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Show CHANCELLOR ENTERTAINED. Knights of Pythias of Ogden Give Reception Recep-tion to Their Chief. Special to The Tribune. OGDKN, Nov. 9. .More than 4un poisons poi-sons were present when ogden lodse No. '. Knights of Pythias, entertained at its hall, L';:.1 Grant avenue, loninht in honor j of lirig S. Young, supremo chancellor of the order. Those present not only in- j eluded vtsillng Knigitfts of Pythias from j Salt Pako and oilier cities, but executive I officers and delegations of members of; other fraternal organizations of Ogden. The programme was as follows: Music by an orchestra until S:.",a o'clock; address. S. D. Hideout, chancellor commander of Oeden lodgt? No. L'. K. of P.: Introductory address, Judk'o J. A. Howell; address, Hilg S. Youim; selection, Imperial male piartolto; reading. "War prides," .Mrs. KaKherlnc Hassett Pardoc; selection, Imperial Im-perial quartette. -Mr. Vouiik' departed n t 1 o'clock this morning for Poise, Idaho, nnd from there will continue ills inspection trip over the western domain of the order. |