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Show BRITISH DELAY ON RECOGNITION IS EXPLAINED T.ONPON. Nov. !). GroAt Britain, Sir K.lwani Grey, tlio Mtvrmarv of shilo for i ore l jtti aflalrs. tol,l h- house nf mm- i mons this evening. nanmUlv wishe-l as , In other nuiuers. to consult her allies ;is lo the time an.1 nmnner of rei-oqiiizint; ! the present ilo faeto Kovernmoni in Me-teo. Me-teo. The procedure w liieh whs now beins followed, he said, had the npproal .it' the representatives of the allied powers at Washington, as well as of the liritish cmhassiidor. who was in consultation ih the clurse d'aifiiiies of Mexico. There was nothing to show, added t ho fore leu secretary, that delay in takins action w;ts injurious to tit itish interests n Mexico. |