Show two illinois banks are closed by his failure 5 the comptroller of currency a appointed national bank examiner D A foote receiver of the Spring Valley national bank of spring valley ufa upon advice received from cook that the bank had closed the comptroller has also appointed national bank examiner J MacS hoIt receiver of the first national bank of toluca ills upon advice from the vice president of the bank that it would not open tor business this morning and a request to have an examiner take charge the suspension of these banks Is due to the failure of C J devlan who was president of both ot them the capital of the spring valley national Nat lonal bank Is and of the first national of toluca petition in bankruptcy topeka kans july 5 just what amounts the devlan estate owes to two illinois banks that have been closed Is not known but it ls stated that they became involved in loaning money to build the toluca marquette northern railroad a small coal carrying road which mr devlan was constructing to his mining property in that state negotiations are on to sell this railroad property which la considered a valuable asset in banking and leading business circles here today everything is quiet A petition to declare C J devlin a bankrupt will be filed in the united states district court today on behalf of kansas city creditors the petition was filed upon behalf ox thomas john A long and the long brothers grocery company of kansas city mo the claims of the petitioning creditors aggregate about the effect of the action in bankruptcy will be to set aside the transfers of property whick have been mada by mr devlan recently except the transfers of ute insurance which was made payable to mrs devlan the transfer of real estate to the first national bank which was made by sir devlan monday following the closing of the be set aside as will also the attachment of devlan property made later at kansas city by the national bank of commerce AB the real estate mr devlan transferred to ans dij st national bank here on monday was valued at about the begun to dayon ahe part of the creditors will reduce he assets of the bank to just that ex ent topeka kans july 5 J T bradey receiver of the national aana said today that it would be about ten days before a statement of he condition ct the bank assets and liabilities could be made public he urther stated that did not think he stata be a preferred cred tor but would have to take its chances with other depositors in the settlement |