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Show SlfLTEfi 'lSFtt ' Fill PROBLEM i :. Establishment of Plant Will ' Mean Great Saving to ' Coeur d'Alene District. i r-'-M- 1 1 i'i .ii 1 1 ! ,v 'im-s! known to Ilself the liunk.-r Hill - Sullivan -o rn r-M ny refiains f 0:n making ;i 'l-Hnit'- aiinoiinrenicnt ir-ttriin ir-ttriin tl.e U.. ii : i . i : l r " tli.- smelter il is ircnarinjr to .-id t. hut it is learned from i al lien jttr.suin'-n to lie in '.-loo touch witlt I ue cniupn ny that it 1 prHrtirully assured iiflt it wit he lor. il'H at K..'1!oi;k. Cir-Uliistatires Cir-Uliistatires point, -d out in I t if last isrUO 1 ' "f this p.ip'-r dearly in'l h a t ' I llml this , would be the derision of the company, a n'l iuforma tion rereived atneo then greatly ' vr.tiMCtlH-ii!t this baiter, say tl. Wull.-we ' Miner. , , I has been known from the start that i t 10 (iii.Mtlon of ireichi rales uau tim rnint upon whirl) t lio derision as lo the location of the plant woul.l turn, ami ' fro n inforiria I ion received Ihis week It ippeatH that this question has nuriowed 1 Inwn lo file shipping rale m bullion to 'Mho refinery. Tiiu Hunker Hill tL- Sulll-lan Sulll-lan 1b contchdini for a rale that will i r.lam it on an cuual footins with other smelters of the west, and there is every reason lo believe that il will lie grant-d grant-d mirh a rale. With this accomplished : i it. is enav to see the tretnenrlons advan-tairo advan-tairo the plant will he lo the mines of I' hi- ilistrier. U will mean in effect that me coeur d'Alene lead minors will be 1 ..Lied the freight, rule on the present loner i ' i.aul to the smelters and at the same lime 'nave their ore treated at practically the rime, rate thev are payinir now. To the i H'nall jirodueer who now hauls his ore to the railroad il means that be can 1 i simply coiil hint, the haul a little further ind et returns on his oro minus the freight charges he liHs been accustomed , lo' pay Mlosethcr the possibilities of non-fits to he derived by the lead miners -,r i his district increase as the subject ..'is more i n vest i'4a t ed , Announcement is made that the .Niirtli-i .Niirtli-i con smeller, which Is Point: remodeled by. the Havs. will he really lor operation iboul the first of the year. A larixo ton e is employed on the work of rebuildins. i Hp, eapacilv of the. lead furnaces will lai-.dv utilized In Irealins Hie ores ?iyoi the I lercules and Tamarack & us- . i.r controlled hv Hie Hays, and it is , understood that the Pay interests are .lermtialinK for copper mines in the Cho-ivlah Cho-ivlah dislrict, which will supply ore for t t tie copper furnaces. i Boston Copper Quotations. l.osan Hrvan. members of I lie Xew 1 oik" and Hoston slock eNcbanues and I' I -Mvuao hoard" of trade. 1K South Wain erect, received the followins over llieir : 'i iate wires yesterday: . : BOSTON COl'I'lCK CLOSE. :, i Hid. Askeik :' im'rt I "TiTT-lbnu. -ni.ed'Vru'it" HuSj l-'ljb ; Advent lire ( j - 4 ' Allied; ;,' I Maska '"': Miiomah .'', I Mlouez '?,? , '.ine t'iV b': ri7.ona Coiumercial t'.e J I mills &- Superior i . II 'alumet f.- Arizona i . 'Hl.tmel ft Iccla f.:.S J . , !;rM b 'o.per Kanire :'S'"J i" i ii'v Vesl I -'i: ' , I . -ast Fhtlte I ' ;!Sn - .v.-::::::::::! H 11 -;,cene Cananel I -I" I "U j' Hancock I !jH Ifi l.-lvetiii I o" ! in liana I ;' - ' nspiration t'oiiner I " 't- L': sland Crcrlt. com ! 'l"1 4 I -referred I " : Isle Rovale ! " 1 lil -s I . Cerr Lake I S-V .'' rurciijiv J - i e's ' -ake Confer I ll2! le ! 1 n Salle I RM; ' ' ; Mi son Valley ' 1 X "k 1 Uassachusel is ! I"1?! 1" . hi-fiower I ' Mcvi!salt "'il Mohawk s3 . levari;! Co n.-ol ida t ed t".t Si-radian I'l I ln1.i 1, s'ipissinc; 1 'i"V Vortll Blllte I ::a ei'c n'ii t h r.a ke I 1 's' I 'm i ' "lithwa " 1 ' " lid Pnle.iv I e"a' 4 id Dominion I fl I F.7 : , i!., eola .'.I SI ! S5 "ond Creek I is I Ifi'i .' -Jiilm-v ! SS'il s I :;?v Consoll dated I ! ! 3'i . . -anta Fe 1 e1?1 I, i ;i,..., con I K : S't . : -haitlirk i "1 I -Ulterior Copper 271 r Superior ,t Hoslnn ! 2r,s ' ramirack ! S"'1',! f.B : r'Hriilv t 9i! 9i : ruoiitmnn j ss j; '. S. Smelt,, com I ri: 4 1 . Prefened ' .17 I 47Lj . "tall Anex I '.14! -1 ,h Consolidated I V:V 13 ."irtorla i '' ; .Viuona S i S-i . . A niverlne ! .-9" ; .Vvandmle I ir. I IF.1 '; 'outh Take I r.U' r. BOSTON I'l'Tin 1' H'PKR C,OSK. FhTh Ask-I. ' , TTv Slate lias i iiti j 31 - ,le I fia I ;i r ?or-.mia :.i i j . srs'on Klv I 2-: I I'ltte - London I tc, I 4:: 'a IV. Copper I lli ' pi liief Coiisolidaied I !H j 51 I Tonsolidated Arizona ! Pi I i4 1 2ou Cotu-er .Mines ! 1 :V l-:i I Sivl Oiilv ' 1 U-iH 1 i;;-i.t '.. ".Ke ft yine Bel! ! 1 7-lh 11, "irst Xat. Copper ; ,r, 7o!diield Consolidated ...,! 1 I "s toldtield Merger ! II 1 Ifi ' tl inta . . . .' ' :t 1 lot on ("oppe.- i j !4 ' :: ' , fnm'io Fxtension 1 1 e-K 1 7-l: , .1 Risr 1 , X.'r,(H; IHUlillas t it". 7t '"'! Copper . : I I" 17 I .e. o ! ' C; r va rl ! 7 "- St I'i.iifpnh 1 .!., -nto:iT ' Tot-. ' ' , 1 onsjnn , i-'.Nt iMi.-;oti 1 :. '-i i r.,r M.'t:i:s ' S ikon ".' " " 1 - l-:-s i i 'nrnHi;i ' .. S;V Tvf T'ia!i I'oiisolid.-it il Minir; 'oui t r.- biis .lorl.i ro.l ;i MunMr;!-.- , - UU-r T .".'I cnus a sii ir-1 II is i;i;a!lp 1 '-I '-I '.'n-;irr .MO"ki.iliii.rs oi' r.'.-or-i Nn- i'ii, .tcoonlini;' lo I-O-.tn P.r-;ui'y 1 :vc. |