Show ki TAFT TALK HAS GOOD TIDINGS OF MATTERS IN philippines jt 5 says fort douglas it coming in for federal attention eager to sec cutoff from tuesdays standard v at yesterday afternoon over one hour behind tho original scheduled arriving time tho special train bearing secretary of war taft and party who are en route to tho philippines pulled info the union depot here and one halt hour later the train departed over the southern pacific tor the west the train was made up of a dynamo baggage car a dining car three pullmans and three special cars the train had no gooner landed than the members of the party began to stream out upon the platform glad to get an opportunity to walk in the open air for a few moments coincident with the members of the party alighting the members of the press scrambled on and it was only a short time until the big secretary of war was surrounded busily shaking the hands of a hungry crowd of newspaper men to all the secretary extended a cordial word and a pleasant smile and in a little while he was busy answering questions that were being burled at him from all corners of the private car which he occupied mr taft Is an easy talker and haa happy faculty of at once winning his way into the hearts of those with whom he converses his first words after being asked to supply the wants of the press by saying something was we have been out of the world for the past several days and are in a poor position to know anything new i he was then asked if he was to be the new head of the state department to this he replied i 1 I do not expect to be made secretary of state now the president has instructed me to go on and we are going great preparations have been made for this trip and we should not like to lose it he then described the journey saying that the parly would go on the steamer manchuria and return oh the corea uffing an army transport to visit the islands and st Sted that the party would return leaving hong kong on september ath he stated that the trip was for the purpose of looking into the transportation on the islands he said that there were now about of railroad on the islands and that the government would invite bids for the building of 1000 additional miles of railway lines and that it was through this method that it was hoped to open up the islands to development he said that the government would guarantee the bonds necessary to build the lines on a 4 per cent basis and in this way assist in the building of the road which however would be done by private concerns the best news from the islands said mr taft came to me just the other day and showed that the number of pupils inthe english schools had increased from to in less than seven months out of a possible youths of school age he was then asked it he thought that by the japanese winning the war with russia there would be an influx of japanese into this country that would force the government to take some action against that race similar to the exclusion act against the chinese you here in alie west aro more able to answer that question than we in the east our greatest tear in the east lies in the question as to whether or not china will boycott american made goods what effect do you think the presidents instructions will have upon the chinese question was asked that we hope said he will settle the matter so tar as the complaints from that quarter are concerned it was the chinese of influence and standing that took exception to their treatment it gives us a great hold in china to have their students and merchants come here the wallace matter Is a tiling of the past said the secretary but we were fortunate la having a man for the place and he was put in the position without delay of any the work he then dwelt at length upon the building of the panama canal he said that the party looked forward with pleasure at this opportunity to see the great ogden lucan cut oft and that they were all in good spirits and excellent health A number of congressmen were in the party and the purpose in getting them to go to the islands wag to let them see what we have down there he would not discuss politics but in reply to a question as to what would be done for fort douglas he said that chaffee had charge of that and that the allotments would be made next year he did not think that port douglas would be overlooked calling to mind the fact that ex senator kearns was the man who was after him so much to do something tor this fort and said that they must make the soldiers quarters comfortable A large number of had gathered at the depot to res the als visitor and for their benera the secretary stood at the door of alto car for a few moments boford the train pulled out he was applauded and as aho train pulled out he waved his hand in farewell to the gathering the train wai in charge of R 5 roble traveling passenger agent of the union pacific who was kept busy while tho party were in ogden in shaking hands with his many friends an incident that for a tide looked sensational was found in the ejection crom the special car immediately pro that occupied by mr tatt of a mancho had got into the car unknown to anyone he was not als severed until ateer tho train had start id and was taken off it was in motion he was promptly placed under arrest he gave his name is john lyons at the police station chere he was charged with drunken ices it is thought that tho fellow berely wandered into the train bardy knowing where ho was going alsa aleco roosevelt tile presidents laughter was also in the party on the and was tho cynosure of many yea during the short stop here |