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Show p Yi inn ?, fii 1 STOCK BROKERS 1 i We handle stocks for cash I i or on a 33 1-3 per cent H !: margin. i' Quick and efficient service. .1 Phone 967. Stock Ex. Elcij. prrriMtiiirTi in ii 1 1 inrirnraTTuTr'Tiiinfl i Wi'mirm Sickness forces sale best-paying best-paying 50-room lodging house in city; now clearing $300 per month; steam heat, hot and cold water, cheap rent; central cen-tral location; $2500 cash will handle; trial given to responsible respon-sible person. Address K-4 6, i Tribune. t i HKIGHESTER S PILLS TliK lIA!IONi tiSANl;, i T-'X J.q.Mm! A(t: T-onr ..B)r1.t for A S K.-A t :,.rl.ri.;crc .Diamond llrQ,,jA rC J "'. wllh mm K.II,,n.V 1 'VTul.. roofer. !lnr r jour V Ifz. tV iA2ir:o i:k.ni t-t'..i.-. iaa 5012 5V DR-JSGIS75 EVvafR5 A tryst with opportumtj r-Tribune r-Tribune Want Columns is, 1 . you want and your qualikatiw Wants will do the rest. HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS . about ROCHESTER MINES? A Bonmza .mine my b " of th early completion of the W-Tunnel W-Tunnel for it is MpteJ w m-ithc m-ithc two major lod of the omp. Stock listed and actively In" the New York Curb. , CompkU detailed r,pod ("' facts and analr-'m " 'as"t" free on request. Ask for No. 60 JONES & BAKER STOCK BROKKR' 29 So. La Salle Street, Cfci; Ph. Bsndolfh (010. Mlm'"' -e,v York rblliwlflpb la lltrmt primtt rUtt ., I EXCURSIONS I EAST AND WEST j I VIA - I Round Trip Faros from Salt Lake, Ot'tlt;", VnA- H Denver $22.50 St. Louis "jc.;: . Colorado .jprings 22.50 Chicago -0 1 Omaha 40.00 Memphis Z Kansas City 40.00 Minneapolis . On sale October November 120-2:1. Vrteufo l"' Good three months rel'.iniiiii,'. .. , s fr: i Stopovei-H. Diverse routes. Proportionately low m 1 S other points. a San Francisco and return direct I San Franciseo, return inn; via Los Angeles "411.1' I Circuit lour, Sau Franefsco, l.os Antreles. San DkS " , On sale daily until November W. Final liiiuMjj-- THE SCENIC LIMITED , s a A modern, all-steel train between San Fr.'HH'i si;0 j, sr.i I Louis, via the AVestern l'aeilie, Denver & '10 Ll1' Missouri 1'acilie. No extra fare. ... Citv ticket olTice, :t()l M;iin Si. Phone "'p A iiimmI m'i inniMini! im'I!,,,!! "mI--"'''''''' |