Show CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR convention baltimore july 6 the formal opening of the Twenty second international christian endeavor convention tock place this afternoon in armory hall with about delegates present and nearly all of the seats in ino vast auditorium occupied in the absence ot president francis E dark who Is detained at home by illness alev howard B grosse of new york pr treasurer shaw ot the united society read a letter from president roosevelt in which the lat ter expressed regret at not being able to address the convention but sent greetings closing with the following words to make better citizens to lift up the standard of america manhood and womanhood is to do the greatest service to the country the stability of this government depends upon the in character ot its citizenship no more important work can be done important to the cause ot christianity as well as to our national life and greatness A brief memorial service for john hay was held governor warfield of maryland and mayor or Baltimore delivered addresses of welcome rev dilver hucke of baltimore welcomed the delegates W 0 atwood of baltimore chairman of the convention also welcomed omed the delegates and visitors at to nights session there were 22 in the armory an inter national nat fonal ceremony of praise was rendered under the carey bonner of london i the regular concourse chorus of 2 voices was by of the junior chorus malting a grand total of 2800 voices no announcement will be made here as to where the convention of 1907 will be held at an adjourned meeting of the board the matter was re frred back to tha executive committee with instructions to secure further information and report to a meeting of the full board which will be held at some time during the winter |