first quarter will consist of college classes and nursing classes are scheduled second, third and fourth quarters. The graduate successfully suc-cessfully passing state board exams is then a Licensed Practical Nurse. If a UBAVC graduate wishes to advance ad-vance into a second year registered nurse program, they will have completed com-pleted requirements necessary to apply to Weber State Advanced Placement Program. Anyone interested in more information informa-tion about the practical nursing program pro-gram can contact Jean Smith at the Vocational Center 722-4523. |