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Show EXHIBITS ARE MADE FOR MANUFACTURERS Government 4 Will Teach American Exporters Needs of Other Markets. TVASin.WJTON', Nov. ?.-,Tra veMn& exhibits ex-hibits to dfmnrt'r to American manu-facturcrs manu-facturcrs c-or.ditinns in all Uie export markets mar-kets nf t't world are to be instituted by the bttreau of fore:?n and domestic com-mreQ com-mreQ in connection with itc effort to extend ex-tend the i"rtr!Lrii trade nf the United S'aTs. Thes" xhibi's, the bureau announced an-nounced Todny, wiil form parr, of a permanent per-manent dispa y of samples to be . maintained main-tained in New York. .ni'nunc:tic" th plan, he bureau issued the folk.vintr statement: The san-.pl exhibit will be s" ar-ranced ar-ranced and shown ag to make clear to interested merchants and manufae- ; turers the competitive conditions "whi.;;. rr.r.st be met in the trade in anv ar:;e in any foreign market. lleit ! -iHrtrs for the exhibit, which if to ' :x permanent institution. ha'e been plunncd at tiie hronch office of the bureau in New York and several hnndre.-j samples have already been assembled us a nuius. An exhibition exhibi-tion of c-vjion goods samples covering all of tiie markets of the world, a world-wide f-xhibit of sample shoes and an exhibit showing the t-pes nf hardware o"td in South America are the rornplte iins now boii'it: tn talk-i. Through its commercial attaches and other agents abroad the bnre'iu is cni-le-'f tng a. world -wdde ran?e of hard-ware hard-ware sampieK, wbioii will soon be com-plHtif com-plHtif ftnd placed" nn e-hibttion. Officials of the bureau rlan to make the exhibit a complete physical demonstration dem-onstration of fore en markets. Kach P3 mpe will be a ccom pa nied by a re-port re-port sh'jw-ine: the prices and competitive competi-tive conditions tinder which the article is soid. To make the.-o samples available 1 for American manufacturers a series ! of traveling- exhibits, in, cbaree of commercial e.xnoip's, will be arranged. ! Complete I i it-s of samples in various trades will be sent to the localities where the trade is crimed on in this count rv with a view to interesting the American manufacturers in Lhe export business. Through its foreign service ft he bureau expects to keep the exhibit ex-hibit complete and up to dale. |